AMUSEMENTS. LAST TWO DAYS. ‘ THE VAMPIRE BAT” And ' STRANGE I.’ACES.’ (Both liecuiimieudeil h.y Censor for Adults.) STALLS Is. CIRCLE Is 6d. RESERVES Is 6d. Twice Daily: 2 and 8 p.u. Phone 13-273. Direction: Pullers' Theatre Corp. Ltd. A Home from Home in All Seasons. FRIDAY NEXT. TWO ADVENTURE THRILLERS. Your favourite Singing Cowboy. GENE GENE AUTRY AUTRY RIDE ’ RANGER, ‘ RIDE, gTRAND With SMILEY BURN EXTE, KAY HUGHES. MONTE BLUE. A Feast of Songs by Gene and Smiley. ‘On the Sunset Trail,’ ‘ Ride, Ranger, Ride,’_ ‘ Yellow Rose of Texas,’ ‘ Old Grey Mare,' ‘ When You and X Were Young, Maggie,’ ' Follow the Bugle,’ ‘ Song of the Pioneers,’ ‘ Going Down the Road,’ etc. NEW THRILLS—LIGHTNING SURPRISES . . . when Gene, ridea the iAdventure Trail with the bravest men in the world, “THE TEXAS RANGERS.’’ (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) Associate Feature; ■ FORGED PASSPORT ’ ‘ FORGED PASSPORT ’ ‘ FORGED PASSPORT ’ A Mighty Drama of Intrigue and International Espionage. (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) Box Plans at D.I.C. Theatre at 7.
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Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 6
Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 11
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