—To-morrow.— St. Clair: 0.49 a.m., 1.16 p.m. Taiaroj, Head: 0.59 a.m., 1.26 p.m. Port Chalmers: 1.39 a.m., 2.6 p.m. Dunedin : 2.9 a.m.,-2.36 p.m. THE SUN. Sets to-day 4.31 p.m.. rises to-mor-rov 7.12 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON.
WEATHER RERORT. The dominion meteorologist (J)r E. Kidson) supplied tlie following at U
Wind.—o. culm;, I. lijj'.u air, 2, slight breeze; 3. gentle breeze; 4, moderate breeze; .>, Ircfeh breeze; G, strong breeze: 7 , bifib wind; 8, gale; <l, strang gale; 10. whole gale; 11, storm: 13, Ourricane. Weather,— R, blue sky: be, bine shy and detached clouds: c, cloudy; o, overcast,; g. gloomy, dull; u. ugly, threatening; r. continuous or slcodv rain; t., snow; d, drizzle; p, passing showers; it, bail: <(, squally; I, lightning; I. thunder, 1, log; ni mist;, z, haze. FoiIKCAbT. The dominion meteorologist (Dr E. Kidbon) supplied the following at noou to-day;—The indications are lor moderate to strong winds, to strong to gale at times; the weather will probably prove squally and changeable, rain probable; still mild temperatures; barometer unsteady; tides moderate, sea rough off shore. SAILED. —June 4. Benbolm, s.s. (3.25 p.m.), 5,.1TU tons, R. H. Lennie, for Westport. Progress, s.s. (7.40 p.m.), 353 tons, Hay, for Port Waikato via ports. Breeze, s.s. (9.20 p.m.), 542 tons, O’Neill, for Wanganui vm ports. Kaimanawa, s.s. (11.00 p.m.). 2,116 tons. Fish, for Auckland via ports. Yesterday afternoon the steamer Benbolm left port for Westport to replenish her bunkers. She then goes to Canada to load for the United Kingdom._ The Progress sailed last evening Port Waikato via polls. Another departure hist evening was the Breeze for Wanganui via ports. For Auckland via ports the Kaimanawa left shortly before midnight last night. The Wairnna was to sail this altornoon tor Bind and New Plymouth to finish discharging her cargo from Pacific Coast ports. Due here on Friday Irovn Auckland via ports the AA'aiiiiata will discharge general cargo, and "then go to Bluff to complete. The Ivahika was to leave Gisborne today for Wellington and Dunedin, and slm is to load out here_ on Monday lor Nanicr and Gisborne via ports. At noon to-morrow the steamer Karetn is to leave for Timnm. Lyttelton. and Bluff to complete discharge of her Australian cargo. From Westport via ports the Kaiapoi is- duo here to-morrow to unload coal. On Friday the Wingatui is to leave Auckland for Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin., When the steamer Lawheath lias replenished her hunkers at A) estport this week she will go to Makatea Island to load phosphates for New Zealand. THE FERRY SERVICE. The Maheno. from arrived at Lyttelton at 7.45 a.m. to-day. and passengers and mails connected witli the south express. HORORATA LEAVES HOME. Cabled news has been received by the New Zealand Shipping Company that the Hororata left London on Friday with general cargo to discharge at Auckland. AVellington, Port Chalmers, and Now Plymouth. The vessel is due at Auckland on July 8. KAIKORAI AVITH COAL. With a cargo of coal for the railways the Union Company’s steamer Kaikorai was due at Port Chalmers early this afternoon. MANUKA’S NEXT TRIP. At 10 a.m. to-day the Union Company’s intercolonial passenger steamer Manuka was scheduled to leave Melbourne for Bluff, Dunedin. Lyttelton, and AA’ellington. She is due here cn Juno 11, and is to sail the following day for the north. CORINTHIC RADIOS. The National Mortgage advises that a radio message has been received from the steamer Corinthic stating that the vessel has been delayed by heavy weather and will now roach Wellington on Friday next from Southampton. AV IRE LESS FROM A* ALA Cl A. Messrs J. W. Swift and Co. advise that the steamer A'alacia lias sent a wireless message to the effect timtshe expects to reach Lyttelton on Friday morning from London direct. She will unload part cargo there and will then come to Dunedin to continue discharging. being due here about June 11. Her other discharging ports are Bluff’ and Timaru. NARBADA LEAVES CARDIFF. Cabled news has been received by the Union Company that the Narbada loft Cardiff on May 30 for Colombo, whore she is due on June 23. The vessel then proceeds to Calcutta, where she will take the July-August loading tor New Zealand. She is to com pi Re at Penang, Singapore,, and Sc.marang tor Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Tiniaru, Dunedin, and Bluff.
SUSSEX AVITH EASTERN CARGO. The Union Company reports that the steamer Sussex, from Eastern ports, is now to leave AVellington at noon tomoirow for Lyttelton and Dunedin, where she will discharge the rest of her merchandise. She is expected here about Sunday. PERSONAL. A private cable message received in AA’ellington slates that Mr F. Neill, late third engineer of the Shaw, Savill and Albion liner Tamaroa, had passed his examinations at Liverpool lor the Board of Trade’s first-class engineer’s certificate. Mr Neill, who served his apprenticeship with Messrs William Cable and Co., Ltd., Wellington, is a son of Mr J. Neill, foreman turner in Cable’s foundry. Advice has been received that Caplain J. Harrison, master iff the steamer Breckaheck. has sustained serious injuries in Sydney through lulling from the gangway to the wharf. He was removed to tho hospital, ami the chief clficer has taken command of Cue vessel 'The Brockabeck arrived at Auckland on April 15 after a prolonged voyage from the River Plate of fifty-mno days. MA KURA'S PASSEN FERS. The following passengers arrived at Wellington on Monday la-,t by lire Makura from San Francisco. For AVellington : First class—Bass, Air E.; Bay less, Mr and Mrs 15.; Bayless, Master B.; Bayless, Mrs (■>■; Clabburn. Mr AAV I Holt, Mr J.; Sullivan, Messrs H. and Rfi AVortley, Mr S.: Pierson, Mr F.; Crooke, Miss 11 F. ; Grieves. Dr A.: second class—Baker, Miss AT; Gill, Miss A. R.; Tvinvan, Airs F. Al.; Mallueson, Dr T.; APClosky, Aliss M.; •Unions. Air S ; Estall. Al aster E ; Knowles, Air C ; Lange. Air and Airs C.; and nine third class. For Sydney: First class —Burnham, Ma-or and Alls; Burnham, Aliss AL, Burnham, Air and Airs; Marlow, Mr H.; Neil, Air N.; Norris. All’ F. ; Porter, Air C. ; Roberts, Afi.s; Wilcox. Aliss B. R.: Adams, Mr J. ; Bindoff. Air TT.: Browlie, Mr AV. ; Cox, Airs S.; Crunia, Air L.: Franklin. Air R.; Hvde, Air A)’.; King. Air ami Airs G.; Shoppe, Air A.; Smith, Air S. : Strong, Sir Archibald : AA’hiteinan. Air AA - ; second class— Alyward. Airs E ; Armanini. Air and Airs E,; Alcrz. .Messrs A. and C.; Montez, MBIf.; Rudrick, Aliss F.; Stevenson, Mr J ; Bawden. Air IT; Colon, Mr> R.; Dillon. Alr .J.; Gonzales. Air P.; Voysey, Air A. : and seven third class. TRANSPACIFIC CARGO SERVICE. Movements of Hie vessels engaged in the transpacific cargo service are supplied ,by the Union -Company ns follow-. , , ■ . AiWmaia ' left A aiii.ouver on Alas- J 9, San Francisco on May 31, and Los Angelos on June 3 for Auckland, AA’ellington, Alclboiirnc, and Sydney. Due Auckland June 28. Tahiti leaves San Francisco on Juno 12 (or Papeete, Rarotonga, Wellington, and Svdnev. Due Wellington July 1. Waihcnio leaves Vancouver on Alay 25, San Francisco on Junc 5, and Los Angeles on June 10 for Napier. Lyttelton. Dunedin. Bluff, and New Plymouth. Due Napier July 5. Niagara leaves Vancouver on June 2G for Honolulu. Suva, Auckland, ami Sydney.' line Auckland July J 5. Alr.nngamii leaves San Francisco on July 10 for Papeete, Rarotonga. Wellington, and Svdnev. line Wellington J ul* 29. Hanraki leaves A'anconvcr on June 26, San Francisco on July 11, and Los Angeles on July 15 for Auckland, AA'cllingtou, Melbourne. Adelaide, and Sydney. Due Auckland August 5. AA’aiotapu loaves A’anconvcr on June 30, San Franci-co on July .16, and Los Angeles on July 20, for Alelbourne and Svdnev, Makura leaves A'ancuuvcr on July 21 for Honolulu, Suva. Auckland, and Sydney. Duo Auckland August 12.
AVairuna leaves A’anconvcr on July 16, San Francisco on August I, and Los Angeles on .August 5 for Papeete, Napier, Lyttelton, Diincdm, .Nelson, and New Plymouth. Due Napier September 1. 'Tahiti leaves San . Francisco on August 7 for Papeete, Rarotonga. Wellington, and Svdnev. Due AVellington August 26. AA’aikawa leaves A'aneuuver on August 10 and San Francisco on August 31, Los Angeles on September 3 for Auckland, AATdlington, Melbourne, ami Sydney. Duo Auckland September 28. Aorangi loaves Vancouver on August 21 for Honolulu. Suva. Auckland, and Svdnev, Due Auckland on September S. Maunganui leaves Snu Francisco on September 4 for Papeete, Rarotonga. AVellington. and Sydney. Due Auckland September 23. AA’nitcmata loaves Vancouver on September 5. San Francisco on September 26, and Los Angeles on September 30 for Auckland, AVellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. Due Auckland Uetobei 25. Waihcnio leaves A’anconvcr on September 1, San Francisco on September 17, and Los Angeles on September 21, for Napier. Lyttelton, Dunedin, and New Plvmoulh. Due Napier on October 16. Mnurakt leaves A'anconvcr on September 29. San Francisco on October 16. and Los Angeles on October 20 for Auckland. AA’ellingtou, Melbourne. Adelaide, and Sydney. Due Auckland on Novo, .her 1(1. AVaiotapn leaves Vancouver on October 10. San Francisco on October 27, and Los Angeles on October 31 for Papeete, Melbourne, and Sydney. VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. Tho following vessels are expected to be within range of the undermentioned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland. —Brunswick, Canadian Britisher, H.M.S. Diomede, H.M.S. Dunedin. Hauraki, -■ Niagara, Plume, Port Nicholson, Ruapehu, Sierra, Surrey, Wniotapn. AA’aikawa, Waipalii. Chatham Islands.—Rotorua, Karamen, Devon, Port Victor. Wellington.—Arahura, N’gaio, Maheno. Maori, Tamahine. Aorangi, Sussex'. Makura, Otokia, Gold Shell, Taranaki, Pooita, Corinthic, Matakann, Piako, Remuera. Benbolm. Lawheath.
Awariui.—Tahiti, Karetu, _ Baron Mac-lay, Aelybryn, Wairnna, Kaikorai,
SHIEEIXG TELEGRAMS. % AUCKLAND, June 4.—Arrived: Maimoa (11.30 ), from Liverpool ; Marama (7-15 p.m.), from Sydney.Sailed: Niagara (1.10 p.m.), for Vancouver.—June s—Sailed: H.M.S. Dunedin (10 a.m.), for Norfolk. Island. WELLINGTON, Juno 4.—Sailed: Calm (4.20 p.m.), for Wanganui; Gaifi (•j p.m.), Tor Lyttelton; Putiki (<> p.m.). for Napier; Totara (6.'23 p.m./, \ for New Plymouth: Maheno (B.los' p.m.), and Waipiata, for Lvt- :' to.lton; Opilii, for Grcymouith. J June o—Arrived: Titoki a.m.), I'runi Wanganui; Maori (7.30: a.m.), from Lyttelton: Nikau (7.30 ' a.m.). from Motucka ; Ngaio (8 a.m.), i lioin Nelson. j LYTTELTON. June 4—Sailed: J Patera (5.15 p.m.), for Nelson; Maori, j (b.'JO (, for Wellington.—June ."* 4 —Arrived: Maheno (7.45 a.m.), and f Gale (1 a.m.), and Waipiata (1 a.m.l, ■? Irom Wellington; Taranaki (8.40 a.m.), • irorn Timarii. Sailed: Aclybryn (7.10 a.m.). for Port Chalmers;' Cold Shell (9.-'SO a.m.), lor Wellington. TJMARU. June s.—Arrived: Progress (SL3O a.m.), KaimanaTva (10 a.m.). and Breeze (10.10 a.m.), from Dur.edin. SUVA. June 4.—Arrived: Tofun, from Apia.
(I 1 or continuation see Lato Shipping.),’
Sew moon June 8 3.26 a.m. Fii>t quarter June M 4.44 p.m. Full moon June 22 3.45 p.m. Last quarter June 30 3.24 p.m. Set to-day 2.52 ii.m ., ri: 5e.s to -morrcw I. 5.3-3 a.m.
a.m to-day ;— Weirtun—X.X.W. Bar. 3Q.24 Ther 53 . w. 0 Greyinonth—X. r> 30.1!) 59 M R Christ’eh—X.W. ] 29.97 52 oc. Timani—X.W. 29.86 50 BCJ Ormani — W. -i 29.89 50 B Dunedin —X.W. ... I 29.90 57 BC Queenstown — X.W. 2 29.86 50 c; Nuggets — X. 2 29.87 50 O Bluff—X.W. .1 29.80 55 B F
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Evening Star, Issue 20193, 5 June 1929, Page 1
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1,836SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 20193, 5 June 1929, Page 1
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