ANNIVERSARIES. —April 30. 1769.—George chosen first President of tho United States of Amerkca. ... , I(sos'.—First ship launched in Australia—King George. 18,10,—First horse race m Australia (Paramatta). . .. , . 1827.—London University founded. 1855.—Sir. Harry . B. Bishop, composer, died. 1916.—End of Irish rebellion. , —Mayl.— 1700.—John Dryden, pool, died. 1707.—English and . Scottish Parliaments united. 1769.—Duke of Wellington born. 1850.—Duko of Connaught born. 1873.—Livingstone died in Africa. 1890.—Bishop Julius consecrated Bishop of Christchurch. 1393.—Appointment of Ministry under Premiership of Hon. R. J. Seddon. 1898. Spanish fleet destroyed’, at Manila. 1899. First train of Cape to Cairo Railway entered Salisbury, Mashoualand. , 1926.—New Zealand and South Seas Exhibition closed.
During the past season, November 15, 1926, to April 1, 1927, 506,729 halos of wool were offered in the (Jominion, and 491,582 sold, -realising £8,914,382 16s ,Bd, the average price per bale being £lB 2s 9.06 d, and the average price per lb 12.706 d. ■ A Pans; cable states that for .the first time the assets of tho Bank of Did you tackle that trouble that came to you • Franco include over £18,000,000 wor In of gold under the heading “ Free gold and gold.available abroad.”_ Lord Dewar, of Imperial Whisky fame, says that “ most men - do not wake up to find themselves famous; they usually dream they are famous, and then wake up.” Black clothes, which absorb any sunshine that strikes them, are tho warmest for winter wear, A microscope capable of magnifying, an object 12,000,000 times is being used in the detection of disease germs. A phonograph having records of brass has been invented, and the records may be heard 10,000 years from now. Graudism (12T): A mature and distinctive Highland Whisky that commands apprecialion—“Glen Rossio” Old Blended Scotch Glenlivet, ’in decanter bottles,- -Us. —Grand Hotel... _ Tho spirit of justice and the moral influence spread throughout the world by England 15 unparalleled in history.— Sir Lncien Wolf.
Evening Star, Issue 19544, 30 April 1927, Page 1
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