ANNiVERSAKIfitf. 1652.—R0yal Society constitute)!. _ ]Bs4.—Odessa bombarded by British end French. 1877. Destruction of pearl fishing fleet oil' north-east coast of Australia; 330 lives lost. ]RAO. Disraeli resigned Pieuiiorship. 1898.—Spanish-Aiuerican War commenced. PH'S.—Campbell-Biiniiermnn, died. 1923. Serious floods Dunedin suburbs; many homeless; relief fund* started. The latest issue of the * Gaitette ’ contained the notification of twentyfive insolvencies, eighteen of which were in the Noith Island. People are beginning to learn that it does not pay to make a building ugly.— Mr Baldwin. Grandism (121).; Sailors lire on wafer, bttt who wants to be a sailor? You get tie best Wines and Spirits at the Grand Hotel Bottle Store... . Sometimes to save one’s face is to lose one’s soil I —Father Waggett, Only one-ninth of an iceberg is visible; for every cubic foot aimve the waterline there must be sft below to balance it. Jupiter, measuring 86,500 miles in diameter, is the largest planet; Mercury. 3,030 miles in diameter, is ttfvs smallest Experience or Soouliar end Chisholm*! Furniture is that it is the cheapest in the city. Test it for yourselves A clock made entirely of straw, even to the wheels, weights, and pendulum, has been constructed by a skilled claokmakcr.
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Evening Star, Issue 19539, 22 April 1927, Page 1
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Evening Star, Issue 19539, 22 April 1927, Page 1
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