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ANNUAL EXHIBITION NO. 111.--THE WATER COLOURS A very gratifying feature of the annual exhibition of the Otago Art Society this year is that, as far as the water-colours are concerned, there is a definite improvement all round in a comparison with the pictures shown last year, and some of them would not discredit any gallery. An inspection of the. water colours should convince anyone with knowledge of the subject that a few of the exhibitors have revealed a true artistic sense, and may bo regarded as something more than mere painters, also that excellent promise is shown by a number of the younger exhibitors. Particularly pleasing is the fact that in nearly all the still-life work there is an improvement in technique. In tin's respect it is an important point that proficiency in technique in stilllife work will help greatly to overcome difficulties in outdoor subjects and to find a better general balance.
A pleasing feature of ‘Across the Hay, St. Heliers ’ is the broad outdoor atmosphere imparted by Ivy Perry. No attempt has been made to overdo the subject, which is treated in a natural way that conveys the charm of the scone.
Very clever draughtsmanship is shown in R. J. Waghorn’s ‘ Up For Overhaul,’ in which the boats are well drawn, and in which the sunlight and shadows give life to the subject, while the distant hillside is treated very happily. One matter for criticism is that the houses in the background are not as well placed as they might be. In M. B. Holloway's ‘ln a Shropshire Village,’ the cottages are typically English, and the subject is altogether well handled. ‘ In the High Alps ’ is a picture with some striking features, showing that W. Basil Honour knows how to get artistic and pleasing results with the colour medium. The effects produced in the scene are typical of a picture painted by Leslie Flint. ‘On the West Coast Rond,’ another work by Mr Honour, is a pleasing sketch, and the colour treatment is true to the subject. ‘ A York Bay Sunset ’ lias been given good treatment and broad effect by Esmond Atkinson, but the reason for the title is not too plain, for there is little in the scene to suggest the going down of the sun. ‘ Waimakariri Canyons ’ has been very cleverly handled by A. E. Wildley, there being the true water-colour effect. It is marked by good draughtsmanship and clean colouring. The picture would make a happy addition to any collection.
Tho painting of the flowers by D. K. Richmond in ‘ Anemones and Christmas Roses ’ shows a masterly touch, but it is difficult to understand why an artist who can paint so well should treat his back ground almost with contempt. Both for the simplicity of the subject and for tho effect produced, Lurretia Johnson has contributed an exceedingly pleasing little picture in ‘ The Hayrick.’
Dorothy Ashton pictures a pretty little scene in ‘ Angler’s Cottage, Rotorua,’ in which she has handled her colours very judiciously.
In ‘ Winstono’s Quarry, Three Kings,’ D. W. Young has played the beauty of sunlight to excellent effect. 1 Early Apples ’ is a difficult subject which Mrs D. V. Young lias conceived fairly well.
Clean colouring is displayed in ‘ Anemones,’ by Stanley Bankin, but a little more attention to detail would have given an improvement in the general effect.
‘ Capri Days ’ impresses one as a picture that would make a good illustration for a fairy story. Another fine still-life study is seen in Alice F. Whyte’s ‘ Boses.’ it is one of the best of this type in this section, tho colouring being effectively applied. The roses are lifelike, and everything harmonises.
A very happby conception of a New Zealand creek bed is offered by D. K. Richmond in his painting of a stream near Botoroa, Nelson. The same artist gives a particularly charming still-life study in ‘ Boses and Delphiniums,’ a picture in which the draughtsmanship is a strong feature. A very fine piece of work is contributed by A. Elizabeth Kelly in ‘La Pensee,’ who is deserving of congratulation on her artistic handling of tho medium. The draughtsmanship of the figure of the lady is excellent, and tho pose is well conceived. In the whole there is the touch of the artist.
D’Auvergne Boxall’s conception of the bridge at Suva is typical of tho place, and his work would be well suited to an advertising calendar. Good atmosphere and perspective are strong points of ‘ Morris Street, Tauranga.’ by Lucretia Johnson, who has contributed a faithful rendering of a simple subject.
Pleasing decorative treatment is given hv K. Arini Vano to ‘Christmas Time, Ran raid Gulf,’ the work being typical of tbo place. Tlie whole composition of ‘ Old Mill. Dungog, N.S.W.,’ stamps the work of Cedric Savage with tho hall mark oi quality. The relationship between the human figures and the mill building is happily conceived, and there is a true sense of proportion. Tho use of the colouring in tho various parts of the picture is well done.
(To be continued.)
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Evening Star, Issue 21260, 15 November 1932, Page 5
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842OTAGO ART SOCIETY Evening Star, Issue 21260, 15 November 1932, Page 5
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OTAGO ART SOCIETY Evening Star, Issue 21260, 15 November 1932, Page 5
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