ANNIVERSARIES. ] 7 PL—Thomas Jefferson born. 1709.—Captain Cook arrived at la-, hiti in If-ndeavor, first voyage. _ J 329. —Bill of Catholic Eraanm^iou 1)1 1801.—The Federal garrison of Charleston surrendered to the Confederation. 1 , , . ■ 1868.—Capture of Magdala and end of Abvssinian War. 1894, —Strikes at Bradford; military called out.
1899. Spanish-American peace Sis jnf)4 ,—Bussian battleship Petronavlorsk blown up by min* outside Port Arthur. , . 191-j.—Kussiau Carpathian offensive stopped.
The library at the British Museum increases at the rate of about 100 volumes a day. London’s rateable value has increased by £0,000,000, according to the quinquennial assessment. The rage for cross-word puzzles is but one of the modern signs that there is in ns more mental ability than w© know how to utilise.—Sir Arthur Keith.
Grandism (114): When you do not, feal so well as you would wish, fry our fine Port from Portugal. Good for mother, not half bad for father. —Grand Hotel... • As a nation we ate not very good in selling our goods; we depend too exclusively on quality.—Mr Lloyd Goerge. A seven-soater motor car, valued at £3OO, which was stolen from an Auckland street, was found burned in a suburban road early next morning. The car was a total wreck. During the period from March 1, 1926, to February 5, 1927, the railway revenue amounted to £7.352.821 S* Ifld, ns against an expenditure of £0.020.386 8s 9d, leaving a credit balance of £1,332,434 17? Id. , ,
Evening Star, Issue 19532, 13 April 1927, Page 1
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