ANNIVERSARIES. 1770.—Captain Cook sighted the Auß« trail an coast. 1824.—Lord Byron died. 1881. —Lord Beaconsfinld died.1882. Charles Robert Darwin, naturalist, died. 1883. —Parliament House, Quebec, destroyed by fire. ]Bo3.—Cheviot Estate taken over by the New Zealand Government. 1906.—Professor Curie, _ joint discoverer of radium, killed in street accident'in Paris. —French gained crest of ridge north of Aisne.' Sterling is 22 carat gold, the pure ■ metal being 24 carats to the ounce. Dried snakes and lizards are still popular medical remedies in parts; of France. Lord Dewar, of Imperial Whisky fins*, says that “ poets .aro born—not paid." ,Jn the London elementary schools over 1,000 new teachers are appointed each year. In order to form a rainbow, the sun 1 must not ho more than 42deg above« the horizon. Middle, age may go looking for romance, but it comes hock to the domestic roof-tree before bedtime.—Mr* 4 Patrick Campbell. (irandisra 1118); You'll notice this about (be Grand Oporto Wines—it’s easy to take and very comforting. Best Douro Port... A Melbourne mewisage states that fire ■ destroyed the Mercantile Rowing Club's sheds. Twenty boats, including a number of racing-craft, were burnetii The ’, damage is estimated at £5,000. English schoolboy? ba vc always shown a remarkable power of self-defence against any attempt to make them work too bard.—Dr Lyttelton.
The ages of nine people tvljo died at Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, in one week recently totalled 700 years.
The original inventor of the reaping machine was the Rev. Patrick Beil, a former minister of CVmyllic, in Forfarshire. .
Evening Star, Issue 19536, 19 April 1927, Page 1
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