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Cabinet will likely consider to-day the case of Brauman, sentenced to be hung for the murder of his wife. The decision will subsequently ■ have to bo confirmed. by the Executive Council, consequently no announcement is possible to-day.—Wellington correspondent. ■.
Admonitory information as to life in British South Africa comes to a Dunedin citizen from relatives who are in Bast London. “ The whole country is a picture of greenness this year such a contrast to the recent droughty year when there was not a blade of grass to .be seen on the veldt. Wo had much rain in the winter, and now we have heavy spring rams. Cousin Fairr will be asking what business is like in South Africa. Tell him it is bad—rvery bad—and likely tc remain so whilst we have the Nation-alist-Labour Government. Many wholesale houses are closing down; native trade has boon killed, the poor natives being so heavily taxed that they have little money to spend. Jews, mostly Russian, whom the Government en-. courages—anyone but British—have so cut into every line of business that only they can exist. I was speaking the other day to a man who has been for nearly forty years the produce buyer for one of the principal South African firms, and he told me that the manager has offered him a small pension to retire, as the firm is to close down, and probably the pension will not last long.”
Charged with being intoxicated while in -charge of a motor car on the Karangahapo road, William David Roberts, aged twenty-eight, a seaman, was fined £25, in default one month’s imprisonment, and on a charge of driving without a license he was fined £l. An order was made that no license was to be issued for twelve months. The magistrate (Mr Hunt) said it was difficult to know what to do in such cases. The magistracy was being called on to send these men to gaol, and now it had the support of the Supremo Court in following that course.—Auckland Press Association telegram. ‘ “ I consider that a boaid of medical and legal men should be set up to consider the advisability of ending the sufferings of those people who are such absolute physical and mental derelicts that their pains have to bo mitigated by the continued use of drugs,” said Dr H. J. T. Thacker, to a reporter. Commenting on the right to kill controversy, which has excited so much publicity in English and French newspapers, Dr Thackei went oh to say that though' that ■ view was advanced, it would be a long time before the public was educated up to it. The human' element was so great that the life of a sick person or .an imbecile was very dear, not only to the individual, but also to his relatives and friends. “However,” added Dr Thacker, “no individual should take the law into his own hands. The safety of the community must be upheld at all costs.” —Christchurch correspondent. ‘
The Buller district is still experiencing earthquakes. There was quite a prolonged shock at 1.15 p.m. on Saturday. The public now view them unconcernedly. On. Saturday night_ (says a Christchurch Press Association telegram) three motor cars _ which were parked by their owners in Gloucester street were damaged by someone who used a knife to slash the seats and the hoods. One car - was damaged to the extent of £32. In several other cars the radiators were filled with dirt. • Three purchases have been so far made from the fine art Exhibition now open, at the Early Settlers’ Hall—namely, ‘ A Quiet Foreshore ’ (oils), by Arch F. Nicholl; ‘ The Sheltered Porch, Broadway ’ (water colon?), by R, Wallwork; and ‘Early Morning, Wakatipu ’ (water, colour), by M, B. Holloway. Tt ;ia reasonable to, suppose that picture lovers twill buy freely from this exhibition for it abounds in works of ,quality and the catalogue prices are on a modest scale,; No work was done by waterside workers to-day on the steamer Lawbeath > at■ Port Chalmers. An early start_ on the unloading of the vessel is anticipated, however, as Captain M'Fadyen is npw"in Wellington to discuss the position with, the owner’s re-, presents ti’VSS/.
,A chimney fire in City road, Roslyn, was attended to by the brigade’ at 6.55 last evening. , , , . That the public -of Diinodin has rapidly ’ become ; “ air-minded ” has been strikingly, illustrated by the keen interest evinced in the, flights of Captain Bolt during the past few weeks. A large number, of people enjoyed spins in tlie qir, and there is no doubt that the prespneo of the Avro-Avian ■ at Greon Island greatly accentuated interest in thq Otago Aero Club and its activities. Captain . Bolt brought his visit to a close yesterday afternoon, leaving about 3 o’clock for the north. His first stop was to be. Sockburn. : On Saturday last a man calling himself John Davis, on a charge of bejng idle and disorderly, was ordered to come up for sentence -if called upon within six months. The accused had told the bench that he would be re-em-ployed at the Longburn freezing works., Police inquiries revealed that there was a. petition at the works for John Davis, but the accused had used another man’s name, his real name being. S. Davis, The accused was arrested by the police and sentenced this morning to .a month’s imprisonment on the previous charge.—-Palmerston North Press Association telegram. The noise of a violent explosion reverberated through the city this morning 1 during the Armistice Day silence (says a Christchurch. Press Association telegram). It originated from the Royal Exchange buildings in the Square, where demolition work was proceeding. . Plying stones and junks of concrete broke fifteen panes of glass in the rear of the Public Trust Office nearby. The foreman explains that a heavy charge , had been inserted, in a big block of concrete that had been found hard to shift. No one was hurt. “We can’t boost, ourselves as the ‘ world’s best ’ to Californians, because they have so much beauty and grandeur, in their own country,” said Miss Bathie Stuart, addressing the Advertising Club in Wellington. “We can only stimulate interest by creating a keen competitive feeling. Moreover, there is an interesting similarity between Californians and New Zealanders —pioneers blazed the trail in both countries, and both have a colourful and romantic background; they with their Indians and Spaniai’ds, we with our Maoris. Talking about climates, of course, you know that according to statistics, New Zealand has the world’s lowest death rate. I always made a point of this in ray talks before the clubs,, and at the conclusion of one gathering a local resident, anxious to uphold the climatic prestige of his native State, that really California 'should have had that distinction, except 'for the fact that so many people from the other States came to. California to die. Many strange questions were asked me in the course of my. tour. For instance, one elderly lady wanted to know about the habits of the zebras, because she thought that New Zealand was their natural habitat. .Then there was another who was curious to know the correct diet for a marmoset monkey. Another American from a small town told me that she was very interested to hear about New Zealand. She had relatives there, but had never been able to find the place on the map.”
Your eyes are Nature’s most precious gift. Take care of them. Consult W. V Sturmcr. optician, 2 Octagon, Dunedin.— fAdvt.] For highest quality Diamond Rings, reliable Watches, and Optical Service, Peter Dick, the most reliable jewellers and 'opticians.—[Advt.]
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Evening Star, Issue 20329, 11 November 1929, Page 10
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1,263Untitled Evening Star, Issue 20329, 11 November 1929, Page 10
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Untitled Evening Star, Issue 20329, 11 November 1929, Page 10
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