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P. THOMSON, General Storekeeper, Plumber, & Tinsmith, ISUES to annoucce to his eustomprs and the public g-enprally. that ho has received his Ohiistmns consignment of Cutlory, Glassware aud Crockery. Aso a heuutiful l<>^ of M^tul Teapots ainl Cruets. Special line of Jam Jars, to be soid remarkahl} 1 cheap. Also Ironmongery, Dairy and Kitchen Utensils, Tinware (own make). Holluuare alw-ars on hand. Tanks, Spouting, and Piping, and all plumbing work executed at modetate prices. W. & J. Staples, BOOT AND SHOE M ANCF.vCTUBEhS. WELLINGTON. WELLINGTON BASKET & PERAMBULATOR FACTORY. HAVING obtained the services of some first-class workmen from Melbonrue, we are now manufacturing 4rt Furniture in rattan, bamboo and willow, consisting ot chairs, settees, tables, whatnots, flower stands, all of exquisite designs. The above goods are qui*e new iv New Zealand Furniture dealers and others would do well to secure a stock as a good selling lii c. I Estimates given for suites. Also, bassinettes, prams with new patent cementless, unbreakable wired rubber tyres, wheels cannot come off; far superior to any in the market ; irom 40s. Price lists on application. GURNKV BROS., Whf lesale Basket. Perambnlatur, and Art Furniture Manufacturers, 97, Willis Mret-t. Wr-pin-jt'in, a i'ow doors al»ov« Albert Hotel. EMPI RK ~TEA CCS SUPERIOR " BLENDED TEAS HAVE THE HIGHEST REPUTATION, AND COMMAND SLCCES>. Dragon 8/- per lb. Buffalo 2/4 per lb Houdah 3/- „ rmpire ... 2/2 „ Kangra Valley ... 2/10 „ Pure Ceylon, in Elephant 2/8 „ lead packets... 2/- „ Crescent 2/6 „ Mikad ° » W. & G. TURNBULL & CO., Proprietors, WELLINGTON. p:TLDII^IEUATEb"WATEII "EdW^"^l^rti7il'B COBDIAL MANUFACTORY, TEMPLE OF FASHION, At the Steam Works, Kimbolton Koap Gladstone Street. ~~~ My display of Styles WILLIAM SUMMEII? JUL and Noveltiea t, „ \ar+\ is of unusual Proprietor. Magnificence. Cooling Bevekages, * \"*^l T^ * have B P ared no Ginger Ale, / I \/ W effort to obtain the Soda-water, ' lJ fll v **y latest Lemonade *~ |1 productions from Orange Champagne, Vr\J. * — ' II C\\ X OV T S. T Hohkhound Champagne, \d&n - I \ Finest Ginger Wine, \ Ax tV CONTINENTAL Lime Juice, \/ j \W' MARKETS Fruit Cordials, i I y' Pine Apple Cordial. i\ My selection of [ \ Tweeds and Cloths Fine Malt Vinegar suitable for the j is much larger table and pickling, 2s per gallon \i . »n;l more in bulk ; 5/- per dozen bottled. vaned that hithertoFiltered spring water only used. Dress well and be JOHN GOULD, ffSsJLL-, Suet-el CLAIRVILLE HOUSE BAKERY, * -•■ "oo" this at TN tak:n g this o7poT.unit y of R MARTIN'S TAILORING 1 the Residents in and around Ft-ild- ESTABLISHIVIENT. inn for the very liberal and substantial - — support accorded to me during the six FFTT/DTNU jcars I have been in Business; I also x xjxajx/j.l^ vj avail myself of this opportunity to in« form theoj that owing to my ever-mcreas SflW 3110 PI 3111 11 £l inu BuMness I have found it necessary >**■*-** **■ ■*« • ■^^■■■■■o to erect a new and inure commodious Oren, and no expense has been spared MILLS. in fitting up with every convenience for making a first. class article, and that all orders entrusted to me will receive careful and prompt attention. - r^ T - r - k , -^ . -^,_-,, T Birthday and Picnic Parties supplied JOHN BARTHOLOMEW, with every Requisite. PROPRIETOR. Pastry and WeddingCakesmadetoorder. Fine and Decorticated Bread delivered ALL KINDS OF 1^& 1 &1£& o rf iT™ BUIUHNG TIMBER DRESSED AND UNDRESSED On and after Ist February J. Gould At following prices — will be prepared to supply best Bread per 100 feet at 6d the 41b loaf for strictly Cash on At Mills Feilding delivery Ordinary Buildiug... 7/0 8/!TnTl"rF ■-■-■"" White Pine 7/- 7/0 NOTICE. Totam 13/ . 13/(} THE PEIIBEBTON HOTEL. M % ressed Tiraber 2/ 8 /L ra . 9/ MR DICKSON having opened the |)UliE ROLLEII FLOUR, above hotel begs to remind the J^ travelling public that the hotel is replete Ag jr yOUR STOREKEEPERS, wilh all conveniences All best brands for of liquor in stock. Large file of papers MANAWATIT FTiOTIR ker.t — Home and foreign — including MAJNAVYAiU HIjKJVH, Wtllington Post, Weekly Herald, Police guaranteed of G.izette, Scraps, San Francisco Argo* FIRST-CLASS QUALITY. nnut and a dozen others. The largest and mosi assorted file this side of Wellington. pTrHrp r, R NANNESTAD & fl() SSl'.'S* 1 "*" 1 "*" EICHTE LmorZ North C °''
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 1
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686Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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