MADAME MODAIRE Modaire Corsetiere is coming on MONDAY TO ADVISE AND FIT YOU ... FREE! m'M l u r -i » She’ll give you perfect figure lines by fitting you with the perfect foundation—by Modaire . . t . NU-BACK, PRACTICAL FRONT, GOTHIC BRASSIERES Book early to make sure of an appointment! Phone 11-419 or call ! SURGICAL AND MATERNITY FITTINGS ALSO FREE! ARTHUR BARNETT LTD
hm -thanks w SAYS LOVELY YOUNG DEBUTANTE mmmm ■ /< &C^ ; ■=s Od , tub* of your f«v,dy for freshening U P 5^ 64.87.23 NZ AT > ,tbe r beginniug of the season, I wasn’t having half the good fun the other girls were. Then my elder sister gave mo some Icilma to use for my dull skin and in no time I had a glorious Icilma Complexion like hers. Since then I’ve had a simply marvellous time ■ • parties, theatres, flowers . . . and the nicest man (Mother says he is the most eligible, too !) Shows you what a lovely complexion can do—an Icilma complexion,, of course I” Beautify your skin with ICILMA VANISHING CREAM Np other vanishing cream'could make your complexion so radiantly lovely, because Icilma is lighter, smoother, softer than ordinary creams. Careful research and blending by beauty experts has made Icilma the perfect powder base—ydnd more! It is really beautifying and cannot fall to transform a dull complexion info a glowing thing of beauty, ICILMA FACE POWDER Perfect finishing touch .The soft, enchanting loveliness bf 'lcilma Powdelf, is a glamorous finish to your glowing Icilma'Complex--ion. . Icilma Is finer, smoother, more delicately clmg- i ing because it Is nine times sifted through'the sheerest silled 'Each of the five flattering shades Is perfectly sklrMnatchcd. ICILMA COLD CREAM Every night before you go to-bod fnassage e ittle kllma Cold Cream Into your tkin. Icilma's. rich nourishing oils are soothing and protective. ‘
Page 13 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 13
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