Preos Association—By Telecraph—OoKnight. Australian and N.Z. Oabto Assooiati»n. A CRIPPLING STRIKE. l£>m>QN, December 25. ' All negotiations have failed 1 to settle the ironmouiders' strike, which has now lasted three months, , rendering idle 50,000 men, andlndirectly another 100,000 involving a lo&s of £2,500,000 in wages.' A leading employer declares that the engineering trade is now practioaly at a standstill. INDIAN REBELLION. LONDON, December 25. It is reported that serious fighting between British troops and native rebeJs in the hills of Northern India resulted in 200 British casualties, including 13 officers. SCAPA REPARATION. PARIS, December 23. Yon Horsner, after receiving the Allied reply regarding the Scapa Flow reparation, departed for Berlin for the purpose of receiving his Government's instructions. There has been no rupture in. the negotiations. MEW BOLSHEVIK LEADER. PARIS, December 23. According to Berlin advices the Congress at Mosuow elected l Kalinino President. Lenin received the next highest number of votes, and he becomes vicepresident. SIGNIFICANT ROYAL TOUR. ROME, December 23. King Victor Emannuel will visit the United States and also tour South America nets summer. HOLLAND AND HER GUEST. PARIS, December 23. The delay in farther proceedings to bring the ex-Kaiser to trial is due to the delay over signing the protocols. The Allies intend to present a muted demand to Holland for Wilhelm's surrender when the treaty is finally ratified. It is :e----ported that tha Allies intend to insist on next summer.
U.S. NAVY SQUABBLE. WASHINGTON. December 23. Admiral Sirams wrote a letter to Mr Daniels, secretary of the Navy, refusing to accept the Distinguished Service Medal on the ground that other naval offers had been inadequately rewarded. The letter points out that the Navy Department awarded honors in many "instances contrary to Admiral SimmVs recommendations. Both Senate and House Naval Committees suggested an inquiry into fte medal awards given to those in the naval service. UNFSEST IN JAPAN. WASHINGTON, December 23. Authoritative information from Tokio states that the fate of the Hara Ministry will be tested at a meeting of the Diet shortly. Japan, although enjoying the greatest prosperity, has been suffering from strikes, of which 400 have occurred in the past year. The _ people are also dissatisfied with Marquis Hara's inability to obtain recognition of racial equality" at the Peace Conference and with his Siberian policy, which is considered to be a drain on the national resources. PHCENSX PARK ATTACK. LONDON, December 23. A man has been arrested in connection with the attack on Lord French. A force of police armed with carbines guarded the cemetery when Michael Savage was buried' in the presence of his relatives. There was a large crowd. One wreath was from a battalion of the Irish Republican -Army. WOMEN J.P a 'S LONDON, December 23. A number of representative women have been appointed justices of the peace, including the Marchionesses of Crewe and •<k naonderry, Mrs Lloyd George, and others, who will act as an advisory committee and recommend further appointments. BRITAIN AND FRANCE. PARIS, December 25. M. Clemenceau, in the Chamber of Deputies, announced that the London Conference hud agreed to various points of foreign policy. He hoped Mr Lloyd George would come to Paris early in January with a. view to the settlement of the Adriatic, the Russian, and Eastern questions. He Tscalled Lloyd George's words that war would bo impossible if England, and, France wev.l united. It. Cfenienoeaii said he assured Lloyd George that, " whatever happened, he may always reVy, not only on me, but on the> whole of Prance." (Creers.)
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 6
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