COPENHAGEN, December 22, It is reported that th« "Bolsheviks are willing -to yield their Esthonian frontier claims. There is no agreement regarding a neutral zone or a discontinuance or war operations. The Bolsheviks desire the neutrality of the river Narva, the Esthonians retaining the town of Narva. A Mosco-w wireless message claims that the Bolsheviks have capturod 10,000 prisoners, including 5,000 officers. A message states that 700 of Kolchak's men were found" in a hospital near Omsk frozen to death. LONDON, December 22. The Copenhagen report, to the effect that General Wrangel will succeed General Denikin in the command of the Southern Army proves to be "unfounded. Mr Cecil Harmsworth (Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs).. announced in the House of Commons that the Government had instructed Captain O'Grady to resume negotiations with M. LitvinoS for the exchange of prisoners. Captain O'Grady will return to Copenhagen after a brief visit to London. BALTIC STATES. ESTHONIANS' GREAT FIGHT. Eeuter's Taiejrrams. LONDON. December 23. Renter's Riga Correspondent states that the Latvian and Lithuanian Governments have concluded an offensive and defensive alliance, its object being a joint warding off of attacks from the west., as well as from the Bolsheviks. The two States' armies will have a joint commandership. The fiercest battle of the whole Russian civil war is raging on the Narva front. The Bolsheviks, supplied with cocaine, are furiously but vainly endeavoring to capture the town. Despite the fact- that thousands of their troops are cut down, they are constantly reinforced. THE NEXT WAR. GERMAN AERIAL PLANS. GENERAL SEELY'S WARNING. LONDON, December 22. (Received December 26, at 10.30 a.m.) ■Major-general Secly, Under-Secretary for Air, warns the Government that Germany has begun the utmost development in aviation. She is subsidising aerial transport, and is securing the retention of the designing staffs. Her proposal is to convert to war purposes her future peace machines, which wOl probably bo all metal, in a few hours, even minutes. Tb-? enemy in the next European war. he say 3, will aim at instantly destroying its antagonist's seat of Government and means of production and transport, and thus render military operations ineffective, owing to their slowness. Surface ships will have a poor chance. SCAPA REPATRIATION. PARIS, December 25. The allied reply to the German Jfote of December 15 has been delivered, accompanied by a verbal statement that the Allies desire to take into account Germany's economic difficulties, and will reduce their demands if they are shown to err regarding the valuation of German harbor material. Von Lersner referred to the importance of this reply, and announced his departure for Berlin with experts in order to consult the German Government.
Evening Star, Issue 17234, 26 December 1919, Page 4
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