ANNIVERSARIES. 3833.—Arthur Henry Hallain died. 1810. — Town of Auckland founded. LSI.— Death of William Selion Araorclumse, 38U1. Floods in Spain; .'l.niHl drowned in Toledo province. l',lJ I.—First Ai.'iie Bailie begun. 3Pl6,—Somme Baltic begun: heavy New Zealand casualties at. Hers; (irsi use of “ tanks.’’ Tile police officers in Italy wear dilferent uni I onus in dillerein. cities. Watches were not silcco-dally manufactured by machinery until 18 3k I am wailing 'nralli iky ea-dneiil,. While ike .'k.y is I.iigM. will! tins above me: I am wailing jn-i In mil liar That. I've same Dewars, hnpeijal beside im> There are approximately (.DUO known languages and dialc'-i.-, in 1 lie world. Slogan 11 . Speaking of Spring Cleaning, how pleasing it is to g'-i. it all done in mm day; your Chimneys (''leaned, Carpels Lifted, Cleaned, ami Relayed. wet or film, -•-'ling Dunedin Wiudev Cleaning Co,, 50 King street., 'phone 10-493 (late Si. Andrew street;..,. He is a had man who does not pinto the future at least a.s much as he has received from the pas.l . —Prolcssor A. W. Pollard. Griindisin (216): Our Uou-c Whisky is slid pre-war Standard, and is given ample time lo age in the wood.—(iniml Hotel... Italy does not., want to he any longer tho grand historical museum of the world.—Signor Turali.
Evening Star, Issue 19662, 15 September 1927, Page 1
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