mm mr CALL AND SEE ■w Ii jou could shave yourself in three _ mmutea as well as the barber does, ' -wouldn't you rather always shave voursolf than ' waste valuable time -waitingyour turn at a b'arber's shop' Perforated Hone for 30 days at our exPrl nSe ■ Lt puts easy sllavin S within reach of ovorv man. y The Perforated Hone requires no skill or experience io use. You cannot over-set your razor with it. Give six f strokes or a hundred—you simply can't hurt your razor for the perforations prevent" wire-edge and automatically produce a perfect, keen shaving cchje. The Perforated „, . , lle '' miule from n» exceptionally lmu, fine, nptnval stone and IllßStaliietime. If yonr dealer cannot sapt-lv vou send in 5/ and we will k! mn nt nnr.o „ Terfoi-ated Hone in a neat pocket case. : Perforated Hone thirty days FREE. lleBS you And it leaves a smooth cutting edge on your razor that feels like %\\\ on your face, return it at our expense and cot yonr money back immediately. 0...J <„ .1... .... r-r,r»™ THE PERFORATED HONE CO. 42 Wnvhinr Taylor street. Wellington, Easy Shaving. or Box 618, G.P.0., Wellington. I ©SIwSMHBi THE MAGIC SALVE r*w WM® t^mOk mm® AND* GERM i I □ KILLER J m .11 (THE MAGIC SALVE) is specially recommended as an unfailing preventive (if used in time) for mmm i«u:i mmm for everyone's use —especially the children. Put up in Sanitary Collapsible Airtight Tubes jj • «. m « and—on Sale by ait Chemist* and Store* OlCe, &/- &,.l!iD6 IN COLLAPSIBLE SANITARY AIR-TIGHT TUBE Or direct fromV. A. WAWN, Manufacturing Chemist, 44 Elizabeth Street, Redf era Sydney, N.S.W. No. 6 1 I It is a germ every time, and now is the season. Carry a w tube in the pocket and now and again put a little on the is tongue and turn it round; and a little up the nostrils 0 and breathe it in. " y THE MOUTH AND THE NOSTRILS :| are the gateways to the Lungs, but no germ can pass Wain's Wonder-Balm, Quite harmless to you it ia 8 death to a germ instantly. Q HII§: nrraufi^ 75&W1 NEW ZEALAND ADDRESS: BOX I*7o, G.P.0.. AUCKLAND.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 7
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