ANNIVERSARIES. 1721--T)nnte died. J7o7—Haydn horn. 1 "-TioXojsi m fell England for tint hist, time, DR? -Running of .’ coinno need. ]°.VV- -Death of the Duke of Wellington. ISol --Allied troops landed at Ciunoa. —Sionning of Delhi. ic«2 —Egyptian War; Cairo occupied bv Rritir-h troops. ‘ IFOI--President AFKinley died Irom nlfeets of wounds received eight days earlier. ]022--Turkish troops, after capturing Smyrna From Greeks, destroy city hv fire and slaughter of non-Moslem inhabitants. The memory is said to he stronger in summer than in winter. About 15D species of fish arc said to belong to the .shark family. Slogan It. Speaking of .Spring Cleaning, how pleasing it is to gel it all done in one day: your Chimneys Cleaned, Carpets Lifted, Cleaned, and Relayed, wet or fine. —Ring Dunedin Window Cleaning Co., 2!) King street; ’phone 10-<193 (late Si. Andrew street).... The average pressure of the atmosphere R ]s|l) to tho square inch. Codfish in Iceland are dried and ground info a Hour for use in bread. The dragon fly is able to fly hack* wards at the same speed as forwards. Grampian (215); Doctor; “Do you suffer from thirst?” Patient: “Yes, thanks. I’M have a drop of Glen Rossie.” 12s Cd pinched decanter bottle.—Grand Hotel... I have spent some time in Russia, and I eonfpiis that had I. been born under the Soviet system i, would have been a. revolutionist against it.—Air Iforhert Smith.
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Evening Star, Issue 19661, 14 September 1927, Page 1
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Evening Star, Issue 19661, 14 September 1927, Page 1
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