In Bankruptcy
John Robert Lever, of Manchester street, a baker, filed his petition in bunk ruptcy on Thursday. Following is the statement of assets und liabilities : — Assets — Stock -in- trade. £15 09 7d ; household furniture, £15 ; trade tools, £5. Liabilities — £108 (>s Id. Deficiency, £73 4s. Following is a list of creditors and the amounts due to them : —Auckland : F. Williams, £2 ; Palmerston : Kicliter, Nannestad & Co., £18 14s 2d ; C. Grubb, 8s 8d ; Wellington : Gi>o. Dutton. £1 ; G. H. Thornton, £4; N.Z. Mail, £2 6s; Christchurch : Brown & Son, £8; Aulsbrook & Co., £3 10* Id ; Feildiug: A. Eade, £1 lls 6d; WooLren & Nesbitt, £1 6s 3d ; J Bartholomew, £1 3s 9d ; Chamberlain Bros , £4 14s 6d ; W. Summers, £5 Us; J. C Thompson, L 2 18s ;J. C. Morey, £2 17 s ; Allen, £1 ; M. Keen. £1 os ; Brent. £1 8s : H. L. Sberwill, £37 12s; Feildmj; Borough Council, £1 13s 4d ; J. M. Higgin, 19s 3d ; Kirtou & Curtis, 5s ; Lena Kee. 6s 6d ; J. B. Hamilton 8s ; Wau^anui : Herald Company, 13s ; Blenheim : Scott & Co., Us Id. The first m»efin-i of creditors will be held in tbc Court Houston Friday next.
In Bankruptcy
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 2
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