ANNIVERSARIES. 1884.—Statute passed at Oxford University admitting 'women to esamina--1 ion. . ’ . ‘ . IPS-3. —H. M. Stanley met Emir Pasha on Lake Nyanza. Iggp.—First meeting of Samoan Cojvfere nee in Berlin. 1893.— Summary court-martial abolished by statute. On the main line between Paddington and Plymouth there are 537 signals. ... . Finger prints as a means of identification were used by the Chines* M early as 400 n.c. Grandism (126): The aristocrat of tp» wine list —Southard’s “*B7", Port; very ill* old selected Tawny, from Oporto, Portugal. Bottles, 9s 6d; half bottles, Ss.~Grand HotelCold feet may be due to stockings that ore too good a fit, or shoes that are too tight. There are now 743 Lords Spiritual and Temporal on the roll of the House ef Lords, .
If the world knows nothing of its greatest men, one reason is that they are ceasing to be great when the ■world discovers them. —Dean Inge.
Experience ot Scouliat and ChiaholffiTe Furniture is that it is the-cheapest in * city Test it ter yourselves A patient may say that he wants to know the worst; actually, it is the last thing he wants to hear.—Sir Thomas Border.
Evening Star, Issue 19543, 29 April 1927, Page 1
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