PROPERTIES FOR SALE. ROSLYN’(Alongside Ross street Train).Roughcast Home, 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchenette and sun room, heat storage range, electric hot water; gloriohs position and a well-kept home. £1450TAINUX (a Few Doors from Tram).— Bungalow, 5 rooms and kitchenette, the conveniences are modern and new; 5 bedrooms, lounge, living room, and kitchenette; a nice section with northerly aspect, £1175. LOW DEPOSIT ACCEPTED. Neat Home, 4 rooms, north cud, near Gardens; all conveniences, porcelain bath, new Champion gas range; nice section, on tram line; see us argent! FALCON STREET, KOSLYNf (in the Sun, Alongside Tram).—4 Rooms, kitchen and conveniences; a well-built, well-kept home; a. good workable section; low price for quick MAORI HILL (Alongside Bus Route).— Bungalow, 4 rooms and kitchenette; all latest conveniences; good value. £llsO. UNIVERSITY RlSE.—Roughcast, Wellkept Home, 8 rooms, 2 floors, offices under one roof; all conveniences; nice section, with good view; house has a good slau roof; to be sold under cost. £IBSO. NEAR FORBURY CORNER (on Flat, Adjacent Tram).—Bungalow; 4 rooms and kitchenette- and conveniences. : £llsO < OR -offer,). - DEFINITE VALUE (Owner Transferred). —A good Poultry Run, houses 400 \ fowls; Semi-bungalow, / rooms, all conveniences, electric range, porcelain .bath and basin, wardrobe in each bedroom, washhouse, fuel copper; good section, warm northerly aspect, handy position, near hill tram. £950 TAMBLYN, RHODES, AND.. JUSTICE, AUCTIONEERS, REAL ESTATE) FINANCE, AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 114 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. ■ Phone 13-608 (14-683 evenings). N. AND E. S. PATERSON LTD, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, SHARE AND LAND BROKER^, PATERSON S BUILDINGS. 163 RATTRAY STREET. DEPOSIT-A SPECIAL BARGAIN, PLEASANTLY SITUATED ON RISE, iiiOU EASY WALKING TO POST OFFICE.—LoveIy environment and surrounded by cood homes, an exceptionally attractive Tiled-roofed Brick Bungalow (condition a» new) 5 bright spacious rooms, and kitchenette, excellent interior, fitted with every modern convenience, expensive slabs and clinker .brick fireplaces, fibrous ceilings, welU chosen art papers, fine entrance hall, and well served with cupboards and bins; high concrete foundations, plenty of underneath storage spaced wide freehold levehsection; suunv sheltered, and fine.outlook; concrete paths and yard; well fenced and fulUsixea S garage UNEQUALLED ON THE MARKET FOR VALUE EARLY POSSESSION 6 INSPECT AND YOU WILL DESIRE TO BECOME THE OWNER. AMAZINGLY CHEAP, £1,690. MAORI HILL (Bathed in Sunshine).—Stylish new Brick Bungalow, 4 good room* and full-sized sun room, attractive design, very pleasing interior, with every modern convenience; latest slabs, expensive papers, fibrous ceilings, model kitchenette, roomy bathroom: fine elevated, level section, wonderful view; tull-sxzed garage, concrete oaths and walls. WILL FINANCE BUYER ON £l4O DEPOSIT, KEYS AX OFFICE FOR URGENT SALE. SEE IT AND YOU WILL BUY. ■OUILDERS’ SPEC. —TAINUI; Good spec., block of 12 BuiMing Sections; |pkadid position, close school and tennis courts. THE LOT £1,200. £IOO DEPOSIT. JO OfWY DEPOSIT’.—CITY, JUST OFF ARTHUR STREET: Substantial 5-roomed JWcfU House, good appearance, all conveniences; garden and lovely view. Deceased estate, £3BO, or offer, AND IT’S CHEAP, KNOWLES. HUNTER. AND CO. L4ND AND ESTATE AGENTS. 394 PRINCES STREET. PHONE 18-941. £525 On Rise, City, North End.— Comfortable Home, 4 rooms and sun room, bathroom, ill conveniences; 4-acre freehold, garage. Spec. £950 Forbury Corner.—Attractive Semi-bunga-ow, 4 rooms and kitchenette; every latest ippointment, electric range; all in perfect infer; sunny freehold. Immediate vacant possession. Hurry. MORNINGTON. O "I AA Deposit.—New Brick Bungalow, M IUU.( rooms and kitchenette; every a test convenience, gas range, e. 1., h. and ; all under one roof. Price reduced to E 1,185 (balance 50« weekly) £475 Ravensbourne.—Good Home, 5 rooms and kitchenette, bathroom; electric range and hot water, washhouse, etc.; all in Srst-clasa order; one acre freehold. Bargain. £650 City Rise (Close Stafford street).—Good Home, 4 rooms and scullery; e. 1., li. and c. t bathroom, coal range and gas, washhouse; concrete paths, etc. Bates £B. Recommended. , MAORI SILL. Attractive bungalow home, 4 rooms, kitchenette, and lovely largo sun room; equipped with every possible convenience; perfect order; lovely sunny freehold. Vacant, Urgent sale; offer wanted. O (oaiance oua weeaiyi. WE HAVE A LARGE AND COMPREHENSIVE REGISTER OP PROPERTY POE SALE IN ALL SUBURBS. Evening Phones 22-223 and 24-240. J. W. H. CLARKE & . SON LTD. AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 441-3 Princes street. OH/? ST/* —MUSSELBURGH: LOVELY WOODEN BUNGALOW, with TILED o&iuDU ROOF, 5 splendid rooms and large kitchenette; garage; plastered I 9 TION.r4 "rooms and kitchenette; all modern conveniences, WONDERFUL BUYING, pi Q/\/\-tMUSSELBURGH SEMI-BUNGALOW, 5 rooms and.kitchenette; all owAuUv modern conveniences; room for garage. NEAR OFFER MIGHT BE CONSIDERED. £1385~ kAIN - SOUTH , r OAD ; .;.PAETICULARLY ATTRACTIVE -JUA IS* OUUin . T : . LOW. 4 rooms, kitchenette and sun room; everything of the latest .nd best. Large cellar' and workshop. Magnificent outlook. WELL WORTH THE MONEY. WE WILL BE DELIGHTED TO ARRANGE FOR YOUR INSPECTION OF ANY OF Wb Wlb l, jsc THE ABOVE OUTSTANDING PROPOSITIONS.
r. s. mckenzie limited. OFF to Christchurch! ■ Dunedin BUNGALOW, must bo sold or exchanged for Christchurch property; is two sections Cut, exclusive street; Tile-roof 5 BOOMS 'and Garage; large level section, nearly 4; fowlhouse; lovely garden; ..lawns; garage; sunny, .secluded; £min-to tram stop; spotlessly kept; owner occupier; £1,550. N.B. —Kates only £9 odd. Buyer- financed. (2886D)' jpQOer—BUNG ALOW,and over i-acre (S/OOil fertile land; sunny rise,-handy Musselburgh Rise tram; enamel coal-range; porcelain bath; 4- fine-sized rooms and largo sun porch; e.l. and h. and c.;Washhouse under main roof; concrete .paths; quick possession; terms. ,- (15387 A) r»-| K K/i|— CITY: BUNGALOW, sunny rise; 2min-from cable-tram; lOmin walk to our office; three bedrooms, lounge, dining room, extra nice kitchenette'(not small); enamelled range; lot cupboards; bins; level sectiondawns, flowers, shrubs; spotlessly kept; owner * occupier. Terms. WHO will Exchange a St. Hilda-South End Property for widow’s BUNGALOW. ou sunny rise,-2min Stuart ; street tram? Erected about 10 years: 4 rooms, kitchenette; garage; .valued £1,090 (big equity), AVill go more money. Would like to let room-or-two.- ‘ (2885 A) OlOKft —Close George street: 6 cSdLoOI/ ROOMS (brick), latest fireplaces, latest' papers, porcelain bath, enamelled range, e. 1., h. and n.; tidy freehold. Immediate possession. Buyer financed. ni RAA OP offer—MUSSELBDBGH Proper: Tile-roof BUNGALOW, six spacious rooms, all conveniences; freehold; owner-occupier transferring; terms. ' LOOK! POULTRY FARM and BUNGALOW (freehold); excellent sheds for 1,000 birds; £1,750; £7OO mortgage; owner will Exchange for any Business;, submit your proposition. Buyer financed./ • • (2843) No 10 ' DOWLING STREET. DUNEDIN. Tel. 11-675 (2 lines). Res., 10-056. - Day Phone 13-640. Box 351. Evening Phone 22-515. G. R. HENDERSON LAND AGENT, 236 'Princes street, corner Rattray and Princes streets (upstairs). /"t A VERSE AM TERMINUS.—Bungalow. 5 Xy rooms and kitchenette, modern conveniences; garage; all in good order; nice situation and view; freehold section; unbeatable value. £1,015 ST. KlLDA.—Bungalow, 5 rooms and kitchenette, in splendid condition; new gas range; freehold; 2 minute* from tram; £l,lOO, easy terms. £950. ON RISE; £950. NEAT Bungalow, four rooms and kitchenette, all conveniences; porcelain bath and basin; concrete paths; gas range and copper. £IOO deposit. £1,350. ANDERSON’S BAY. . £1,350. BUNGALOW, five rooms and kitchen; splendid family home, with great view and sheltered position; two minutes from tram. ■VOU . will most likely find the article X you wish to buy advertised in the small classified columns. Get the. habit of studying these columns—it will pay jcu.
ROBERT REED LIMITED CORNER DOWLING AND HIGH STREETS Private 13-167. “ Office, 13-770. iPO T K —Green Island, handy fail, sunny SbUttf situation: Charming Bungalow, 4 lovely rooms and kitchenette; gas copper, gas range; workshop, fowlhouses, etc. _ 1 fkiTV Deposit, 30s-.-Weekly,.—City .rise: »IVU Substantial .Home of 7 rooms, 2 self-contained flats with slight alteration; handy tram, easy walk to Princes street; price, £795. .. . • «'-g rw sr —Roslyn - (town' side): ■ Superior dbJLO t O Brick Bungalow, 5 rooms, kitchenette; good workshop;.nice.freehold. ■' r» ft Q pr—Mornington : Natty Wooden 3W«yOe> Bungalow, 4 rooms, kitchenette; good freehold; large workshop, npwe —Kensington: Compact Home, 4 JwO I O rooms and kitchenette, 2 tiled fireplaces; moderi; appointments; room for garage. , O “fl "d Q/\-Recently-built Brick Bungaat'XXOll low, 4 rooms, kitchenette; ' second section, south end. JS?I OQPk —Musselburgh: Brick Bunga-. o! j/X/wx/tl low, 4 rooms, kitchenette, and sun room; lounge (20 x 16), sun room takes two single beds; excellent freehold in nice garden. .. _ 014YKA —St. Hilda: Wooden BungaSbXUt)U low. 5 rooms, garage, large workshop, all in good order; absentee' owner; might consider reasonable offer. i?QKA —Ravensbourne: Solid Home, 4 <stnL>OU rooms and scullery; rooms of good size; electric light, hot and cold; i-acre treehold. OtftA —Mosgiel: Solid Home, 4 rooms, cWeJUvf all conveniences; fowihouses, sheds, etc.; j-acre freehold. HAGGITT, DUTHIB, AND CAMPBELL. £t KKA —City (close Grant and High ctXOoU streets): Bungalow, 5 rooms and kitchenette; splendid repair, well appointed ; level freehold ; good view-; VALU E HERE. n a OKA —Mornington: STYLISH BUNdt/X/SDU GALOW. 4 rooms, kitchenette, and sun porchright up to date in every detail; level freehold; owner transferred; Government mortgogo available. nnr-A —Close Boys’ High School: SubSiutlU stantlally-buiU HOME of 5 rooms, with every convenience; in good repair; almost i-acre freehold: sunny, sheltered position; VALUE HERE. Oil ro—City (close University and *IISU George street); DOIIBLEBRICK RESIDENCE of 5 rooms and kitchenette ; not one penny to spend anywhere; level freehold; garden: room for garage. THIS IS UNDOUBTEDLY OUTSTANDING VALUE. , , Oftirt- I Caversham (on the rise, close JbVJ i O tram): SEMI-BUNGALOW of 5 rooms and kitchenette; splendid condition; approximately i-acre freehold; wonderful view; kevs at our'office. 014 rh-STYLISH BRICK BUNGAofe/X’dtDU LOW of 5 rooms and kitchenette, built about 3 years, together with extra section. 40ft frontage; situated on slight rise, close beach ' and tram; GOOD VALUE. HAGGITT. DUTHIE, AND CAMPBELL, 2 Dowling street. Phone 10-237. Centennial ” malt beer is a Brewed and Carbonated Beverage. “ CENTENNIAL ” MALT BEER brings to the public a scientifically blended and processed, Malt Beer, which contains the very valuable Vitamin 81. Contains no Acids or Preservatives, and will keep for any length cf time. Procurable at L. and M. ALEXANDER. Madaggan street. Duuedin.
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Evening Star, Issue 23862, 17 April 1941, Page 2
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1,614Page 2 Advertisements Column 6 Evening Star, Issue 23862, 17 April 1941, Page 2
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