anniversaries. 1737.—Edward Gibbon born, • 1818.—Order of St. Michael and it. George founded. 1820.—Herbert Spencer born. 1822.—Birth of General Grant, eighteenth President of t-ho United States- - 1376. —Queen Victoria made Empress of’lndia by Act of Parliament., 1893.—H0n. John Ballanco died. 3015.—Allied troops established, * front two miles inland . from C-ipo Hellos,
Fifteen to twenty per cent, of the food crops of the world a-re lost through insect and fungoid attacks, such as mildew and" - mould. Diamond cutters who come to Lon* don to buy gems remain in semidarkness until the time comes for-ex-amining the stones. Grandism (124) : The Biggest thing* ifl life depend on the smallest thing*. K® order is too small for the Grand Hotel to despatch promptly... Venice stands on 117 small islands, among which, ‘ winding through . the city, are 150 canals, spanned here and there by 380 bridges. • A British Board of Trade regulation requires that a railway platform should slope at the end to give warning to passengers at night. A London message slates that the War Office announces .that it • will pay a, subsidy of £4O a year for three year* to all commercial users of the awr fhrwheeled motor lorries,.
Evening Star, Issue 19541, 27 April 1927, Page 1
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