PUBLIC NOTICES. Thona 1 397. ’S’ lloll ® 1 < 397 ’ E. L. MAGASSEY AND CO., GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND PROPERTY SALESMEN, 148 RATTRAY STREET. HOUSES ON DEPOSITS, HOUSES ON DEPOSITS. DEPOSIT (KENSINGTON) Purchaser n Vary Nnlly 4-ROOM.ED HOUSE; Lest „f or dor throughout; VERY HANDY SITUATION. nl DEPOSIT 1 (ST. KILDA) Purchases » NEW 4-KOO.MET) BUNGALOW; all JtiJLUU up-to-date conveniences, including porcelain bath, fibrous ceilings, etc. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ___ .. DEPOSIT (CITY) Purchases a Very Substantia! 6-ROOM BD HOUSE, with &/Wt)U Wbreem. hot and cold water, gas grillor, built-in wardrobes; good corner THIS PROPERTY IS HANDY TO THE UNIVERSITY, AND IS WELL WORTH INSPECTION. . li conKASY P i-a DEPOSIT (SOUTH DUNEDIN) Purchases a .SOUND HOUSE, with (WU vonionces; 5 largo rooms. ccutlory, olo.; good freehold section. TERMS ARRANGED FOR BALANC'D. ni rft DEPOSIT 1 (SOUTH DITMKDIN) Purchases a 4-ROOMED HOUSE In a very rVlOv* handy position; best of papers; found and solid. OWNER LEAVING DUNEDIN. m aa DEPOSIT (MORNINGTOiN) Purchases a 5-ROOJIBD SEMI-BUNGALOW; S>IUU good aider throughout; largo gas cooker, caliphont over bath, olcoiwc light, and other conveniences. BOYD’S AGENCY, LTD., LICENSED LAND AGENTS, • 173 PRINCES STREET (Brown, Ewing's Buildings). ’Phono 1,905. Entrance Corner Princes and Manse streets. FINANCES ARRANGED ON ALL PROPERTIES. r*u OAA —‘SUNSHINE: Modern Semi-bungalow. 5 roomo; electric light, hot and cwJLOvV told, pas for cooking, ctee) ceilings, tiled lion.rt.lH and grates, batnroom, bath, bn sin ; nil in first-class order; bricl: mol or garage, hothouse, fowlhmiso; largo section. _ ftiytVp' —Modern 6-roomed Residence; electric light, hot and cold, gas for cooking, ii) Empire papers, pliistcri’d n-nil panelled coilings; all largo rooms; clipboards, wardrobes; splendid section; one mhmio from ear; good locality. dust on the market, and at bargain price. _ _ pwwScni-burnfaioiv, practically new; 4 good rooms; electric liirlib. hot am] cold, o&i ID porcelain biHh, basin, burst Papers, tile grates and hearths. wardrones, cupboards, etc.; choice locality. Very few lj| cc . this offering. Get. paidiciikirs. _ pr>KA —'Attrao.livo ‘l-ronmcd Dwelling; ras, pantry, scullery. Empire papers, built • oW()t)v in cupboard:), iv.M'drohn, washhouse, copper, tubs, workshop; good sunny /'foolion; lawn, Harden, A very nice home and at a very low price. cfUKSHINB.~Over iT Acres Freehold A sections): full si reed, frontage. For quick C) sale at absolute gift price, £259 lot. Owner loft Uimcdin. W W B Must lie soli' have a splendid selection of p r o)»-iiei on our bocks, ami can arrange fimvrico from £SO upwards. Cal! and see us I'oforo buying. have several small Business! For bale. Inquiry iuvilcd. F.O 1 . Box 351. IW. M. lIABETS AND CO,, 'Phono 3,610. LAND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, 214 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIN. ROSLYN.— a-acro Freehold, 5 Room-, mont loan m- 41 per cent.; elc-Aii WAKARf.— .l-aere Freehold, 5 R exchange suitable City property. tip-top locality; all conveniences; part Govern- • light*, ii rained. Price, £B7u. I'd. 10.52 os- drained; splendid order. Would consider K,O ‘ Fol. 912 CIITY.— 4 Rooms; h. and o. > onoos. £525. porcelain bath, c.l.j dniincd; garden; nil eonveniFiil, 1059 ST KILDA.—i-aero Freehold, 5 Rooms (bungalow); every convenience. Well worth Inspection. £1,150. AAA 03 " NE.V.— i-iicro, 5 Rooms; gas and c.I. cooker; » built-m wardrobes, cupboards. £1,150. all conveniences; bay windows, Fol, 906 Rooms; QT. CLAIR.—N. , O venioncea. Reduced price, £1.5a0. Gift frontage; corner section; 0.1. ami gas; A btauliful home. nil conI’ol. 855 SOUTH DUNEDIN. —l-acro, 5 Rooms; h. and c., gas; drained; hay windows, concrete paths, garden, glasshouse, and fowl houses. £875. Would consider exchange mi N. AND E. S. PATERSON, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, SHARE AND LAND BROKERS, BTC., DOMINION CHAMBERS, 142 RATTRAY STREET (opposite Wood’s Private Hotel). TP)E\D THIS - TIGS 15 CITY (Suburban Railway Station): Practically new HOUSE, Mi *5 rooms: ' all conveniences; fires in .all rooms; return French window?; ,11 in perfect order; with 5 acres freehold: well fenced; largo vegetable garden, hunt and flowers; stable, byre, and; fowl runs, together wish largo number -d fowls; Jersey cows, prize horse (with trap and ’names,-;; cost £oo) and all tools and implements, etc. Owner leaving immediately for Auckland. Urgent, sale. Easy terms. Going concern, £725. L~ EITH STREET' (fine position, close At. David slroet;.—iir»t-u)a?.i 6-i'omnrd House; bathroom,' scullery, hot and void water, electric light, washhouse, copper am ,iibs and all other modern conveniences, and all in excellent order; sunny freoho d section; gn-rrton and flowers and toma-io houseasphalt pnihb and y;iiu. A leriliy fnoap homo, Immediate entry. Easy terms. £72:’. _ . . . fINriNG-ATOl.— Motieru 6-roomed Residence, splendid order; all modem conveniences; V? qi acres freehold; lino garden, well subdivided ; stable, garage, mid lot ot good wtbuildings; ideal suburban homo. For quick side. Easy terras. . OBTURNE-d’ SOLDIER’S CHANCK.-Closo Railway Workshops, in good position: Hi Splendid House, of 4 large rooms, good appearance; bathroom, scullery, and all ■onventneces, oioctric light; fine sunny corner section, £IOO deposit, baumcc Governnont loan. Furniture if required. _ _ '^T~DXvib~STßEET.—Practically New Bungalow, 5 rooms, with all the most modern 5) 'conveniences; fibrous plaster ceiling's, porcelain enamel bath, electric light gas .poker. Empire papers, mi>;ror-door wardrobes, casement windows; punny ttoehold ;cHion> garden, dowers, etd. Owner leaving. Urgent sale. Terms. ’Phono 780. SIEVWEIGHT, HAGGITT, AND CO., LID., EMPIRE BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, LAND AGENTS, AND SHARELKOKMa. ■»r»QOi—CITY (North End); Bried; and Plastered 5 Rooms; sonllory, bith gas iOOll shed, cupboard;; freehold section; £BO ooposir., balance 20s and interest eckly. ------ CHAuMBEIILIiTRIiLt', VALLEY (sunny side); SOLDIER’S LOAN i -625; 'I Modern 8 Rooms; scullery, bath, h. and c., electric, wardrobes, cupoonra; uore; garden. £IOO DEPOSIT. __ _ _ *— ■ 'FRUIT BUSINESS. TILL SUBURB.—Fruit and Confectionery Business; turnover exceptionally good, i The rent is low, and. affords an exceptional opportunity to secure a found and iy business. £IOO cash, balance easy repayments. __ ( “VillaV return verandah. Iwlhrcnra, pedesmi bath, ti doak room, linen press, tiled hearth surrounds electric stocroom; mco eoh old Motion; lawns, flower garden, shnibs; room tor garage, £IOO DEPOmT, bailee 61 por cent. Owner tninstevred. _ _ BaYWindow and J) basin* house?; fihoico tjoTflcn. ic-nini.c bou?o, fnili; trnos., r-GoO. rrrm* iXTYBBS waiting 4-5 Rooms, City or suburbs. BH.ETON AND PATTERSON, WVWJ3NG AND LICENSED LAND AGENTS, 41 DOWLING 3WKSSS, DUNHDIN. ¥)OSLYN.—Splendid S-roomed Residence; bathroom, li. and o. water, gas etc.; in J.V ’ OToaUont order; very handy .situation; sunny, nice view, good locality; vacant possession. £750. _ _ _ MOIININQTON.— Superior 8-roomcd Oiro-olory Residence; all modern convcnienoes*, bathroom, h.p. boiler, electric light, ole.; good appearance, in ilwt-oto order, tnuirter-aoro freehold election; splendid locality, handy to tram; possession In ono month. £1,175. ST. KlLDA.—Natty 4-rootn©d Modern Bungalow; Imthroona, h.p. boiler, electro light; in good order; handy position; nico freohoid section; garden; flno crop of vegetables,* £6OO. _ jfTITY--Fit3t-cla£3 6-roomed Rosidonoo, in splendid order; bathroom, h.p. boiler, 'LI drained, and all conveniences; full level freehold section; good locality; wellbuilt residonoo; immediate posscKslou. £950. HX ROOMS, handy to penny section; verandah, box windows, bathroom, h.p. boiler, J Oleotrio light, drained, glusshouao (28ft x Wit), washhouse, Hied; good freehold, ree frontages; sunny and sheltered; immedrat-o possession, £6/5. ’phono 3,183. BRAZENDALE AND CO., ’Phone 3,133. AUCTIONEERS, FARJI, CITY PROPERTY, AND BUSINDYS SALESMEN, 299 PRINCES STREET (Next Exido Battery Service Station). (or Near Offer).—ON RISE (handy Id car) i 4 Rooms; ecullcry, washhouse, eto.; asphalt paths; good view; garclenj Ju fairly good order. Fol- I-W .^o^—ClTYllOYilnutea'lronrFost Office); 5-rooraed' Concrete and Plastered 0/00 House, -in tip-top order tiuougliout; easy ingoing: -curly occupaiion. Iw lot *) "6-romncd modern. House amt J-acro IOID nioelv-laid-out section; oonemte foundations; largo scullery and balhroom; •rounded on all sides bv live hedges, and lies to the run; ;ul possible conveniences, la property la for immediate sale, and is well worth inspection, bee us for hn- " Early occupation. f’ ol * w ‘ICUitH li, JiAU,V V>DVUt]/wv*vii» __ ... - \~CiTYl\xi good localUfjT V HoonisT wulkry, washhouse*. lighting and ) ring, verandah, asphalt paths; Immediate possmiou. ..i'A.H’ vIjMTY (close - Ekederlok street) t 5-roomed Brick and Plastered Villa, slate V „J roof; all possible convanionces, g«o and gas rii 3 g. This property has been sully renovated throughout, and is in porfeot order. Linoleum? end curtains given Good terms can bo arranged, and immediato possession given. I<ol * 100 £sl) deposit, 25s weekly. Fol. 142 •—CAVERSirAit; 0 Rooms. ’Phono, 2,409. TODD BEOS., LTD., Office ’Phone, 2,409. HOUSE AND LAND AGENTS, 71 HIGH STREET, DUNEDIn, (Star Offer)—7-roomed Ee.ddence; eun verandah, bathroom fibrous plannjijuf tered oeliin'’s throughout; all moocm conveniences; faithfully-built house; "roof concrete foundations; lovely freehold section; new Bglinton road and oar aington. Strongly recommend inspection. lobojil —SUNSHINE■ Modern Brick Bungalow of 6 good rooms; plastered throughout, porcelain bath; all Inteot labor-saving appliances; sunny posiplor'otts vW of C’«ty and harbor; 4-acro ireohold; handy 2d car; notniag octiffering. F<sll<> 161 £SO deposit, 22$ 6d weekly. Sound 4-rooraed Dwolling; 'largo eonUery, ) JSh aSd coal house; freehold section; South End, Id car. Folio 152 , bathroom, fibrous plastered nice section; good locality. Folio .1.23 'OA—Sd Cot (North End); New 4-roomed Bungalow; IOU ceilings, hot ami cold water, electric light; r jj at onoe about thm. Small Deposit, Balance Weekly! Sound 4 Booms; hot and cold water, all J)5 oonwonionoes; ireohold section; South End. near oix. rou"reauii6 Domestic Assistance, Adver* TF yon Lwe Anything, Advertise in the ‘Star.' 1 Urtar’ Lost and_Jfound Colum^
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Evening Star, Issue 17977, 25 May 1922, Page 2
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1,487Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 17977, 25 May 1922, Page 2
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