fit Conquers Middle-Age Fag J 5 m W & Sytut-A busy saleswoman finds new zest in Life HAT a grand ,thing it would be if every middle-aged person could drop into this woman’s busy shop ... see her there working tirelessly all day long, a smile for every customer I Nobody would dream she’s over 40, or that not so long ago, she was getting stodgy, threatened with "middle-age fag.” Then why so bright and cheery now ? Read her letter 1 “I am 46,” she -writes, “and was beginning to get awfully ‘stodgy.’ About a year ago, I started to take Eruschen on the advice of a friend. All the horrible weariness and tiredness after a long day in the shop have gone. I won’t say Eruschen took off stones and made me slim and girlish, because that would not be true, but all the objectionable so-called middle-age spread vanished, and I always feel so well and energetic.”—(Mrs.) S. You, too, can feel full of zest for Life! Start tipping a pinch of Eruschen into your tea, or into a glass of hot water, first thing every morning. Within one week, you’ll have vim and vigour that everyone will envy. The min- . eral salts in Eruschen Jjl (which include that itinnnill ■ vital element iodine) will bring new life to every organ iit your body. The liver, kidneys and intestines - awake to new activity. Poisons go. Sluggishness goes. Yon get that "Eruschen feeling” which has brought joy to millions.. Eruschen Salts Is obtainable at Chemists and Stares, price 2/3 per bottle. •/tv fh. Unit o,|. ~ Altar w 5 wpek. for , on 17 i ** «Uy dose ths
K* O- ‘ 's V V)JO ■«» s. € ®2S«niwc %«/ ** **•* &•: **&Z mir** aBB .■•v®W; s *■ ✓<, *♦<s. *■ . * "* > * «** * V < V s, n.*'j tt «4 e?*a & «, /l> & -s*> >r::: to %■ L*-" ft Afe>*C 9i low J£ DKK&S Extract from an unsolicited testimonial. •* Very many thanks for the bound hooks which I received here yesterday, and I was very pleased at th# excellent manner in which the work was done, which far surpassed my ex* pectations. i will send you the other volume as toon at the numbers are complete.*! THE LET OS 4 PERIODICALS ta which you subscribe and which you veh*. I VALUABLE PAPERS | MUSIC It costs surprislnjily little to proeonjo htfood MndtnM those book* and papers you value. Everythin! neat and tidy, easy ta handle, excellent appearance. Inquire at tha * Star * Manufacturing Dept., Stuart Street. REBIND OLD BOOKS . , i Get Prices from EVENING STAR MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT. STUART STREET.
Page 12 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 12
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