Press Association—By Telegraph—Copyright. Australian and N.Z. Cable A»3ociation. LONDON", December 22. Foreign rates of exchange for the pound sterling are: On Paris, 40.50fy; Stockholm, l?.80kr; Christiania, 18.50kr ; Calcutta (rupee), 2Sid ; Montreal. 4dol 12c; New York, 3dol 814 c. The Bradford wool tops market is firm, but little business is being transacted. OTTAWA, December 22. It is estimated that the 1919 wheat crop in Canada will total 196,361,000 bushels from 141,337 acres. A LEAGTJE OF BUSINESS MEN. One of the far-reaching results of the International Trade Conference held recently at Atlantic City was the inauguration of an international organisation of business men, in which representation shall be limited to included in the League of Nations, The purpose of this organisation was declared to 'be "to promote international commerce, to facilitate the commercial intercourse of nations, to secure harmony of action on all international questions involving commerce and industry, and to promote peace, progress, and cordial relations between the countries and their citizens, the co-operation of business and their association devoted to the development cf commerce and industry." The specific aims of the organisation were declared to bs: " (a) To create a permanent international headquarters which will centraliEo all data concerning economic subjects and social conditions, the facts relating to respective needs, present productions, and future possibilities of each country, (b) To act as an instrument of co-ordination which will suggefct regulations and legislative measures "to facilitate and encourage the development of economic intercourse, (c) To inform public opinion through the publication of facts concerning business conditions, and through dissemination of the views of technical experts and business men. (d) To put at the disposal of all official organisations any reports and conclusions prepared by thoe experts and business men."—Guaranty Trust. J
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 6
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