THE BURSTING OF THE "BOOM" IN MARVELLOUS MELBOURNE. TERRIBLE DEPRESSION AND FEARFUL COLLAPSE OF TRADE. 4 S a result of the great depression now so universal in Melbourne, our Mr Jc^mos Smith, during his recent visit jOL to that city, was able to make some large purchases of New and Seasonable Drapery of all claetee, as well as an immense lot of Men's, Youths', and Boys' Superior Clothing at a mere fraction of their real value, Wf ehall i>ffer in these the most Wonderful Bargains ever heard of in New Zealand at a Gigantic Sale, which, in oonaequenoe of its origin, we term " The Erupted Boom Sale," commencing on Thursday, January 26th met., for three week* only, at TE AEO 3JQ.TJSE, WELITO^TQIT.,
[\Lu lbklnm * k •****", lm I I|F^ FeiL ma#c~ |ll [HAVE always on hand a choice selection of Gold and Silver Brooches, Gold and "ilver Bangles, ' Silver Match-boxes, Solitaires, Studs, Watches, Chains, Marble Clocks, &c, at prices never before offered in the district. \ new line of Onyx and Pearl Brooches, gold mounted, very neat. Gem Rings, for ladies. All work guaranteed. All Goods marked in plain figures. Note the address — JAMES SCOTT, (Ten years with Messrs Littlejohn and Sons, Wellington.) Opposite Gobbe & Darragh's new Store, Manchester Street. ESTABLISHLD 1874. (^. W. FOWLES, 7" Watchmaker, Jeweller & Optician. Always in stock WATCHES, CLOCKS A JEWELLERY Of all kinds. Spectacles to suit all sights ; also blue, green, London smoke, and goggles. Survey Instruments, Sewing Machines, and every kind of light machinery repaired. Dealer in Photographic Lenses, Cameras. Chemicals, dry plates, &c. Stereoscopic Shdet and Views for sale. Arms and Ammunition for sale Arms repaired. G. W. FOWLES. VIjPnHESTBB STREET. FKILDINO. GOVERNMENT LIFE INSURANCE ** DEPARTMENT. Established 1870, A. few of the leading features of this Department are — 1. STATE GUARANTEE.— Every policy is guaranteed by the State, an incalculable advantage which cannot be offered by any other office doing business in Australasia. 2. LOW PREMIUMS.— The premiums are lower than the participating rates of any other office doing | business in Austral; a. 3. LARGE BONUSES.— In spite of the low premiums, a cash surplus of £233,000 was declared at the last valuation (December. 1890), of which £soo,ooo was divided, and the 1 balance reserved. FUNDS AT PRESENT DATE « ARE APPROACHING TWO ] MILLION POUNDS. ANNUAL INCOME EXCEEDS ] £330.000. 1 I. H. RICHARDSON, I) Commlnt— tr~ 1 y ENG KEE sells, for cash,— Candied Lemon, 8d per lb Candied Orange, 8d per lb Houey Almond Toffey, 8d per lb Cocoanut Toffey, 8d per lb Almond Toffey, 8d per lb Brandy Balls, 4d per lb . Superior lollies, mixed, 6d per lb j Scotch lollies, mixed, 8d per lb \ Hudson's Chocolates, 1b Gd lb Almond Nuts, lOd per lb < Hazle Nuts. Gd per lb ( Pea Nuts, 3d per lb 1 1 Ceylon Tea, Is 9d per lb } CASH BUYER ! ! OK FUNGUS IN ANY QUANTITY At lfd per lb.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 1
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