Sir James Allen arrived in Dunedin from the North on Christmas Eve. He attended the annual shoy of the Tnapeka A. and P. Society at Lawrence to-day. Mr A. B. J. Irvine, Auckland maiiasor of the Union Steam Chip Company, "relinquishes his position as fi-om January 01, and will lie succeeded by Mr J. H. C. Bond. . As already announced in this column, llr X. S. Falla, will succeed Mr Bond as general trafhc manager at Dunedin.
Professor J. C. Johnson, who lias just returned from the Southern Alps, is at present staying at the Grand Hotel. He intends studying marine growth at Turakaimi and the adjacent beaches. The Chief Justice (Sir Robert Stout) will arrive in Dunedin to-morrow evening, and will remain here till after the Gtago University jubilee celebrations. A Sydney cable advises : Norman Ross, the champion swimmer, arrived l by the Niagara, after competing at Brisbane* Melbounie, and Adelaide, and be proceeds to Sow Zealand. *
A son has been born to Princess Patricia, and Lieutenant Ramsay, states a London cable.
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 6
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