GASTJfIpr»S VTEW^ BOOKS AND •■ FRJSSH J\ SUPPLIES BY ss ARAWA. ! Dora's Gallery, 4'ss | Dore's Illustrated Family Bible, 25s Magazine of Art (Cassell), 20s Dante's Inferno, 7s 6d Australasian' History (Sir H. Parkes), 15s Australasian History (Wilkins), 4s An Englishman in Paris, 2 Tobi.,lßs Douglas Jerrold's Popular Tales, 5s The Ettriok Shepherd, 5s Mrs 8. C. Hall's Popular Tales, 5s Confessions of a Young Man, by B. Moore, 2s 6d Winter's Masterpieoe, 2s 6d Mistress Branch (Verne), 6s Beflections of a Married Man, 4s Seas and Lands (Sir E. Arnold), 2s 6d Three Men in a Boat, 3s 6d Don Orsmond (M. Crawford), 3s 6d Under Pressure (Tbeobold), 3s 6d Lady Silrerside's Bweetheart(Black)4s WILUA^E^ABTHBIW, BOOKSELLER STATIONER AND FANCY GOODS IMPORTER. EADE'S CORNER FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, FEILDING. CHIUSTMAB GREETINGS. In wishing ail A Happy and Comfortable Xmas, I would fjjajfil', attention to my large stock of Season's Goods : Brusßel Carpets, 3s 9d, ss, 6s Tapestry Carpets, Is lOd to 8s 9d Linolium, Bs.6d to 9s (2 yards wide\ Carpet Squares, from 8s 6d to £5 A large stock of Window Bliajs. Biggest Discount in Feilding, for Jl bb&y ,CaMß^iiAs" ANn a Hafp^t New alfbbjiFeade. HALT! EYES FRONT! WHAT'S THIS? HODREN again with another treat for Feildmg aid d.i*triots in the shape of Ginger Beer. Ginger Beer makes the boss Shandygaff . M Try Hodren's Qinper Beer; Pepti^sunt Cordial warranted never to go thick. Montserrat Lime Fruit Juice Cordial and raw. Aerated waters universally admired. Orangeade all the rage. Hodren's Sodawater should ,be in every house because in the case of a Bcald, or burn, if slowly poured on the wound will instantly remove all pain, and according ' to medical testimony hastens the final cure. The Standard beverages wijl never deteriorate but are subject to improvement without notice. Try Hodren'tt good old-fashioned Giuger Beer. Good stock of all drinks and syrups always ou hand ; extra : stock for the coming festive seaoon. W. HOPREN, Standakd Steam Woeks, Queen Street, Feilding. SPECIALTY IN SADDLERY. M. BKLFIT, SADDLER and HaRNESS-MA£ER, Manchester Street, FEILDING. JUST received, a large stosk of Saddles, Bridles, Spurs, riding aud bu^gy Whips ; also, a good assortment of English Hames. Brushes of all kinds kept in stock. Customers can rely upon all orders being executed to their entire satisfaction. Only the best materials used. Reasonable prices to suit the times. All kinds of Harness Liquids and Embrocations always on hind.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 1
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