ANNIVERSARIES. 1711.—David Hume, philosopher and historian, born. 1709.—First Royal Academy Exhibition. 1812. —Birth of Krupp. , 1845. —Martial law proclaimed in New Zealand. 1852. —Christ’s College Grammar School opened at Christchurch. 1854.—General fast in England to implore Divine blessing on British arms in war with Russia. 1857. Sir J. G. Ward born. 1882. —Death of James Rice, joint author with Walter Besant of several novels. 1882. —Dante Gabriel Rossetti died. Seven bankruptcies, all in the North Island, were notified iif last week’s issue of the 1 Gazette.’ I Tho British Army to-day has 234,51X1 | fewer men than the establishments set up by Lord Roberts before the Great War, .. Lord Dcwav, of Imperial Whisky fame, says that “ all women like bargains, hut I they will never have it suggested that they are wearing 0ne.’’...... ; ' 1 So valuable was the, Mexican cacao ■ bean up to fifty years ago that the j population used it as money. One | bean passed for a. cent. It has been decided that this year [exempted University .students must «t for their examinations for terms a« heretofore, but in future years students i who have obtained exemption be allowed to sit for their degree examinations without having previously taken the term ones. The roll of students at the Otago University stands at present at 1,08?), which is slightly behind the final total of 1,103 registered last year. Grandipm (123); We are prepared to submit Olcn Rossic to (he test against any proprietary brand of whisky on the marketIf there is anything better we pay;, all analytical charges.—Grand Hotel... A cable message from Mexico City states that sixteen persons are reported to have been drowned when a. schooner sank on, April 24 in a gale off Tabasco. A Press Association message from' Cairo states that Sarwat_ Pasha is forming a Ministry, which is expected to include many of the member# of Adly\s Cabinet. A store at Pania Bay (near Whan* garei), with a big stock of merchandise, was totally destroyed by fire on Saturday. John Edwards, a seaman, was.sentenced at Christchurch on Saturday to one month’s imprisonment for stowing away on the Nciwnrra at Newcastle.
Evening Star, Issue 19541, 26 April 1927, Page 1
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