'The following arc tho results of the bowling mutches on ‘Saturday; DUNEDIN v. ST. CLAIR. (Dunedin names first.) Fraser, White, Hunter. Anderson 10. Passmore, Torrance, Fisher, Coxon 21: D. M'Kay, J. M'Kay, A. Morrison, Pettit 17, M'Laren, Booth, Peters, Harraway 21; Murdoch, Siecleberg, Williams. Mackio 30, Starr, M'Nnugliton, Bishop, Lanhum 23; Higgins. Naylor, Dtirie, Marshall IC, Robertson, Ball, Scrimageour, Willis 17; West. M’Millan. Gregory. Adams 11, Hamilton, Ritchie, Burns. Coombs 20; tv. Ogg, C. Campbell, Rodger, Bentley 10, Kensington, Davis. Wilson. Crawford 22. 'Totals: Dunedin I win. St. Clair a wins. DUNEDIN v, LEITH. (Dunedin names first.) Bean, Pattillo. Porteons. Nelson 2S, Barrowman, Hunter, Grimsdale. Knowles 20; Simpson. Cook, Cuff, Gardiner 26, Ross, Incrocci, Maekay, Miller 20; 1. Mllugli. Scurr, Frame, Malcolm 25, Scott, Ma egtiire, Morgan, O’Connell Hi; Falconer, tV. Smith. MVvae, A. Harraway It). Johnstone, Hogg, Sherrill. Mawliinney 24; James. Thorn. Lawson. 11. L. Smith 25. Page. Fraser. Burrows, Milos 11; J. Marlin. Rewcastle. Melville. Gibson 30. Drydcn, Newey. Paine. W. Johnston 12; J. Robertson. Rosovear. Sissons, Hogg 22, Sanderson. Barker. Holmes, Armstrong 16; Hoenan. M'Kiniay, Grant, K. Morrison 12. Bair. Wyso, Apptegarlli. Watson 34; Briggs, Whitehiw. Bcecroft, Easton 13. 'Turnbull. Moore. Ferguson. Rowley 32; Fountain, W. Robertson, Bardsley, M'Nanglit 14. Campbell, Clark, Paterson, Marshall 29: S. Smith. R. Gardiner. A. Martin. W. M'Hngh 17. Ponton, Applegarth, Keeley. Butterfield 27: Hodge, D. Gardiner. A. N. Smith, Nicojaon 11, Brown. Johnstone, Urcn. O’Kanc 22. Totals: Dunedin t> wins, Leith 6 wins. NORTH-EAST VALLEY v. ROSLYN. (Valley names first.) Btvig. Allan, M'Loan. Taylor 9, Canning, Robertson, W. J. M'Kay, Wilkinson 19; Mowbray. Perry, Pet tot*. Baxter 22. Nelson, Sinclair, Dickson. Campbell 23; Duncan, Fraser, Hilgendorf. Colbert 19, Johnson. L. Wood. Lawn. Mul.lenger 21; Gray. Harris. Geinmell. Hope 21. T. Barnett. Blackwood. Richards, MaeGillivrny 17: Seblonback. A. V. Thomson, Graham, Kirkwood 23. Walden, Barker, Morrison. Todd 20; Maxwell, Bruce. Brrmdcll. Dodd 45. Sharpe. Newman. Sunderland, Pliillipps 11. Totals; Roslyn 3 wins. Valley 3 wins, ROSLYN v. KAIKORAI. (Kaikorai mimes first.) Leslraugc, Lothian, Cubit!., Morrison 21, Rutherford. Dixon, S. 'Wood, Owen 18; Roberts, Kershaw, Clyde, Jackson 25, J. Clark. Crawford. Mathesou, Thomas 15: Baker, Nelanhcnly, Stoddart, MFadden 27, Bews, Gardner, Thomson. C. Anderson !9 Totals; Kaikorai 3 wins, Roslyn nil. ST.'CLAIR v. TAIXUI. (St, Clair names first.) GBlunders, Foster. Humphries. Howorlh 20, M‘Gregor, Fronde, ARNatty, MTmiis 10; Orlowski, White, Nicdlsou, Fustier 22, Patterson, Cowic, (line. Briton 16; Hartley, Price, Austin, O’Donnell 27, Wood, Titchener. Morris, Annison 9. Totals; St. Clair 3 wins, Tainni nil. ST. CLAIR v. WAIKOUALTI. (St. Clair names first.) Gray, Grieg, Clinch, Smith 10, Lang, GrilUlhs, Malloek, Madge 22; Ruben, Kilpatrick, Kcudcl, Uonil 13. Polls, Patterson, Aiteheson. Fell 26; Rowden, Rutherford, Henry, Chapman 23, Aleouk, Mari’, Stewart. Carson 20. Totals: St. Clair 1 win, Waikouaiti 2 vans. KAHUNA v. TAIEKI. (Kaitnna names Im-a.) J. Haig, Walker, Cartel, Davis 20, Cameron, Smeaton, Qtielcb, Coussiiis 11: Sisc. Leech, Swann, Adair 17, '.Thompson, Currie, Ewart, Burleigh 22: Williamson White, Milne, Smeaton 10, Oliver, M’Pheat,' Stevenson, Leith 25; Forrester, Hoddinott, Robertson, Smith 19, Johnston, Steven. Allan, Carswell 1.7; Radclilfc, Eau-bairn. J. Sanders, Scelyo 19, J. Oliver. M'Lnod, Gibson, J, Thomson 25. Adam, Knight, Smart. E. .1. Smith 14, Gordon. Bradley, Haigh, AV. B. Allan 24. Totals: Knilnna 2 wins,; Taieri 4 wins. KAHUNA v. MORN INGTON. (Kailnna names first.) Barron, M. C. Anderson, Kellan, Abel 29 Morrison, Ghent, Foley, Wood 9; Kilrov. Fisher, Crawford, Hill 20, Thomson, Turner, AValkcr. Brown 12; Tayloi, Nimino, Miller, Shepherd 12, Hamilton, Hook. Garsidc, Watson 27; Standage, Brewer, Anderson, Payne 14, Davidson, Bennett, Lowden, Ounninnham 22, M-Crorie. Justice. Napier. Wolistcr IF M'Donell, Boatwood. Ireland. Smith 22; Loekhead, M'Nanghlon. Patterson. H. Campbell 18. Liddell. Butler. M'Kenzie,. Periv 23: Lainbottrne, Duncan, Melville, T. Sanders 24, Whales, Bell, Macdonald, Wallace 16: H. W. Reid. Wootton, Carter,- Row 18. Walmsley. Paterson. Garsidc. Holgale 10; Robinson, Grieve. H, Henderson. Cormaek 10, Hodge, Mutimer. Nelson. Hardie 22. totals: Kaitnna 4 wins, Mornington 5 wins.
CAVERSHAM v. GREEN ISLAND. (Green Island names first. 1 R. Buchanan.. Smellie, Lindsay. Sloan 11, Deters, Wilson, KomeriJ. R, H. load 20; Watson, Neilson. W. A. Smclhc, M'Skimming 10. Tait, Trowern, Paine, R. J Todd 20: Purvis. Tajip, Thompson, Miller 215. Taylor, Forrester. Ball, Stubbs 21- Logic, Bulger. Buchanan, Marie 23, Miller, Scott, Sutherland. Loyland 18; Kusscll, Hcrbison. Winter, Dry den 10. Dowland. Hubbard, Ballard, Porteous -1 J Bulger, Taylor, Mehalski, Ray It), Aitchosdn. Ibbetson, M'Dongall. Mackay ],I. Totals; Green Island; 3 wins, Caversham, 3 wins.
CAVER SHAM v. KAIKORAI. (Kaikorai names first.) Eahev. Johnson. Clarke. Dcvereus 13, Campbell. Thomson, Wilkinson, Thomson 21- Sunderland. Thompson, Stewart, liudlay 13, M'Auiiffe, Gurr,_ Glanville, Love 21; Rcndek M'Coniiell. Keilor. Ultou 13, Duncan, Wellington. Edlin, Mitchell 21); Wilson, Ellis, Howard, J. N. IVi lson 18, Watson, Freeman, Crossan, Forster 10: Kollett, Spiers, Hope, Hanna 29, Yeoman, Cranston. Connell, Melville 14; Anderson, Annit, Morrison, M'Gregor 24, Muir, Haul), Anderson. Will 19. Totals; Kaikorai, 2 wins; Cavershain, 4 wins. BALM ACE WEN v. ST. HILDA. (Balmacewen names lirst.) Allan. Kiuastou, Harraway 29. Ravenwood, Wright. A. Wilson. Reardon, Belcher 13; Walker, Robb. Leslie. Bennie 21. Clarke. Pryde. Scott. B. Edwards 10; Mahony, Westfield, d. Adamson, GloVcr 24, Lowry, Lcnz, Kelleher, Hinton 13; Harrison, E. Allen, Finlayson, Watson 22. Macomish, Feiguson, M'Tainsli. P. Edwards 15; Ross, Fairmaid. A. Campbell. Telford 15, Blyth, Roach, -Summerell, Irvine 19: Swann, Roli'c. Robertson, Melville 30. Sherwood, Duncan, Wilson, Howland 10; loach. Grater, M'Arlhur. Morrison 25, Skuse, Clarke, Himbnrg. Buist 14; M'Donald. Horn. Avent, Thompson 20. Glould. Wakclin. Nickel, Stark 14; Forbes, Bnckland. Hindlc, Ferguson 15, M‘Ewen. Liddell, Spiers. Smith 27; E. Aclamso’ 1 Moodie. H. Wilson. Buchan 2(1. Mitchell. Pennington. Broeklehurst, Whitaker 10; Armit. M'Clclland, Omand, Nisbet 12. Grieg, Sheopwell, Gladding, O’Sullivan 27; Smith, Storer, G. Campbell. Macdonald 21, M'Carten, Norwood. Jacobsen. Harris 19. Totals; Balmacewen, 9 wins; St. Hilda, 3 wins. LOGAN PARK v. ANDERSON'S BAN. (Logan Park names first.) Coulter, Wallace. Moore. Crawford 21. Pony, Partridge, Gunn, Ledlie 17; Davidson, Looker. M'Lcnnan, Lee IS. Bonnet, Horrocks, Petrie, M'Kenzie 32; Williamson. Hill, Livingstone, Kskrick 18, Adams, Fricdlander. Clark, Ashton 10; Scott, King, Marelin. Hutchison 19, Oaten, Waddell. Cunningham, Gallagher IS; Blackwell. Buchanan. Ayres. Thompson 21. Gall, Renfree, Pearce, M'Jntosh 20: Marslin. Watson. Stark. Foster 31. M'Failauo. Ma.yston. Rosr-voar. Walker 14. Totals: Logan Park 5 wins, Anderson's Bay 1
WEST HARBOUR v. CALEDONIAN. (West Harbour names first.) ,1 M Hutton, Skinner, M'Govern, Portman 24, Harris, Swift. Fountain, ClariiFe 10; Colombns, Robertson. A. French. Page 23, Pearce, Walker, Paterson, Walton 10;- Grant,, Budge. Paterson. Veitch 14, Woottou, Sutherland, Jolly, Cavauagh 21; Thomson, Wills, Kay, Silver 23, Sheehan, Hamel, Scott, Hendry 13; Mpffatt, Venn, Donaldson, C. French 29. Clancey, Murie, Dey, Isaac 12; Waters, J, Connor, R. Hutton. W. Connor 13, Robb. Hawkins, Smyth, Abbott 15. Totals: West Harbour, four wins; Caledonian, two wins. TAINUI v. BRIGHTON. (Tainui names lirst.) Lunan, Young, Jakeway, Rennie 15, Voungman. Westward, Pett, Wilson 17; Kettle, Williams, M'Lean, A. M'Gregor 18, Wright, Murdoch, Kennedy, Caldwell 17; Campbell, Rtnnscy. Pearson. M'Faull 22, Miller. M'Coll, Smith, Blackwood 15. Totals: Tainui, two wins; Brighton, one win. UNOFFICIAL MATCHES. BALMACEWEN v. OTAGO. (Balmacewen' names lirst.) I. Kinaston, Inder, Jenkiiwou. Ritchie 19. Beath, Hast, Fames, M'Counell 20. TAINUI v. CAVERSHAM: (Tainui names first.) Auld, Todd, Robinson, M'Cullough 24, Xewson, Thorn, Johnston, Smyth IG. MORNTNGTON v. LOGAN PARK. (Morninglon names first.) Kirkland, Dodd, Knewstubb, Todd 12, M'Laughlin, Wilson, Cocking, Lough 19.' KAITUNA v. MORNINGTON. (Kaituna names first.) Fullarton, Sutlierland, Clyde, Campbell 31. Hornel, M'Leod, Collier, Taylor 9. LOGAN PARK v. LEITH. (Logan Park names first. ) Hogue. Hector. Lockwood. Wylie 9, Kay, Pickard, Mitchell, Watkins 20. _ A -gossip-writer complains that every time he goes to the Zoo it rains. Still, it was worse, for Noah; he had to put up with 40 days and 40 nights of it.
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Evening Star, Issue 22195, 25 November 1935, Page 17
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1,283BOWLING Evening Star, Issue 22195, 25 November 1935, Page 17
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