AUCKLAND. Perfect weather. Very largo attendance at Elleislie. Results : Shortland Plate, 400sovs. lm.—Archie 1, Canowin-dra 2, Makepeace 3. Scratched : General Stephen. Won'"'by half a length. Time, lmin 41sec. FOAL STAKES, l,ooosovs. For two-year-olds. 6f. A. B. Williama's ch c. Humbug by Absurd—Eulogy, 8.10 ... 1 G. L. Stead's bli c Right and Left by Merry Moment—En Parole, 8.10 2 Sir Geongo Clifford's br f Moorfowl by Autumnus—Kirriemuir, 8.5 ... 3 Also started : Dunedin 8.10, Bhcullan 8.10, Landslide 8.10. Half a length; two lengths. Time, lmin 14|sec. Robinson Handicap. 30030v5. 7f.—To Oro (7.1) 1. Actrice (6.7) 2, Hessian (6.7) 3. Scratched: Nighttime, Slammer, Forest Gold, Over There, Backfire. Four lengths. Time, lmin 28sec. MANAWATU. The M&nawatu Jockey Club's Meeting opened to-day in dull weather. Therewas a largo attendance. Results : " Trial Plate," 150sovs. 7f.—Sweet Song 1, Axnberine 2. Sycora-x 3. Scratched : Lepanto, Rossmoad, 8.M., Prominent, Aquilla, Mida, Miss Morn, Sweet Rest. Won by half a lertrth. Tims, lmin 29sec. Tokoauru Maraetotara (11.9) 1, Sir Donald (9.2) 2, Rieim (9.0) 3. Scratched : Gang Awa', Whivo, , Zeus, Coldstream, Sartosta. Eight lengths. Gillies Hack Handicap, ISOsovs. 6f.— Statuette (8.9) 1, Guanaco (7.6) 2, Paoanui (6.10) 3. Scratched : Early Dawn, Hikioa, Repc-Toa, Matty, Parorangi, Asteri'na. Arch Lassie, Nursing Sister, Elcullus, Borealia, Kilgour, Hymarty. Lord Astolat, Import, Farce, "Russet, Kinswn, Amberine, Mersland. Half-time, Conziska, Princess Marion, Hallowvonia. Won by half a length. TARAMAKS. The Taranaki Jockey Club's Meeting opened in light rain. Results: — Huatoki Plate, 150sova. W.f.a. 7f.— Mimiri 1, Vagrancpiece 2, Simon 3. Won by a neck. Time, lmin 33sec. Stewards' Hack Handicap, 176sovs. 6f. —Perfect Day (9.2) 1, Hallow (8.13) 2, Passin' Through (7.3) 3. Others: Nemaliiie 8.5, Egmont Park 8.4, Banogue 7.0. Three-quarters of a length. Time, lmin 46sec.
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 6
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