ANNIVERSARIES. • —April 1(3. 171(3.—Rattle of Culloden. 178(3.—Sir John Franklin, Arctic es» plorer, born. 1826.—First authentic record of gold discovery in Australia. 1371.—Termination of Franco-Ger-man War. 1898.—Thomas Bracken died. ]9OO —Boer War; severe fighting at, Paardcburg. General Cronjc hemmed in. 190(1 Lord Roberts occupied Jacobson 1. —April 17. — 185(3. —Quebec made seat of Canadian Government. 1891.—Te Kooii died. 1897.—Turkey declared war on Greece. 1915.—Fourth Reinforcements left Now Zealand. A Sydney message states that at the Royal Show fat cattle .sales on account of Mr G. F. Moore (Kai fwi) a bullock realised forty guineas. My experience is that the stiong language is always the weak idea.— Sir Eamsav MacDonald. Orandism (116): Taken to-night (hot at bedtime), to-morrow all right—Old London Dock Jamaica. Rum.—Grand Hotel Bottle Store... You cannot be a pioneer without losing something.—Lord Balfour. The flower crop in the Scilly Isles is maturing rapidly, and twenty tons a day are being shipped to England. The human heart makes ten beats per minute fewer when the body is in a lying position than when upright. Lord” Dewar, of Imperial Whisky .fame, says that “ one .mother-in-law is a. better argument against polygamy than a hundred reasons for it.” Houses of special stereotyped construction are to be erected by the London County Council for experimental purposes. A telegram from Christchurch on Tuesday that the southern City would be linked up with Wellington by telephone next week is not correct. The work is not expected tp be complete until June, as originally stated.
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Evening Star, Issue 19534, 16 April 1927, Page 1
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Evening Star, Issue 19534, 16 April 1927, Page 1
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