HIGH WATER. St. Clair: 8..‘17 a.m., 9.4 p.m. Tai.oroa .Hoad: 8.47 a.ra., 9.14 p.m. Port Chalmers: 9.27' a.m., 9.54 p.m. Dunedin: 9.57 a.m., 10,24 p.m. THE SUN. Sots to-day, 4.50 p.m.; rises to-mor-row, 7.37 a.m. PHASES OF THE MOON.
Sots to-day, • —• p.m.; rises to-mor-row, 11.2(5. WEATHER REPORT. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Rates) supplied the following at 9 a.m. to-day;—
Wind.—L, light; b, breeze; fib, fresh breeze; mg, moderate gale; g, whole or heavy gale; w, gale of exceptional severity. Weather.—B, blue sky, be the atmo. sphere clear or heavy; C, clouds, passing clouds; D, drizzling rain; F, foggy; O, gloomy, dark weather; H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; 0, overcast, the whole sky covered with thick clouds; P, passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, continued rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, ugly, threatening appearance; Z, hazy. Forecast. The Dominion Meteorologist (Mr D. C. Bates) supplied the following at noon to-day The indications are forwesterly winds, moderate to gale at times; weather appears likely to bo cloudy and unsettled; barometer has a rising tendency, but falling after about twenty-four hours; sons moderate, tides moderate. SAILED.--July 27. Kaitnngnta, s.s. (4.55 p.m.), 2,005 tons, Cresso, for Groymouth via ports. SAILED.—JuIy 28. Holiinside, s.s. (9.30 a.m.), 3,722 tons, Brown, for Lyttelton. VESSELS EXPECTED AT DUNEDIN —Coastal.— Orcti, Invercargill, to-day. Corinna, Wellington direct, July. 29. Ripa, Wanganui via ports, July 29. Storm, Wanganui via ports, July 30. Opihi, Westport, Timaru, Aug. 1. Kotare, Invercargill, Aug. 1. Holmdalc, Wanganui, \\oil., Aug. 3. Gale, Wanganui via ports, Aug. 3. Breeze, Wanganui via ports, Aug. 3. Katoa, Auckland via ports, Aug. 4. Calm, Wanganui via ports, Aug. (3. Kamo, Napier, Gisborne, Aug. 7. Wingatui, Auck. via ports, Aug. 12. ■ Wana.ka, Bluff, Aug. 15. —lntercolonial and Oversea,— Waimana, London, July 29. Kaituna. Adelaide direct, July 30. Wail iori, Sydney, Lytt., July 30. Ivotka, SaCsga Bay, July 31. Waikouaiti, Syd. via Bluff, July 31. Pliysa, Singapore, Aug. 2. Port Dunedin, London, Aug. 2. Middloham Castle, N. York, Aug. 2. Pearlmoor, Nauru Island, Aug. 4. Tugcla, Antwerp, Ang. 4. Rimntaka. Liverpool, Ang. 4. Karetn, Melbourne via ports, Ang. o. Mntatiia, Liverpool, Aug. 5. Willastou, San Francisco, Ang. 7, Kaiapoi, Walpole island, Aug. 9. Alin, New York, Aug. 9. Arawa, London, Ang. 10. Dorset, Liverpool, Ang. 11. Kairanga, Port Stephens. Ang. 15. Romeo, New York, Aug. 20. Canadian Britisher, M’trcal, Aug. 22. .Leitrim. Liverpool, Aug. 22. Benicia. Sydney (C. 8.), Aug. 20. HororaLi, London, Ang. 31. Kent, Liverpool, Sept. 5.
PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. Niagara, loaves Auckland August 4 for Vancouver.via Suva, and Honolulu; due Vancouver August 21. Makura, left San Francisco July 15 for Wellington and Sydney via Papeete and Rarotonga; duo Wellington August 3. Tahiti, leaves Wellington July 21 for San Francisco via Rarotonga and Papeete; duo San Francisco August 7. Aorangi, loaves Vancouver, July 29, for Auckland and Sydney via Honolulu and Suva; due Auckland, August 17. PROJ EXITED DEPARTURES. Ila'mdale, Wang, via ports, to-day. Canadian Challenger, Well, to-day. Holiinside. Lyttelton, to-day. Corinna. Now Ply. via ports, July 29, Ripa, Wanganui via ports, July 29. Wanaka, Auck. via ports, July 29. Kawatiri, Oamaru, Timaru, July 29. Kaituna, Lyttelton, Well., July 31. Storm, Wanganui via ports, July 36. Orcti, Invercargill, July 30. Waimana, Bluff, Lyttelton, July 31. Calc, Wanganui via ports, Ang. 3. Waikouaiti, Lyttelton, Ang. 3. Miclcliciiiun Castle, CsHVlille. Ang. 3. Opihi, Wesfport via ports, Aug, 4. Breeze, Wan. via ports, Aug. 4. Pliysa, Bluff, Auckland, Aug. 5. Katoa, Auckland via ports, Aug. 5. Calm, Wanganui via ports, Aug. (J. Matatua, Oamaru, Aug. 7. Maheno, Sydney direct, Ang. 7. Karetn, Lyttelton, Well., Aug. 7. Kamo, Napier, Gisborne, Aug. 8. Willastou, Bluff, Now Ply’th, Aug. 9. Arawa, Timaru, Lyttelton, Aug. 11. Kairanga, Timaru, Aug, 17. Tiio Kaitaugata sailed yesterday for Timaru, l.honco Westport and Greymouth. She will load timber at the latter port for Melbourne and Adelaide. The Ripa, duo to-morrow night from Wanganui to load tor Lyttelton, Wellington, .and Wanganui, will sail on Thursday for Timaru to complete loading.
The Katoa will leave Auckland on Thursday for Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin. The Ngakuta should load at Westport on Thursday for ■ Lyttelton, Oamaru, and Dunedin. The Willastou, expected to leave Napier to-day for Lyttelton. Timaru, and Dunedin, is to arrive here early next week. The Canadian .Challenger sailed today for Wellington and Auckland to complete loading for New York, Boston. and Montreal. The Holmdale departed to-day for Oamaru, Timaru, and Lyttelton to load additional cargo for Wellington and Wanganui. The Kawatiri is fixed to sail at noon to-morrow for Oamaru and Timaru to discharge the balance of her Newcastle' coal cargo. She will proceed thence to Geelong to load wheat for New Zealand. The Kaiapoi was to leave Walpole Island to-day with phosphates for Bluff ami Dunedin. ,
The Wanaka is scheduled to sail tomorrow afternoon for Oamaru, Timaru, and Lyttelton to continue loading for Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. Uie Waikouaiti, which left Sydney at 2 p.m. on Saturday for Bluff, Dunedin, Lyttelton, and Timaru, is due at Bluff on Thursday and hero on Friday. . The Storm is due on August 1 from Bluff. She will sail the same day for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, and Wanganui. The Breeze should arrive on August 3 to load for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Picton, and Wanganui. The Kaituna, from Adelaide via Melbourne, is due at Dunedin on Thursday morning. After discharging a quantity of general cargo the vessel will proceed to Lyttelton, Wellington, New Plymouth, and Auckland. The Dorset arrived at Auckland this morning from Liverpool. The Waimana is listed to sail on Friday for Bluff to complete discharge and continue loading for America and England. THE FERRY SERVICE. Tlio Maori, from Wellington, arrived at Lyttelton at 0.50 a.m. to-day, and passengers and mails connected with the 8.50 a.m. express. OUTPUT OF DANISH SHIPYARDS. The total output of all the shipyards of Denmark last year was forty-seven vessels aggregating 72,151 tons, and marine engines of 59,639 i.h.p., as compared with 52,589 tons and 18,580 i.h.p. in 1923. More than a third of this tonnage was built by Burmeistor and Wain, Copenhagen, who tnniedout eight vessels of 27,456 tons and Diesel engines totalling 39,980 i.h.p.
PERSONAL. Captain G. B. Morgan has been appointed master of the Kaiwarra, relieving Captain R. A. Williamson for holiday. Mr J. H. Miller has joined the Katoa as chief officer, and Mr A. F. Inman has been granted holidays. Mr 11. D. Brebner has joined the Kairanga as second officer, vice Air A. M'Keuzie. ashore for orders. Air R. C. Ingram has been appointed second officer of the Wingatui, relieving Air D. W. Williams for holiday. Air J. Ritchie has been appointed chief officer of the Waihcmo. Air H. S. Collier has been appointed chief officer of the AVainui, relieving Air J. Leonard for holidays. Air D. MThorson has joined the Kauri as extra officer. Air J. A. M'lntosh has relieved Air H. Bacon as wireless operator of the Kauri. Mr Al. APFadgen, chief steward of the Tahiti, left the vessel at Wellington. Captain B. B. Irwin has taken over the command of the ferrv steamer Alaori, vice Captain W. D. tameron. COB RUG ATED SHIPS. Alany advantages are claimed lor corrugated ships, the use of which is increasing on the north-east coast of England. The design consists of the addition of two fore and aft corrugations along each side which merge into the normal ends of the ship. The main object is to increase the rigidity.of the side by forming what are essentially girders of groat strength. These subdue the waves made by the ship, and reduce vibration and rolling. They also increase speed and reduce fuel consumption, according to reports of shipowners. TH E MIDDLED AM CASTLE. Alessrs J. W. Swift and Co. advise that Hie C. and D. Line’s chartered steamer Aliddleham Castle is now expected to arrive at Dunedin on August 2 from New York, via northern peats, to discharge a, quantity of general cargo and case oil. From this port tlio vessel will go to Castlccliff to complete discharge. THE CITY OF HOAIBAT. Running nuclei' the auspices ol the A. and A. Line the Ellevman-Bucknal! steamer City of Bombay sailed from New York on July IS for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Dunedin, and Now Plymotith. She is due at Auckland about August 15 and at Dunedin about September 7.
TRANSPACIFIC CARGO SERVICES. The following particulars of transpacific cargo steamers arc advised by the Union Company , Hauraki, from Pacific Coast, .irrived at Auckland on July 26. After discharge of part cargo she will proceed to Wellington, Alclbournc, Adelaide, and Sydney. Willastou, from Pacific Coast, arrived at Napier on July 24. She was to leave to-day for Lyttelton, Tinur.i, Dunedin, Bluff, and New Plymouth. Wairuua, from Newcastle, was due at Vancouver on July 24. She leads at Vancouver and San Francisco during July and August for A naif land, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. Waiotapu leaves Lautoka about the end of July for Vancouver via Fanning Island. She loads at Pacific Coast poits late in August and early in September for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney. Willastou loads at Pacific Coast ports in October for Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff, and Newcastle. The forward loading dates at Pacific Coast ports are approximately as follow ; Wairuua, late July and early August, for Auckland, Wellington, Melbourne, and Sydney; Waiotapu, lain August and early September, for tucivkind, Alolbourne, and Sydney; AVaitmnata, laic September and early October, for Papeete, Napier, Nelson, and New Plymouth; Hauraki, late October and early November, for Auckland, V ellington, Afelmourne. Adelaide, and Sydney; Waikawa, early Novcmoer; A\airuna, late November and early December; Waiotapu, December.
VESSELS IN WIRELESS CALL. The following vessels ;ire exp:v;:ed to be within range of the umlonncmbned wireless stations to-night:— Auckland.—Kaiapni, Waitomala, Tofua, Laburnnni, Veronica, Kaikoni, Tugeia, Dunedin, Hinomoa, Kabnanawa, Koroiniko. Chatham Islands.—Port Dunedin. Wellington.—Maori, Mararoa, Ngaio, Arabura, Tutanokai, Middlobani Castle, Remuera. W ingatui, Kumara, Ruapehu, Kaitoke, Gurna, Makura. Awarua.—Kaituna,. Kauri, Jlollinside, Penniorvab. Doonbohu, Waikouaiti, Wailomo, Port. Dunedin. Wanaka, Canadian Challenger, Port Melbourne, Kaitauguta. SH f PPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND, duly 27.--Arrived: Wbangape (7 p.m.), from Newcastle. WELLINGTON, July 27.—Sailed: Kuinara (2.25 p.m.), for London. WANGANUI, July 27.— Sailed: lor Dunedin,
•n LY, -™ ;roX > July 27.—Sailed J ort Melbourne, (. r j.2o p.m.), for Lon don, vi;i Monte Video. NltliSOX, July 27.—Sailed: Coriiui; (« n.ri.'i, for Widlinirton and Dunedin TIMARIJ, July 28.—Arrived; Kai tangiita w.Jb ii.m,), from Dunedin. (For continuation sea Late Shipping^
First qua rter -Tnly 29 7.53 a.m. Full moon ■Aug. 4 11.29 p.m. Last quarter Aug. 11 8.41 p.m. .New moon Aug. 30 0.15 a.m.
B. T. AV. Well’ton—N.W., f b so.n 55 BC Orcvmnutb—AV., 1)... 20.08 50 It Christchun'h—Calm 47 OM Timani—AV., f b ... 29.91 44 0 Oamani—S.AV., ) ... 29.91. 48 BC Dunedin—N., I 29.92 47 BC Queenstown—N.W., 1 29.98 29 B Nuggets—AY., f b ... ~ 45 C Bluff—N.W., b ... 29.91 41 OP
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Evening Star, Issue 19004, 28 July 1925, Page 1
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1,798SHIPPING. Evening Star, Issue 19004, 28 July 1925, Page 1
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