Majestic dance, to-night, EMBASSY SALON. Continuous Dancing, final Waltzing Competition. Supper. Prizes. 801 l up for a good night’s fun. Anderson’s Majestic Dance Band. Ladies, Is 6d; Gents, 2s. DON’T FORGET. RAVENSBOURNE TOWN HALL. TO- ' NIGHT, HOCKEY DANCE. Ladies Is 6d, Gents 2s. Bus to town after dance. Georgians Dance Band. ST. JOHN Ambulance Brigade Social Committee.—Weekly OM-time-Mod-ern Dance, St. John Hall, Saturday, June 24th, 8 p.m.; supper," prizes; Pat. Harbrow’s Trocadero Dance Baud. DANCE Musicians wanted for Next Saturday Night, 2 or 3 players; instruments played and terms.—Eso2, ‘Star.’ THE Popular Out of Town Dance.-r-Evcry Saturday night, East Taieri Hall, Main South road; continuous dancing; supper; bus from Mosgiel; ladies 1« 6d, gents DANCE, To-night, at 8, Wilson Hall; supper; ladies Is 6d, gents Is 6d. GRAND Carnival Dance, Portobello, Saturday, June 24th; N.Z.R. buses leave Queen s Gardens 7.15 p.m.; Royal Dance Band; supper.
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Evening Star, Issue 23298, 21 June 1939, Page 11
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