ALBANY STREET . The infant department and the junior school had their breaking-up ceremony to-day, and the higher standards will have theirs to-night. Prizes Standard llTa.—.Joan Crawford 1, Mavis Walker 2, Pearl Weir 3, Alwyn Rockland 4, Brenda Ferguson 5, tin a Bulfin 6. Diligent work and progress; Thelma Jordan. Standard 111.—Stanley Scales 1, Roy Miller 2. Standard Ha.—Class marks: Girls— Nancy Jones 1, Mavis Jarvis 2, Edith M'Cuskcr 3; hoys—Stuart Ross I, Errol Colvin 2, John Duggan 3. Attendance certificates, 23. General proficiency: Tna Ross, Thomas M'Farlane. Special prize for neatness and thoroughness: Doreen Denehrass. Special prize for faithful monitorship : . Art jmr Smith, Arthur Taylor. Standard If.—Edward Davis 1, Winifred Tale 2. Walter Jan'is 3. Progress; Harold Booker. Standard la.—Class marks: Girls— Mi Icon Goodycr 1, Jessie Ewart 2, Amelia Wadsworth 3, Clara Williams 4 ; boys—David Aldorton 1, Jack Doig 2, Robbie Weir and Teddy Watson (equal) 3. General proficiency; Eddy Hayward, Marjory Dunn, Grove Craw ford. Special progress prize: Alex. Bushridgc. Standard I.—Douglas Stott I, Rita Weir 2. Progress: Norman Gdlon. PA.—Upper Division: IS .van Neame, Frances Graveson. Bower Division; Roys—Wreford Palmer I, Dick Parker and Garfield Ferguson (equal! 2; girls —Thelma Weaver 1, Betty Hills and Frances Toohey (equal) 2. -—Model School/ —■ Dux: Molly Hodge. Standard V.: Hazel Jarvis'. Standard IV.: Elsie Garthwa'ite*. Standard Nancy Wood. Standard IB; Mavis King and Banrio French (equal). Standard B: Vera Hodge. Special prizes: Navy Beague, Molly Hodge; drawing, George Henderson; writing, Hazel Jarvis; sewing, Elsie Schofield; woodwork, Ernest Graham. MUSSELBURGH Standards IV., V., and VI. had their vactaion gathering last night. Prizelist as under: — Standard Via.—Dux: Moyrick B. King (first arithmetic, geography, grammar, recitation). Class prizes: Jessie Mackorsy (first equal reading and spelling), Grace Johnstone, Edna Lawson (first history), Annie Shilcock, Harold Cameron, Mortimer Angus (first writing), Robt. Dickisou (first comprehension, general, first equal reading and spelling), Ben Spiers, Allan Bono (first equal reading), Olive Martin (first composition and drawing). Efficiency and sports (ex-pupils’ prize) ; James Cameron. Cookery: Annie Shilcock. Woodwork: Ronald Waugh. Navy Beague; Meredith Dunne .1, Jessie Mackersy 2. Sewing : Jessie Mackersy. Attendance certificates, fourteen.
Proficiency Class (completed Standards V. and VI. in one year).— Beatrice Bowling (first writing and composition), Annie Bennetts, Avis Park, Ronald Muslin (first equal spelling), Robt. Pratt (first arithmetic and grammar), Colin Ferguson, _ Howard Darkness (first comprehension, geography, history, first equal spelling), Clive Anderson. Competency: Maurice Bennetto, Roy Gain, John Crossan. Standard Vlh.—-Class prizes: Myra Ross (proximo acccssit, Colin Allan Memorial prize, first in comprehension, grammar, geography, history, first equal spelling), Allan Thomas (lirst equal spelling), Merlin Tonkiiison, Ivan Burns, Allan Anderson, Maisio M’Ewan, May Nicholson (first in reading find composition), David Green (first in arithmetic), Oliver Chapman (class efficiency and Rugby football, ox-pupils’ prize), Betty Ellis, Merle Coleman, Greta Tyson, Jack Pitches, Thor burn Cairns, Alexander Rust, Allan llighct (first equal recitation), Clarence Bird, George Mitchell, Harold Eagles, Allan King. Cookery; May Nicholson. Woodwork: Walter Little, Navy Beague: Myra. Ross 1, Merlin Tonkinsou 2. Sewing; Greta Tyson. Atlicimira prize: .Myra Ross. Scripture (Mr Haggle's prize) : Thorhurn Cairns. Phyllis Esplin. Swimming (ex-pupils’ prize) : Donald Stuart. 300 Yards Otago Schoolgirls’ Championship medal; Phamie Lang. Rugby football (most promising player, medal presented by Pirates Club) : Jack Pitches. Attendance certificates, thirty. Swimming certificates; Allan Kayo, .Donald Stuart, Roy Johnston, Allah Highot, Ivan Lee, Phamie Lang, Phyllis Eyilin. Standard Va.—Class prizes; Ray .Hitchcox, Olga Johnston (first reading, recitation, and general), Doris Forster, Henry Stevens, Jessie Crust. Cookery: Olga Johnston and Beatrice Bowling (equal). Woodwork: (Hive Anderson. Navy 'Beague; Olga Johnston (second prize). Sewing: Cathie, Hinchclitfc. Attendance certificates, fifteen. Standad Vh.—Dux of class: William Middlcditch (first spelling, composition, grammar, geography, and drawing), Colville Angus (first writing and spelling) 2, Joyce Reid (reading, recitation, history) 3, Patton East 4. Colin Gray (comprehension) », Meryl Ridley 6, Albcrt Stenhouse 7, John Knox (arithmetic) 8, Maureen Mnmlord f), Rica Thomas 10, Nancy Aitkcn 11. Colin Hohhs 12, Violet Lunani .13, Norman Matthews 14. Standard 1 Ya.—Dux of class; Hugh Crossan (first comprehension ami composition). Arthur Dpff (arithmetic) 2, Robert Loraine (reading and geography) 3, Ivan Lawson (history) J 4. Sewing prize; Edna Monson. Woodwork: Norman Matthews. Cookery: Whcnna Smith and ‘Meryl Ridley. Navy League essay: Grace Croal (first prize). Thirty attendance certificates. Three qualified for swimming certificates: Clarice Lang, Ben Stuart, and William Middlcditch.
Standard IV.—Dux of class: Joseph Haig (first in arithmetic,.English, history, geography). Second in class marks : Chrissio Lunam. Class prizes: Harold Groves (first in writing, third in arithmetic), Allan Reid (equal, first, in essays), James Race, Robert Milbnrn (second in arithmetic), Alan Tombs, Laura Williams, Rachel Ellifl'c, Arthur Park, Ernest Paterson, Gordon Moore, Maurice Chrystall, Doris Lischncr, Mary Minn, Elsie Coutts, Louie Rust, Gwcncth Richardson, Nellie Dickison. Sewing: Chrissie Lunam, Standard IH. special: Lorna Esplin. GEORGE STREET Standards IV., Y., and VI. of the George Street School broke up last night. Prizes as under:— Standard Vl.—Dux of school, Keren Nicholl. Proximo Access!fc, Vida Glass. Dux boy, Eric Wright. Athenaeum prize-winner, Alan Meiklo. Navy League prize-winners: Keren Nicholl, Paula Woodward, Cissy Smith. Cookery prize-winner, Marjory Dean. Carpentry prize-winner, George Wright. Mapping and neatness prize-winner, Margaret Pattillo. Proficiency : Mary Scott, Lsobel Thomson, N. Stevens, Paula Woodward, L. M'Clelland, W, Padman, C. Cadman. Standard V.a.—Patti Barrowman (special mention lor mapping and drawing) 1, Harold Silverstonc 2, Alan Breen .‘L General proficiency: D. Breen, N. M'Leod, J. M'lntosh, E. Godso, Phyllis Scott. Industry: Guy Roberts and Dora Dixon. Drawing; Hilda M'lntosh. Cooking; Veda M'Murray. ‘ Mapping: Gladys M'lntosh. Woodwork: Allan Dick. Neatness and writing; O.ctavia Mtichcll. Navy League: F. Scott, H. Silverstonc, P. TJarrowmau. Standard y.b.— -Class marks; Hazel
Schofield' (dux and'lst in mapping), Keith Bcatsou (Ist in Navy 'League essay), Lily Bradley (and Ist in cookery), David Burnett, Jack Thomson, Edna Nelson, Vincent Riach, Albert Stone, Hazel Dunn (and Ist in sewing), Hypatia Silvcrstono, Netty Vinicoinbc, Jack Harris (and Ist in woodwork); Winnie Godso, neat home work. Standard IV.—Class marks: Elsie Barrowman, Hazel Harrison, Charles Padman, Florence ‘ Miller, Daphne Browning, Headley • Pocock, Letitia Freeman (equal), Clyde Sutherland, Lennox Davidson, Ailsa Pocock, Earle Buchanan, Mavis Smith, Tasma M oodward, Iris Dewar, Kenneth Donaldson. KENSINGTON The upper standards had their vacation ceremony last night. Prize-list as under;— Standard Vl.—Dux of school, Eileen Joss. Girls-; Thelma Walker 2, Ethel Svmonds 3. Bovs: Noel Lawson I, Gordon Al.‘Don aid 2. Navy League: Ethel Symonds 1, Hilda SaJnsbury 2. Dunedin Athenaeum : Eileen Joss. V oodwork : William Hamblcton. Cookery; Eileen Joss. Sewing: Phyllis and Thelma Walker (equal). Bible class: Eileen Joss. Drill: Margaret Havard, Robert Pyne. Sports; lliciiard Torrance. Standard V.— Boys: Ernest Arnold I, Alex Marshall 2, Jack Symonds and Bert Anderson (equal) 3. Girts: Jean Poekson I, Margaret Newman 2. Woodwork: John Hamilton. Cookery ; Helen M‘Kay. Navy League: Alex. Marshall 1, Jack Symonds 2, Thelma \\ ilson 3. Sewing: Margaret Newman. Drill : Frank Tobin, Nancy AFFaiTane. Standard IV.—Boys; William Vernon 1, Harold Outran) 2, Alt'. Hopewell .‘l. Girls: Dorothy Massey 1, Mary Boult 2, Mona Cairns 3. 'Sowing: Marjory Bryan. Drill; Alf. Hopewell, .Lizzie Davie. Standard .I,ll.—Boys ; Hay Saiushury I. Robert Robertson 2, Ronald Wheeler 3, Girls: Lucy Gray 1, Iris Carter 2. Cathie Belcher and Doreen Ahken (equal) 3. Sewing; Betty Lawson, Meryl Gilder. Drill: Betty Lawson. Roy M'Lcan. MORKINGTOH The senior school had its vacation ceremony last night. Prizes as under: — Standard VI.-—-Marks: Boys E. Whiteside 1 (dux), medal presented by Mr C. Mitchell; E. Grcenall 2, D. Patrick 3; girls—G. Driver 1, W. Robinson 2,1). Gerkon 3. First-class merit prizes; Boys — T. Brown, M. Davies, G. Driver, T'/ Callander, C. Grifliths. Sec-ond-class merit (certificates); Boys— W. Ponpart, J. Bartlett, E. Lamb; girls—-H. APKonzio, A. Fraser. J. Ryan, A. Jordan. ’Writing: Mary Douglas 1, J. Fraser 2 (Mr Solomoirs prize). Sewing: Fveryn Lewis 1, N. Haig and H. Smith (equal) 2 (Miss J. Nelson’s prizes). Cooking: G. Driver 1 (Airs Patton’s prize). J. Fraser 2. Woodwork: W. Ponpart 1 (Mr Statham’s prize), A. Hayes 2. Gardening: D. Patrick, T. Brown, E. Whiteside. Navy League prizes: E. Whiteside 1. G. M. Davies 2, I'. Brown 3. English and history: E. Whiteside (Dunedin Athcmenm prize). Attendance certificates, twenty-one. Standard V. —Girls: Dux, Lilian Cooper 1, Hilda Wilson 2, Prudence Davies 3. Boys: Taylor Rutherford 1. Cecil Wolhaiu 2, Albert M‘Murray 3. : First-class merit prizes; Alec Napier, Douglas Freeman, Arthur Lind. Audrey Clark, Mona Clark, Isabel Dickel. Kathleen Incrocci. Rita Jack. 1‘ red a. Waite. Second-class merit cerl dicates : John Royd, Fergus M'liiiroii, James Gardner. John Lawson, Russell M'Kay, Ralph Nauruan, Herbert Sandlord, Henry Sehofield, Edward Smil h. alnra Rremner. Norah Sanders, Alai lie Sutton, Margaret M‘Arthur. Woodwork. John Boyd. Cookery. Lilian Cooper. Whiling, Alan Turnbull (presented by Mr S. Solomon). Sewing'Lilian Cooper 1, Audrey Clark 2 (prizes prescnlod by ATiss M. I. Fraser, Af.A.). Drawing. Hunter Thomson. Consistent work and progress, Alnra Rremner and Fergus M'Lareu. Navy League: Prudence Davies 1. Lilian Cooper 2. Alary Crawford 3. Attendance certificates, twenty-two.
Standard TV.—Class marks; Boys— Jack Hannah 1. Herbert Agnew 2. Andrew Nelson 3; girls—lnez Herrick 1. Alary Craig 2, 'Mavis Graham 3. Alen'fc prizes: Helen Hndd. Eileen 11 arris. Irene Paris. XYril injr I prize donated by Air S. Solomon) : Eileen Harris I, Jessie Martin 2. Alary M Tallinn M. Sewing; Pearl Smith 1, Annie Davies 2. English (special prize, donated hy Mrs Hiekel). David Fiiilayson. Genera! improvement (prize donaied hy Airs Diekel), Jessie Martin. Progress, John Webster. Second-class merit certificates : Annie Davie, R.hnna. Driver, Alice APDay, Pearl Smith, Belly Tennet, Jack Dickson. John Donogliiie, David Finlayson. Box Hall. John A) ehster. Ewan Tiny, Jessie Marlin. Attendance certificates, twenty-eight. SAWYERS BAY The vacation ceremony look place last night. The prize list is as follows ; • Standard A - !. Dux of school: Raymond Downes and Ronald falconer (equal), gold medal. First class: Jean Ahum. Second class: William Bayne, Thomas Skilbock, Isabel Farqnharson, Margaret Pitbic. Third class: Rily Mitchell. Navy League essay; Ronald Falconer. Shooting: 'William Bayne. Woodwork (special) ; Ronald Falconer 1, William Bayne 2. Gnokory: Jean Ahum and Lily Alite.hell (equal) 1, Margaret Pithi’o 2. Good attendance certificates, 3.
Standard V. First class; Asquith Thomson, Agnes Skilbeck. Second class: Alfred Broad Icy, Ivan Gray, Neville Pratloy, Frank II ark ness, John Tappin, Lilian Brownlee, Annie Aftwood, Mamie Alite.hell. Third class: Arthur Johns, Elizabeth Tappin. Navy League essay: Asquith Thomson. Shooting (silver modal) ; Asquith Thomson 1, Alfred Broadlcy Woodwork (special) : Ivan Gray 1, Frank darkness 2. Cookery: Jean Darkness 1, Elizabeth Tappin 2. Good attendance certificates, 9. Standard .IV.—-First class; Thomas West, Laura Mitchell. Second class; Alex. Patterson, Alan Docherty, Alex. Docherty, Roy Walker, Isabel Bayne, Florence Farqnharson, Doreen Palmer, A 1 iec Fisher, Irene Offcu. Third class: Fred Brandbarn, Cecil Palmer, Lydia Henderson, Edna Johns. Shooting; Alan Docherty. Good attendance ccrtiiicato.s, 9. Standard Ilf (order of merit).— First class; Leslie Kennedy, Jean Chisholm, Maitland Pratloy, Rose Newsome. Second class: Andrew Patterson, Nellie Paranthoiene, James Trdoar, Myra Hewitsou, Irene Farqnharson, Henry Hudson, Ronald Cox, John Agncw, Andrew .Perry, William Plant. Third class; Clifford Sykes, Joyce Caspar, Hilda Robertson,] Patterson. Attendance certificates, 15. Standard 11. (order of merit) .—First class: Alan Lament, Ethel Skilbeck. Second class; Leslie Mitchell, Kenneth Putress-P.erry, Bessie Ahernethy, George Plant, Thomas Ahernethy, Lawrence Brownlee. Third class: Raymond Johns, Edward Often, Mary Kearney, Joyce Hurndoll, Thomas Harkncss, Fred Fisher, Herbert Palmer, William Friend. Attendance certificates, 7. Standard I.—First class: Frank Throp, Harold Mullen,. .James Abnrn, Alex. Fraser. Valentine Pratley. Jack Henderson, Loyd Perry, Edward Paranthoiene, At array Farqnharson, Douglas Kennedy, Kitchener Newsome, Dinah Tappin. Second class; Arthur Ahernethy, Joseph Tappin, Florence West, Gilbert Gumming. Third class: Walter Perry, Jessie Mitchell. P.4.—First class: Joyce Paranthoiene, Hugh Palmer, jack Broad ley, Jack Docherty, Andrew' Kearney. Second class: Colin Brownlee. Lily Johns, Mary Hewitsou, James Lean. Third class: George Ahernethy, Clive Tapping
NORMAL The secondary department and Standards HI., IV/, V., and VI. had their prizes distributed last night. The list is as follows; ■ —Secondary Department. — Form V.—Dux of school, Alice E. Rcnfell (first in English, Latin, and physical science) ; Rita Warburton, proximo ac-cessit (first in history) ; Eric MacFarlanc and Stanley Al'Grcgor, third aggregate (equal) ; Alice Scollay, fourth aggregate. Navy League: Seniors, Alice Bcnic.ll; juniors, Rita Warburton (selector for special mention, 80 per cent.). Form IV.—Ruth Thompson (first aggregate, first English, first home science, first geography), Mary Davis (second aggregate, first arithmetic), Arthur Thompson (tjiird aggregate, second geography), Phyllis Clarke (fourth aggregate, first, equal, arithmetic). Navy League; Alary Davis. Form 111.— Frances Allen (dux of class). Audrey Stephen, Harry Osborn, Emma APEarcn, Samuel Brown, Georgina Fraser, Helen Howie, Doris Braid. —Primary Department.— Standard Vl.—Dux: Lester Afoller. General excellence; Joyce Trownson (Old Union Street School prize and first in cooking), Nancy Aboructhy (Old Union Street School prize), Evelyn Rosevcar, Alay Williams, Harriet Campbell (also first in sewing), James Carson, Fay Cameron, Philip Campbell, Gwonda West, Dorothy Alcrcer, Elsie Al'Dougall, Warwick North. Athafucum prize: Lester Afoller. Woodwork prize: Ernest Williams. Cookery prize: Agnes Pearson. Sewing prize: Phyllis Duffy. Navy League prizes; Lester Afoller, Horace Lc Gal, Joyce Trownson, Evelyn .Rosevcar, Attendance certificates, 22. Standard V.—Marks: Sheila AfacMillan (dux of class) J, A!argaret Naylor 2, Alistcr Gilchrist 3, Douglas Olds I, Nellie Alinnock o. Herbert Martin G. Writing: Ann Abbott 1, Cyril Alercer 2. Drawing: Victor Gcnsik 1, Harold Austen 2. Woodwork: Douglas Olds I, Victor Gcnsik 2, Hugh Hogg 3. Cooking; Margaret Naylor 1. Sheila MacMillan 2, Rosalie Allen 3. Sewing: Sheila, MacMillan 1, Ann Abbott 2, Janet Farqnharson 3. Attendance. certificates, 36. Standard IV.—Class prizes; John Aloore L David 11. White 2, Enid M'Stay 3. Arithmetic; Phyllis Barnes and Lionel Werner (equal). Composition : .Ralph Davies. Geography : Herbert Morgan. History: Win. Smith and Gordon Kay (equal). Writing; Isobel Allan. Drawing: Leslie Olds. Sewing: Lorna Campbell. Drill: Ethel Farqnharson. Progress prizes; .Irjs Roberts, Stanley Cunningham, Edna Darlinson. Twenty-eight good attendance certificates. Standard 111.—First in class: John Best. Class marks; Vivienne Blamircs 1, Annie Hoseit 2, Hilda Davies 3. Specials; Aritlmictic, John Newlands; drawing, Phyllis Burton; writing, Vera Jowscy; drill, Alex. M'Kcchnic; sewing. Hilda Davies. Progress: Olivo Wright, Vera Jowscy, Laneo Torrance, George Campbell. Sports: Berta Harker (salver medal), girls’ 50yds under cloven.
Navy League Prizes. —Form V.; Senior, Alice E. Benfoll; junior, Pita Warburton. Form IV.: Mary Davis. Form 111.: Audrey d. Stephen I, Jean Pickard 2. Standard VI.: Lester Mollor 1, ’.Horace Lc Gal 2, Joyce Trownson and Evelyn .Rosevear (equal) 3. Standard V. : Sheila MacMillan I, ;N’ollie Minnoek 2, Isabel Miehio 3. Model School; Mary S. MacNivcn. ANDERSON’S BAY The higher .standards had their break-ing-up ceremony last night, i’rizcs as under : Standard Vl.—Merit prizes; Enid Campbell (dux of school), Stanley Alayne, Dulcio Cooper, Annie Bishop, Norman MaeLcan. Navy League: Enid Campbell, Alfred Slnnv. Jeffrey Memorial; Phillip Fowler (boys), Enid Campbell (girls). Athenaeum prize; Enid Campbell. Mechanical arithmetic (Mr J. R. Dick ifson’s prize) : Beth Boss. Agricultural nolo book: Norman MacLeau. Home-work book: Nora Hatton. Sewing prize: Annie Bishop. Attendance prizes: First class, 13; second class, ih Standard V.—Merit prizes : Eileen Wheeler, Allan Simpson, Elsie Blackmoro, John Irvine. Navy League; Eileen Wheeler, Elsie Blackmorc. Best agricultural diary: Gordon Jupp. Best home-work book: Ada Pearce. Sewing: Rita Yates. Best at sport: William Hewitt. Attendance; First class, 13; second class. 11. Standard IV.—Merit: Donald Shaw, Bruce Gulbrie, Olivo Plunkett, Alex. Black, Chas. Wheeler. Sewing; Phyllis Black. Home-work: Joan Smith. Progress: Robert Leo. Attendance: First class, 23; second class, !). Standard Hl.—Phyllis Blackmorc 1, Mona Williams 2, Frank Lowry 3, Vernon Creed <l, Leonard Turner 5, May Rowell (i, Archie Tilbury 7, Jean MTiOan 5. George, Jeffrey 9, Ruby Ross 10. Sewing: .lean APBean. Homework: John Stevenson. Attendance: First class, 23; second class, 13. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS Tim vacation ceremony took place this morning. Prize, list as under:Matricnlnlion (Hass. Duv of school, Bernard O'Connell. English and history, A. Lynskey. Christian doctrine, T. (loiter, J. Cnminings. Intermediate Class.- Duces, Claude MtDonnell and Cuthhert Mowat, Christian doctrine, David Roche. Form 3. ■ - Christian doctrines and church history, John Hall. Dux of class, William Lnwo. Class list: John Hall, Owen Miles, Stanley M'Kcwcn, Daniel Walls, Francis O’Regan. Commercial elass: Dux of class, Nicholas Winrilo; hookkeeping. Patrick- Byrne.
St a ndard A’l.—Christian doctrine. E. Pledger; P. Skinner (firstin Hass). E. Beaumont 2, B. Mooney J, E. Blacklock 4, M. Nichol 5, N. Hodge 0.
Standard V.—Christian doctrine. Harold Carter; Christen Duggan (first in class), Harold Afalthus 2, Pierre Dovorenx 3, Leo M‘Donnell 4, Kevin Toomey o. Claude Lee 0. Home exercise, Patrick Matthews. Standard IV.—Christian doctrine, F. Murray. J. Meade (first in class), W. Cummings 2, J. O’Doa 3, S. Brown 4. J. Cull 5, L. Thompson fi, G. Walsh
Class 3.—G. Kavanagh (first in class), C. Cummings, J. Fanner, B. Robinson, J. Phelan. Christian doc- • trine, N. Rodden. Class 2.—T. Hogan (first in class), W. Beauchamp. J. Hogan and J. Grey, 11. Hall, W. Coward. Christian doctrine. H. AVilkins.
Special Prizes.—Elocution, etc.; C. Al'Donncll, C. Lee, N. Rae, J. Hall, K. Toomey. W. Cummings. Gymnastics, L. Madigan.
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Evening Star, Issue 19126, 18 December 1925, Page 3
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2,796SCHOOL VACATIONS Evening Star, Issue 19126, 18 December 1925, Page 3
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