Between November 6, 1927, and March 4, 1928, the summer-time hours necessitate the adding of one hour to the times given in the tables below. HIGH WATER. —To-morrow.— St. Clair; 11.41 a.m., p.m. Taiaroa Head: 11.51 a.m., p.m. Tort Chalmers: 0.9 a.m., 0.31 p.m. Dunedin; 0.39 a.m., 1.1 p.m. THE SUN. Sets to-day, 7.57 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, 4.13 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON.
Set to-day, 2.49 p.m.; rises to-mor-vow, 1.46 a.m. WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied tho following at
Wind.—l., light; b, breeze; fb, fresh breeze; m g, moderate; g, whole or heavy gale; tv, gale ol exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue sky, he the atmosphere dear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; (>, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; O, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; h, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatened appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast.
The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Hates) supplied the following at noon to-day:—The indications are for moderate southerly winds, freshening alter about twenty hours; the weather appears likely to he cloudy and unsettled, Avith scattered showers; barometer unsteady; tides moderate, sea moderate, increasing Jater. VESSELS EXPECTED AT DUNEDIN. —Coastal.— Orei.i, In’cargill, Pt. Craig, Dee. 21). Kamo, Bluff, Dee. 20. ■ Waipahi, Auckland, Lytt., Dec. 20. Breeze, Wanganui, ports. Dee. 20, Kaitangata, Westport, ports, Dee. 21 Opihi, Westport, Well., Dec. 21. Storm, Wang, via ports, Doe. 22. Gale, Wanganui via ports, Dee. 29. Waipiata, Auek. via ports, Dec. 29. Holmdale, Wang., Well., Dec. 30. Calm, Wanganui, Dec. 31. Progress, P. Waikato, pts., Jan. 7. ■—lntercolonial and Overseas.— Manuka, Mclb. via purls, Dec. 20. Waikouaiti, Syd. via Bluff, Dec. 2U Alahia, 'Well., Lytt., Dee. 20. City of Lyons, Well., Lytt., Dee. 21. Rimutaka, Well, direct, Dec. 21. ’ West Oalera, Well., Lvt't., Dec. 22 Gisla, Well., Lytt., Dee. 21. Canadian Seigneur, Timam, Dee. 25. Tymeric, Bunbury via ports, Dee. 28. Karetu, Newcastle, Syd., Deo. 29. • Cumberland, Well., Lytt., Dec. 30. Hororata, Well., Tiinaru, Jan. 3. Port Denison, Auek., Bluff, Jau. 3. City of Winchester, Well., Jan. 4. Huntingdon, Well., Lytt., Jau. 16. PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. Makura loft Wellington December 6 for San Francisco via Rarotonga and Papeete; duo San Francisco December 23. Tahiti left San Francisco November 30 for Wellington and Sydney via Papeete and, Rarotonga; duo Wellington December 19. Aorangi leaves Auckland December 20 for Vancouver via Suva and Honolulu ; due Vancouver January 6. Niagara left Vancouver December 14 for Auckland and Sydney via Honolulu and Suva; duo Auckland January 2. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Gale, Wang, via ports, to-day, Holmdale, Wang, via ports, to-day. Corinna, New Ply., ports, to-day. Progicss, P. Waikato, pis., to-day. Breeze, Wang, via ports, Dec. 20. Kamo, Auckland via ports. Dec. 20. Manuka, Melh. via BUnT, Dec. 20. Mahia, London via Punta Arenas, Dec. 21. City of Lyons, Hobart, Launceston, Dec. 22. _ Waikouaiti, Sydney, ports. Doc. 22, Storm, Wang, via ports, Dec. 22. Kaitangata, Bluff. Dec. 22. West Calcra, N. Ply. direct, Dec. 24 Gisla, Mclb., Sydney, Dec. 28. Canadian Seigneur, Well., Dec. 29 Waipiata, Auckland, ports, Dec. 30. Calm. Wang, via ports, Dec. 31. K a rein, Sydney via ports, Dec. 31. Cumberland, Bluff, Jan. 3,
Athonie, Picton direct, Jan. 4. City of Winchester, London, Jan. 6. Port Denison, Lytt., Wang., Jan. 6. Oiqti. Invercargill. P. Craig, Jan. 7. Jfoiorala, Well., Napier, Jan. 9. A HR IVKl). —December 17. Ilulmdale, s.s. (7 p.m.), (381. tons, Williams, Irom Wanganui and Wellington. December 18. Corinna, s.s. (12.3(1 p.m.), 1,319 tons, Lowe, from New Plymouth and Wellington. Eiogress, s.s, (6.20 p.m.), 353 tons, Hay, 'from Port Waikato via ports. The. Holmdale arrived on Saturday night from Wanganui ami Wellington after a passage ol over three days. Dirty weather was run into, and the vessel had to shelter at Okain’s Bay (Banks Peninsula’) for nvei twentyfour hours. Tlie Holmdale is to sad to-night for Wellington and Wanganui via the usual ports. Tho Corinna arrived from New Plymouth and Wellington shortly alter noon yesterday. On the passage doivn she was delayed by the bad weather. The vessel is to sail to-night for Nelson and New Plymouth via ports. The Progress, which arrived last evening from P.ort Waikato via ports, is to sail to-night for Titnaru, Lyttelton, New Plymouth, and Port Waikato. The Gale is timed to sail to-night for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Breeze is due 1.0-morrow morning from Bluff to load and sail the same day for Timaru, Lyttelton, ’Wellington, and Wanganui. Tho, Kamo is to leave Bluff to-night for Dunedin, where she is due to-raor-low morning to load for Lyttelton. Wellington, Napier, and Auckland. Tho Waipahi is now to leave Lyttelton on Wednesday for Dunedin. The Opihi avus expected to leave W ellington to-day for Dunedin Avith transhipments ex the Tahiti horn ’Frisco. Th? Kaitangata is to leave Wellington to-niorroAV for Dunedin and Bluff. The steamer Surat was expected to arrive at Auckland to-day with a cargo of sugar from Peru.
The Waipiata is to sail from Auckland ol Saturday for Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Oamaru, and Dunedin. With a cargo of sulphur for discharge at Auckland, the steamer Nile departed from Galveston last Monday. She is expected at the northern port about January 14. Mr Chandler, chief engineer of the Holmdale, Avho has been ashore on sick leave, will join the vessel again on hei trip' north to-night, and Mr Murdoch will resume his position as second engineer. Mr J. Flaherty, who has been acting as second engineer, will remain on the vessel to relieve Mr F. Abernethy (third engineer), who will come ashore on holiday leave. CANADIAN PROSPECTOR AT COLON. An arrival at Colon on Monday was tho steamer Canadian Prospector, on her Avay from Halifax to New Zealand ports. She is due to arrive at Auckland about January 8. ARAWA LEAVES LIVERPOOL. According to a cable message received the liner Arawa left Liverpool on Tuesday afternoon Avith passengers and cargo to land at Auckland and cargo for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. The ship is duo at Auckland on January 20 WAIRUNA LEFT ’FRISCO, With timber, case oil, and general cargo, the Union Company steamer Wairuna sailed, from San Francisco on Monday (according to cabled advice). She is expected to arrive at Auckland about January 6. HERTFORD COMING. On her Avay from Liverpool to Auckland and other New Zealand ports, the Federal steamer Hertford arrived at Colon on Monday last. She is expected ab Auckland about January 4. CARGO FROM LONDON. The C. and D. Line advises that the P.ort Adelaide is to sail from London on February 1 with general cargo to discharge at 'Wellington, Auckland, and New Plymouth. The vessel is due at Wellington on April 10.. She is to be followed by the Port Fremantle, which will sail from London on March 14 for New Zealand ports. KAIKOURA LIGHT OUT. The Marino Department advises receipt of a telegram which states that the light at Kaikoura is reported to bo out. 'WAIKOUAITI FROM SYDNEY. With general cargo from Sydney, the Union Company’s cargo vessel Waikouaiti Avas expected at Bluff to-day. She was to sail again this afternoon for Dunedin, thence Lyttelton, Timaru, and Sydney. THE CANADIAN HIGHLANDER. With Canadian cargo, tho Canadian Government Line steamer Canadian Highlander is to leave Halifax on January 25 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Tiinaru, and Dunedin. Tho vessel is due at Auckland about March 10, and at Dunedin about a fortnight later. MATATUA TO LOAD. The Sluaav, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Matatua is scheduled t) load general cargo and sail from London on December 21 for Dunedin, Timaru, and Lyttelton. She is due hero about January 30. ATHENIC’S LOADING. The S.S. and A. Line steamer Atlienic, now unloading Home cargo at Port Chalmers, is to leave there on January 4 for Picton and other northern ports to load for Southampton and London via She is to sail finally from New Zealand on January 27. MANUKA'S PASSENGERS. The Union Company advises that the Manuka, from Melbourne, is to leave Lyttelton to-night for Dunedin. Sho is due here to-morrow to land passengers ami discharge general cargo, and is to sail the same day for Bluff and Melbourne. The folloAving is the vessel’s imvard passenger list:—For Dunedin; Mr Bennett, Mr Curtis, Miss Flelt, Mr and Mrs Gray, Miss Hay, Mr Marsh, Misses Manley (2), Mrs Moss, Miss Normand, Miss PoAvley; and seven steerage. For WellingtonMr and Miss Austin, Miss Allen, Miss Anderson, Miss ihiync, Mrs Berrell, Mr Burge, Miss Bryce, Miss Barraud, Mr and Mrs Birkett, Mr Clayton, Mr and Mrs Cullen, Mr Cooke, Mr CakhveU, Mr and Mrs Connolly, Mr Donaghy, Miss Dowling, Miss Drewe, Mrs and Miss Dixon, Mrs Duavs, Mrs Dickens, Miss Dickens, Mr De Erncste, Miss France, Mrs Fowler, Miss Grant. Miss Gregory, Mrs and Master Gaskcll, Mr and Mrs Gollan, Mrs Hobson, Miss Hazlctt, Mr and Mrs Hickey, Mr Johnston, Mr Kinloch, Mrs Larkin and four children, Mr Leaker, Mr Lcaaus, Mr and Airs Long, Miss MMntosh, Air APDonald, Airs and Master Marris, Mr Norton, Mr New land, Air and Airs Nourish, Mr Pollock. Airs and Miss Paterson, Miss Roy, Mrs Robinson and two children, Airs Robinson, Rev. Rvnn, Miss Randall, Air Savory, Aliss Sullick, Airs Seville, Airs Stuck, Air Stanton, Mrs Scott, Air Scott, Airs Thompson, Air and Aliss Thompson, Miss Telford, Mr Walker, Air and Aliss Williams, Airs AVheeler; and seventyfive steerage. For Lyttelton: Alastcr Corley, Air Dun, Aliss Fish, Air and Airs King, Aliss Horton, Air APEaglan, Air and Airs APKay, Mr and Airs Alathcson, Airs Osborne, Aliss Osborne, Miss Tnit, Afiss Whitelaw, Aliss AVatt; and sixteen steerage. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, December 17.—Sailed; Silver Shell (5.25 p.m.), for Wellington December 18—Arrived: Kartigi (5.20 a.m.), from Napier; Kurow (8.30 a.m.). from Newcastle. -December 19— Arrived' Aorangi (1 a.m.), from Sydney. WELLINGTON, December 17.—Ar rived: Kaponga.( p.m.), from Portland. Sailed: Storm (3.25 p.m.), for Picton; AA'est Oalera (6.20 p.m,), lor Lyttelton; Maori (7.50 p.m.), for Lyttelton; Kahika (11.50 p.m.), for Napier; Horipuke (11.30 p.m.), tor Napier, December ’ 18—Arrived: Wahine (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton; lonic (7.45 a.m.), from Bluff; Tamaroa (4.15 p.m.), from Southampton. December 1/J —Arrived: Tahiti (7 a.m.), from Sart Francisco. LYTTELTON, December 17.—Sailed: Breeze (1 p.m.), for Bluff; AVahine (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington. December 18—Arrived: Mahia (6.50 a.m.), from Wellington; Alaori (8.15 a.m.), from Wellington.
(For continuation see Late Shipping.)
New moon Dec. 21 3.43 p.m First quarter Dec. 31 1U.52 p.m full moon Jan. 7 3.33 p.m Last quartor Jan. 15 8.4,1 a.m
9 a.m. to-day;— liar. Ther W. Well’ton—S.S.W., 1 GicymonUi—N., b ... CJiristch’rh—S.W., I 29.63 63 0 29.62 56 u 29.6*1 5-1 u Tima m—Calm 29.65 53 0 —Calm 29.65 59 u Dunedin—Calm 29.66 52 0 Queenstown—Calm ... Nnpgets—Calm 29.59 58 c 29.65 48 0 Bluff—N.E., 1 29.65 5.1. u
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Evening Star, Issue 19743, 19 December 1927, Page 1
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1,799SHIPPING Evening Star, Issue 19743, 19 December 1927, Page 1
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