ANNIVERSARIES. 1713.—Treaty of Utrecht. 1861.—American Civil War cotA» nicnccd, 1878.—Bishop Selwyn died. 1884.—Charles Reade, novelist, died. 1903.—Brigham Young, president Morman Church, diedSixteen bankruptcies were notified in j the latest issue of the Gazette, eleven 'of the number being in the North island. Time last in the British shipyards by bad time-keeping by the men is estimated by an expert at more than 100,000_ hours a day. Grandism (112): Lite should b« a route, not a routine. Try the Grand Bulk Whisky, It is unbeatable because it's the best Scotch aged in the w00d... Women working in a chemical works near Glasgow work barefooted, and have, a wonderful physique and graceful carriage. A London cable message states that summer time began at 2 a.m. on April 10, and will continue till October 2.
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Evening Star, Issue 19530, 11 April 1927, Page 1
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Evening Star, Issue 19530, 11 April 1927, Page 1
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