PUBLIC NOTICES. N. AND E. S. PATERSON, MND AGENTS. SURVEYORS, SHARE AND LAND BROKERS, EITO., DOMINION (jHAMBBBS, M2 RATTRAY STREET (opposite Wood’# Frfrato Hotel). TftOSLYN (Town Side, Close Junction Cable and Electric. Car).—Fine Residence, 8 'M rooms attractive appearance; well grate and tile fires, Empire paper#, bathroom, W JSTm light, g«8, cupboards and wardrobes; workshop, garogo, ™ out. This house » in perfect order, and only on account of ovLer tearing Dunedin is It being sacrificed. First to inspect will buy. £2OO deposit. Only £I,WO. 'y-v w -imp arioso Knot Chtirch).—Good 5-ioomed Brick House; bathroom, hot and ON(riW0 N (riW wit«A elcctriii light, pns cooker, scullery, copper and tubs; freehold; groat outlook; £IOO deposit; cheap, —- O' NRlsllCtee Oardeiwj.-i?»t.ty 5-roomcd Semi-bungalow. equal to new, with all modern conveniences; tile grate. Empire paper#: good section; exoept.onaUy warm, and fine view; £125 deposit.;, bargain. £9OO. 111, n litA lure i Jou , * > | ' • " 11 ■ 1 ■ w - 1 " TfcOSiLYN (Clo«e Cohimba College, Facing Cat Linoh-Pretty 5-xoomed Brick BunRralow with every modern convenience; fibrous _ plastered ceilings, . porcolaan onamefled bath, and beautifully finished throughout; nice trochoid section; immediate possession; £IOO rend bargain. cwtowt MAORI HILL (Beet Position): Fine 5-roomed Modem Home, In J) ] Set™vVith all fbe latest conveniences, good elevated freehold action; cardcn: fine view; urgent sate;_£l_TO_ deposit Now 4-roomed Scmi-bnngulmv; every poembte Cories vcnicnoo; freehold; only £80(X WF, HAVE GENUINE BUYERS FOR THE) FOLLOWING PROPERTIES i~ g ROOMS, NORTH END (on flat); roust bo bandy to car. lU^^lTN^^roF^irEY; with all conveniences. 6 "ROOMS, CAVERSHAM (on'm)); not necessarily modern ROOMS, CAVERSHAM (on“rire); up to £750. side of "Elgin road); up to £3OO. £ ROOMS, aTRISBrifUST BE BUNGALOW, or MAORI HILL; Bungalow preferred. 4 OR 5 ROOMS’~\M(MNTFV FORBUBY CORNER. ifyour Propei’ty"Ts on tHc ma-rkofe, plotiso fo.nvA-t'd us particulars, oncTT? tbo pnos la reasonable prompt business will result. E. L. MACASSEY AND CO., GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND PROPERTY SALESMEN, 148 RATTRAY STREET'Phone 1,397. Private ’Phones 112 and 3,307 m. BURTON AND PATTER SOW, 41 DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN, INVESTING AND LICENSED LAND AGENTS. MORNTNGTON —Splendid 8-room-od Residence, one story, fino appearance; all modern conveniences, bathroom, h.p, boiler, electric light, wireless aenal, etc ; full quarter-acre, freehold; garden; excellent locality, dose to tram; sunny, sheltered. £1,450. HIGH STREET CITY.--5-roomed Residence, verandah, bay windows;gas heater and rin" h. and’e. water,, drained; freehold section, splendid situation; great chance; £IOO deposit, balance on easy terms at 6 per cent. £750. ST HILDA.—Very attractive modern Bungalow Residence, with every convenience; 'electric light, gas cooker, bathroom, h.p. boiler, etc., cupboards, wardrobes, pantiy; nice garden. A delightful freehold property. Immediate possession. £|2s. ANDERSON BAY—Very fine Modern Bungalow Residence of 6 rooms; electric licht h. and c. water, etc; garage, fowlhouses and runs; fine garden; large freehold section. A splendid property. £1,050. *° ' M' ORNINGTON (Very Handy Situation, to Tram and Town.—Five-roomed Residence; bay window#; all modern conveniences; bathroom, h.p. boiler, elec trio light; in good order; freehold section. Vacflnt. £750. Pol. 539 'ALEX. HARRIS AND CO., . AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, ESTATE AGENTS, PROBATE VALUATORS, Thoncs 1,711, 1,200. 221 PRINCES STREET. Evening ’Phone 9,571. OT HILDA (Close Car).—£l.oso: Neat 4-roomcd Bungalow; just on the market; O ' will stand 1 any inspection, being built specially for owner; every modern appointment; nice garden, lawn, etc. WORTH INSPECTION. 3008 ITY—£49O (just off Prince.- street, no cars required); Freehold and 5-roomcd House, ' plastered; gaa, etc. A CHEAP HOME. Buyer financed. 7670 ,€ P ORTOBELLO.—£6OO; Splendid 5-roomsd House, BUILT' FOR A HOME; i-acre land; nice position; terras. P ORTOBELLO. —Compact 4-roomed Villa; conveniences; small section; harbor view. £525; terms. 9311 Ol A K A—CAVER SHAM RISE (alongside Id car; lovely outlook; sunny, ehelSWiUOu tofed): 5-roomecl Villa; e.L, gas for cooking, Empire papers, wardrobes, bath, basin, h. and c. water, scullery, workshop; corner 'Vechold_ (area 22 poles), nico garden; immediate possession; buyer financed. Also, section .adjoining can bo bought if desired. The lot £1,250. 8991 <T*~t Qff/ji —CLOSE TO DUNEDIN (3 minutes from railway station): 6-roomed Brick oWldsol/ Villa, in beautiful order; e.l. and 3 plugs, porcelain bath, h. and c. water, outside bedroom, store room, dark room, tomato-house (50 x 16), garage; nearly i-acre, in shrubbery, etc.; harbor view. £250 deposit. A DESIRABLE HOME. 886? I A NDERSON’S BAY (Bayfield}.—‘Very substantial and beautifully appointed 6-roomed I£jL Villa; wide return verandah, reception hail (15 x 8, with handsome loadiights). e. 1., gas cooker, porcelain bath, basin, h. and c., wardrobes, pantry, washhouse, all under one roof; drained to D.B. regulations; i-acre, nico garden, poultry sheds; sunny position, handy to car. Price, £1,250. 8979 OOAfIA— SAYFLBLD (ANDERSON’S BAY): Substantial 9-roomed Brick JISS(4"Uu denoo, extra large reception hall, beautiful rooms; modern appointments; J-ACRE, laid out in lawn, shrubbery, rose beds, etc. A WARM, SUNNY SPOT, handy to car. Only £2OO DEPOSIT REQUIRED. 8919 S*A DA —BROAD BAY: 5-rxjomed Furnished Cottage; e. 1.; fronting main road and tfcvtUU beach. £SO deposit. 'Phone 2,141. ’Phono 2,141. BATTEESBY AND CO., LAND, ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. A.M.P. BUILDINGS, DOWLING STREET, DUNEDIN. 'OQA DEPOSIT. —Maitland street, City: Substantial 5-roomed House and freehold 3&>o\7 efeotkm; electric light, hot and cold water, bathroom, pantry, built-in wardrobe and; cupboards; a fairly now house, positively sound. /jaa (OR OFFER). —Roslyn (near tram): Superior 6-roomod Residence, abso--3wlOl/U lutely faultless; large sunny section; fowl run, etc.; owner packed up to leave, £>-j AAA--ST. HILDA: Splendid Brmgalow Residence of JLlargo rooms; oriel casoobiUUU ment windows, fibrous ceilings, latest slab-tiled fireplaces, built-in wardrobes, linen press, cupboards, bookcase, panelled and platc-raoked, largo bathroom, porcelain bath and basin, shaving cabinet; whole property in perfect order; quite new, Sand guaranteed thoroughly well built; owner waiting to go south. Inquire. SOLDIER’S LOAN OF £9so.—Absolutely Perfect 4-momcd Bungalow on St. Clair flat; a model home; specially fins dining room (221 t x 17ft), porcelain bitth and basin, electric light and gaa; reasonable offer wanted. f*~t QAA —SLIGHT RISE (right in City, no cars): Eight-year-old 7-roomod Rcsidenco; fibrous plaster ceilings, casement windows; up to dale in every way; sacrifice. ' _______________ jn-t AAA —'MUSSELBURGH; Bungalow (built about 9 years), 5 large rooms; coneb/xUUU creto foundations; modem finish ami latest conveniences; right at car stop; absentee owner.
Office Tel. 959. {GEO. [W. KIDD, Residence Tel. 1,671. LAND AGENT AND VALUER, 73 PRINCES STREET. SOUTH DUNEDIN BRANCH: WORLD'S MART, CARGILL’S CORNER. ITIEA BOOMS, City, doing good turnover; iJL long lease, low rent; great chance for ft ladies; full particulars on application. B.F. 11l ‘CMSH RESTAURANT, City; largo turnJL over; owner made sufficient to retire, inquire about this. F. 3303 MONEY, Money, Money.—l have several Sumo awaiting Investment, Ist and End Mortgages; also Money to Lend on Stock, Chattels, Life Policies, Furniture, etc. 'if you require a loan see me. Applications treated confidential. COMPANY PROMOTING.—I make a specialty of Company Promoting. Anyone wishing to Float their Business into a Company, please see me. latest" PROPERTY BARGAINS. ST. KILDA. —Superior practically new 5roomed Bungalow, conveniently situated near oar; replete with every possible convenience. Owner purchasing larger protoartv Price, £1,000; soldier's loan, £7OO. ■ F. 3301 A GIFT.— On rise, N.E.V.: Four large Booms; big bathroom; every convenience to satisfy the most fastidious housewife • immediate possession. Furniture can be lid if desired. Going for the gift price £625. Terms given if required. F. 5298 SECTION’S, Sections, Sections.—l can offer Building Sections in all localities; prices cheap; terms low. KBNMUBB EOAD.—S-n>cmied House, bay window must sell; Price, £BSO. and verandah; h. and owner buying larger place. F. 3292 ST CLAIB St. Clair.—l have New Bungalows in this favorite locality; prices ranging from £I.OOO. F. 3279 MAQANDREW’S BAY.—To those looking for Seaside Residences I can offer eeveral practically new Residences (furnished) ; price# from £250 upwards. All fitted with el. F l . 3285 EOSLYN (Adjoining Town Belt).—Eightromed Residence : motor garage, sleeping balconies; beautiful garden. Everything modern. Price reduced to £1,400. F, 3289 BLACK S ROAD.™I have a Six-roomed House with large section which I am instructed by the mortgagees to offer cheap. Further particulars to bona fide buyers * F, 3282 npOWN BELT.--ffi Rooms; all h. and o. Sacrificin Nearly i-acro, with Four conveniences; workshop, for £875. P. 5286 HOUSES suitable for Boarding-houscVor Apartment Letting.— l have several Houses of this description in tho City For Sale cheap. Call for my list. jTURLTON HlLL,—Compact 4-roomed nioyj dem House; built-in wardrobes, kitchen dresser,'tiled range and grates.’ Urgent sale wanted. £7OO. p. 3263 ON RISE, TAINUI.—i-acre, with handsome 5-roomed Villa; e.L, gas garage ; soldier’s loan, £BOO. ’ 3260 OXFORD what you have been looking for: 4-roomod House; electric light, Ernpii 0 papers, wardrobes •’ bargain. Price, £BOO. p_ 3357 MOSGIEL.—' Those looking for Properties in this locality cun havo a choice selection by calling at my office. E, 3251 ELM ROW.— B-roomed Residencaj~o]roonveniences ; very large section. £1 500. ___ P. 3243 varcls. ALMOBE.—S-roomed Semi-bungalows in this favorite locality. Price, £BSO upREID ROAD—S-roomed House; bathroom, scullery, washhouse; recentlyrenovated. Gift prior, £570. p 3235 CHEAPEST BUSINESSES^eri^i^-day. I havo a keen inquiry for Business Propositions, and recommend tho following; Fruit, Confectionery Business, City; long lease, easy rental. Walk in, walk out, £7OO P. 3234 MARBLE BAR, Confectionery Business, south end lease 10 years, rental 40s Price, £525. JF. 3245 SELECT Boarding-house, City; lease six years; well furnished; always full. Price on application. F. 3276 BAKING BUSINESS, and Dunedin. —I have been instructed to offer an old-established Bakery Business doing 1,100 loaves per week. Owner retiring. Will give good terms, F. 5280
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Evening Star, Issue 18392, 28 September 1923, Page 2
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1,628Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 18392, 28 September 1923, Page 2
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