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Mr C. If. Hayward has given notice fr> mort* at liio nest meeting of the Board of Management !> f the Dunedin Technical Ool' r .;e —” Th '£■ the hoard deplore the action of i’fic id *: "p un TiKtn t in |'cnnitt;ii;r lhe pay of schob.r.-!iip;> to nt D'md r g ;:ut ion'll schools. and that we. ih ttunUei; j Government to cancel all sin. n ijihcJ.'rdi.p. l ,. fert-bwiwi in:. i •••< t-h«’ holder* the., kg p,umic their mrhes in national ;-ch"o]>. a.:d that the Education Act be mim'd aciamlingly.” Vegetable garden protection leagues are cue result of I lie caliin. g-up of the Second Divisi n men (says iho i lit '"’.m i ‘ Times Tine spirit of nmc!' - '-’.’. I that lias been created by the war bos led to ibe formation of those Irsqit's-. Ju cafdnn.iiion, it may bo said tint, in his or two suburban districts in the city, inelb.'Tue householders have o.aic to the i-ediV-nion the: the go'-dens of their loss fortunate neighbors most suffer as :i result of limn’ male owners being called to camp. TKj. irmbeibh- Moaeibors have conferred tigi 1 .. „,a.i ri.imed lee.-nes to hoop tlnar fronds' er,”dp|!s in order during the: time, thni ne 1 •'.|'r:so:arc away ?.t the front. Tfrs-: leagues have been already formed in two suburban districts, and no doubt Diners v.i.; ro;,ow. Hndd-ird Parker and Co. have given £IXOO to the Wimmor.V Relief Fund. It is understood (savs the ‘Cray River Argus b that the Go\enireent Inve offered Mr Tom pollard, and he has aee-pted. trie position of controller of the Amusement Tax of the Dominion. hi iho course of a lecture at ,V stmt- n, Mr F. H. BnhowoU, M.A., Uhn’t Inspector of Schools, outlined n brntiup lesson that ha-d b: J en actually given in a Den nan school in the presence of a United States laueher. The engendering of imrilieit obedience to the Kaiser (“ the father") and ardent love for the Fatherland were the end and aim of the Gorman toadmr’s Pssun. Little was attempted.

but that little was thoroughly taught with ft distinct end in view. In New Zealand Mr Eahowell thought the teacher attempted to teach too much Ivstory. He so uood to think it a criminal offence to omit a re?;,'ll. What, for cxamnlc, was to be gained by teaching children the history of the rovjns of Egbert, of .Stephen, or of Charles IT.? The teach' l ;- required to get e, brooder conception of his subject by wider riavding before attempting to teach it. and to have a distinct aim in view when drawing no his s 'hern" of work. No inspiration could be sccurc.-l or given by a rigid adherence to a text book. A Westport message says : Elizabeth M'Lellan. wife of Donald hi' Lei lan, V.MiW found near a creek at bcrgenik’s Kill lust evening with her he-gd blown off by gelign its. The matter is surrounded by mystery. The deceased’s husband had been away all day long contracting. In rc-npo-usc to an invitation from the Navy League (Otago branch) over 1,000 secondary school members of the league attended a presentation of the naval films ‘ Friend and Foe ’ fallowing many of th" allied fleet and also the Gc', and ’The King’s Visit to the Fleet.’ The proceedings were briefly opened by the rector of the Boys’ High- School (Mr W. J. Morrell) and with the singing of the National Anthem. The pictures were much anprecialed. Mr H.'E. Holland, M.P., has accepted an invitation from the Otago Labor Council to give a miblic address in 'Dunedin at an early data. Mr E. IT. Just, organising secretary of the New Zealand Educational InstHhlo. accepted an invitation to address the Otago Labor Council last evening. Ho impressed the council so favorably that ft notice of mot .’on has been tabled to corns before the amri: meeting of the council that an educational committee be set up for the purpose of placing the council’s views on a system of national education before the institute, Good ice is reported at Oturehun. (Hough Ridge), and -''curling is kl L? be in full swing. It is understood that some Dunedin enthusiasts contemplate making the t-rin to-morrow.

When Dr. G'> nil Ivan, principal Health Officer, to Hampden last month to wall tea throat* of the school children ho did net f.nd one case of diphtheria, hxit a. “cirrier” v:is discovered an 1 promptly u,ol.i.led. and there lias since been no of the disease nf the reliora. The doctor says that the parents of ih»« “ earner ” are net to ii'e.rrc in anv way A person mac ho quite Healthy and yet a ” carrier ” nf diphthena n. a virulent form. In this case the child was perfectly ii:;hb in itself, and as a fact i ; s parents ‘ u '° very clean and careful persona. Mr \V. D. .Mason telephoned the Taiori County engineer this afternoon that the day was remitricatily warm, that the snow was melting, and that the crocks _ were rapidly rt- ev. Possibly it 'dll ireazo. again "to-night, but it would ho a wise precaution for fenunre whoso land is liable to inundation by a comparatively small riso in the Taiefi to remove their stock. Mr Mason will send farther word if the river rises to an extent to cause alarm.

A ‘Gazette’ notice announces that the sale and nublication ot a hook entitled *■ The Black Prophet ” and all other books or publications containing extracts from the side! book are prohibited'; also a periodical ailed tha 1 Groen Ray,’ published at Dunedin, and every publication .issued in su’.cession to the. ‘Groen Kay’ or iu subsi tution therefor, and having tho_ same proprietor, publisher, printer, or editor.

Twonty-ono degrees of frost were registered -at Alexandra last wight. A first offender, brought, before Mr .1. Tait, J.P., at the Port Ghalrnors Court, this morning, was convicted of drunkenness and discharged. Mr Paulin advised this afternoon : Strong N.VV. to S.W. winds and rain ; indications becoming stormy The monthly meeting of the committee of the Dunedin Free Kindergarten Association, was held yesterday afternoon. Mrs Uilkison was in the chair. A letter was read from .Mrs W. H. Reynold* from London. .Misses Goldsmith and Henderson acknowledged receipt of dolls and dolls’ prams to their kindergartens from Airs John Ross. .Miss Darling acknowledged receipt of gifts to Reynolds Kindergarten from Messrs Johnstone, Dotting, Sproall, and Mbs Crawley. The treasurer acknowledges a number of subscriptions. The surviving members' of the Wiramora’s crew reached Wellington yesterday by train from Auckland. .Some went on in the Manuka to Sydney, where the majority have their homes. Passports (reports a P.A. wire) were issued these to leave the country.

The unusual occurrence ct ice on the sea in Dunedin Harbor tins morning was commented upon by frequenters of the waterfreiit. It is some years since such an event has boor, noticed. Shi.rtly before sunrise to-day ft was even that the water in tho vicinity of the wharves was covered with a thin coating of ice, which* however, coon disappeared under the sun’s rayr-. Tho heavy frost was also very noticeable on the waterfront, tho wharves and the roofs of the surrounding 'buildings bo nig covered with a thick mantle of white, while tho stadia of coal recently discharged front steamers showed up like huge white hillocks. An incident anont a returning transport bunging whisky cargo to New Zealand is told lo one of our reporters as authentic. The transport in question is at present in New Zealand waters. When she was leaving England the cargo offering for Ibe trip was, roughly. 500 toms of whisky. SCO tons of mail matter, and 250 tons of tin plate-.!. Insufficient space was available to Lake the lot, so portion of one of the three consi-nmeiits had to be left behind. It wars the mails that suffered. The Education Committee of the Otago Expansion League -leaded Jest night to arrange for a puhhc meeting at Mos nel on the 25th test, for the purpose ct inauguratin'.’ a boys’ agricultural competition in the Taiari. A. hard 'float in Dunedin last night. At Anderson Bay the thermometer was down to 20. Taps and pipes wore frozen in somehouses n.t the 1101 th end. and the sain? ■experience is reported flora St. Chur-. Me.-t persons think that this morning was the coldest of the season. The Opofco readings do not confirm .that opinion, for an instrument in that locality which showed 6ld eg of ye.-tmhiv morning shewed only 4deg this morning. The mainfvstations of frost warv to a considerable extent. Note tho difference here recorded of 4deg at Opoho and 12<leg at Anderson Bay. To-night in the City Council Chamber*, Mr E. Just will give an address on Educational Reform to those who can make, it then- business to attend. The future is big w'.tn p-assibilu ics and then- is no dmibl that radii al c bailees will have to be made m ll _■ . liu tum d y.-tmns of the Empire. As a retired rector of a large District High school, and one ’.who for severed years has been closely identified with the working out of tho policy of tho N\.-w Zealand Educational Institute, and who has definite ileus on tho defects of our Primary and Secondary systems of Education, Mr Just will supply his hearers with food for thought. Lest evening Mr Just specially addressed about forty men prominent in the Labor .Movement, Tomorrow morning in the Kempthoni' }J;d in - addresses primary and secondary school teachers. Next week's mv-clim.p as far as arranged, are referred lo in out udv?rti.-isy coinnms. Prepm-ati-ms for important changes in tho magistracy are nearly complete. U is auncipatsid that lhe Minisicr of Ju.-tic • will u-v re.idy to make an announcement Ly tho v;:d of the month, and meanwhile the va 0.1 y caused by the dooth of Mr lx " will be filled •.within lhe next few clays. The number of magistrates is nominally only two short (by the retirement of Mr Kettle and tho death of Mr Kerr), but tho actual shorLuo is extended hv appointments as elr inn-ui of military service L-m >■■:.? and commissioners!. The board.' have diverted at least six me. girt rater, from th-ei? ordinary duties, and a l ,, present two others ha ve boon engaged as eoninii>simieT?. Another faetor is licit th- curtailment of the railwe.v services has reduce:! {be mobiiily of tho magistrates. Some of the ni-i.i *a(. - s are just at- the retiring age (65 years). An election petition has been filed with t!m returning I; Hirer for the district of Grey against tho return of Mr it. F.. Holland. V’ari ous grounds arc. alleged, the principal being that- a large number M ptnsons who wiled <Ud not reside in the Grey district- for six months previous to trie election. If the allegations are proved, it will bo within the power of the Electoral Court to declare the petitioner (Mr T. E. Goads) ib.-crag ; m the member for Grey, ami there, will be no need for a- fresh, election. The official recount gives Mr iiolland a majority of 145 votes. A prosecution under the Wax Regulations Act for an alleged seditious strike took place at the Magistrate's Court, Gisborne, be fore Mr Burton. S.M., as the outcome of a stoppage of work at the Gisborne Shc-e.pfarnmr.s’ Work;-, on Febnnny 28 last. The men charged wore Ggorge Polhud, David Irvin, Herbert htank-y Du vis, Charles Hays, Vvaiuxr Birkc-ti, Hector R.-rcy ''’.van, George Williams, Joseph Thomas Morgan, and Robert Lewis, all -of whom were described ns freezing works employees. After hearing the evidence. his Worship said that strikes wo-'C detrimental things at any time, but ju tho present time, when a war was in progress, it- was the duty of every British subject to remkr nil possible aid in the cause, lie would take into consideration the fact that the men returned to work tho following day, ami would impose a penalty of Go each, in default seven days’ imprisonment.

Sir James Allen wired to Mr Tinstone (American Consul-general at Auckland) : " On ibis fourth day of .fuly, I am Mire all Now Zealanders rejoice-to know that, ih l * it American people are with them in the I V for freedom From my window 1 me Hi- s of the United Kiu-rdoni and of (he United, States of America flying side hy side on the cross-bar at, the head of Iho flagstaff, emblematic, it to me, of the determination of these two great nations in concert, with our mutual Allies to see that the scales of liberty, truth, and justice are evenly balanced, not onlv now. out for all time/’ The Fire Prigs do received a call at 3.45 last evening to a chimney tire at Oleirroad. Mornington.

Akaroa’s fashionable seaside resort proviftes soli' links and all enddoor e; 1 ;n -. and least expensive ac.ceinrncda.iion in the Dominion. Fares: Return Christchurch, 25s.—[Advt.] _ An advert -v.nient in tHiis issue notifies that Iho store of Arthur Damdt. Lid., will be elo-ed nr 0. 7 0 pin. irem Anext, <; on Friday and Saturday, when the peeicnt hours will lie observed. Finest I ever lasted. Wal son's No. 10 whisky. Oh, ills good!—{Advt.] ■ Dunedin grocers are finding considerable (JirUeulty :u present in obtaining sntlicieni, .'.applies of Golden Rule Soap and Candles. —[Advf.] .A pre-noiic service will be field In the Octagon Hall at 3 pan. on Sunday. The Mayor (Mr J. J. Chirk) will preside, and an addrem will be given by the Rev. Val 'l'riego, of .Melbourne.' Mr Triygc has conducted similar services in connection with bis mission in various parts of the Dominion, and has been instrumental in collecting over £3OO for the 'Led Cross funds as a result. Watson’s No. 10 is a little dearer than rnrv t. whiskies, but is worth the money.— [Advt,]

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Evening Star, Issue 16778, 5 July 1918, Page 4

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Untitled Evening Star, Issue 16778, 5 July 1918, Page 4

Untitled Evening Star, Issue 16778, 5 July 1918, Page 4


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