The, breaking-up ceremony this afternoon was largely attended by the parents and friends of the scholars. The following is the honors list: Gold medallist (dux of college).—Ella Williams. Silver medallist (elocution).— Ida Rabbidge. CERTIFICATES. SENIOR I. A. Scripture.—First class: Ethel King. M. .Martin, I. Rahbidge, E. Reid. E. Williams, X. Holmes, and W. Dodds. Second class ; K. Thompson, A. Wright, V. Cameron, and F. Blyth. English.—Second class ; E. Duke, Ethel King. V!. Marlin, I. Rabbidge. E. Reid, and E. Williams. Geography.—Second class; E. Duke, Ethel King, M. .Martin, and P. Whyte. History.—Second class: E. Duke, M. Marlin. 1. Ranbidgo, Iff. Reid, and P. Whyte. Dictation.—Second class ; E. Duke, M. Martin, ami E. Reid. .1 rithinctic.—Second class; I Rabbidge and P. Whyte. Algebra. First class: M. Martin. Second das? : 1. Rahbidge. E. Williams, and J-,'. Reid. .Geometry.—Second class : M. Martin, I. Rabbidge, E. Reid, and E. Williams. Botany.—Second class: Ethel King, M. Martin. E. Williams, and M. Ganghley. Physiology.—First class; K.' Reid. Second class: Duke, 1. Rabbidge, and X. Holmes. Elocution.—l‘ irst class; 1. Rahbidge and E. JU-id. Second class; Ethel King, M. .Martin, K. Thompson, E. Williams, A. Wright. W. Dodds. M. Cattghlcv. and F. Blyth. Diawiug.— First class: Ethel King. E. Williams. X. Holmes, and M. Ganghley. Second class ; V. Cameron. -Mapping.—Second dims ; W. Dodd-. Plain Sewing. - First das- ; W. Dodds. Dressmaking.—First class; Elite! King, F. Blyth. R. M'Farlane, and G. Black. Physical Culture.--First class: Ethel King. M. Marlin, and X. Holmes. Second class ; K. Thompson. Painting.—Second da-- ; X. Holmes. Latin. —Second class: M. Martin. 1. Rabbidge, French.—Second c-ias?: M. Marlin. 1. Rabbidge, E. Reid. E. Williams. V. Gamerun, and G. Black. Singing.—Second class; 1. Rabbidge and 1-1. Reid. . Rooking.— First class : X. Holmes and K. Thompson, Ball Exercises.—First class : X. Holmes. COM M ERG lAL CRASS. Scripture.—First class: D. Bilton, I). Wilson, and M. Judge. Second class : Margarita Allan, ]. Philip, B. Shackleton, M- Wilkinson, and R. Anscomhe. x Fncdish.—Second class: Margarita Allan. D. Billon, 11. llenderson, VI. Paterson, 1, Philip. B. Shack lot on, and I). WILon. ’ -\t ithmctic.—Second da-s ; 1). Ilcnder■son.
Jiookkcepinsr.—First class : S. Aeheson. :uul :\I. Judge. Second class: 1, Philip', 13. Wilson, and X. Holmes. Shorthand.--First class: AI. Crave. S. Wclicson. 1. Philip, AI. Juili'p. ami M Sbrimpton. Second class; 0 .Margarita -Mian. I), liiltnn. M. Paterson. ]). AVUsntt. and M. Wilkinson. Typewriting.—First class: M. Grave, 1) H: Run, and X. Holme.-,. Second class-’ Margarita Allan. 1.. Philip, 1). Wilson. .M. Judge, M. Wilkinson, 1;. Anscontbe. K. t <i; ikmd, R. Waugh, A. Johnson, .M. Slmmpion, and S. Acheson. Elocution.—Second Gass : E. Mundv B -Siiacklotoii, and M. Wilkinson. French.—Second ,-kifs : .M. Judge. -Mapping.—Second class: .M a manta -Mian. D. Wilson. R. Anscotnhe. and K Copland. Painting.—Second class : A. Johnson. I’e.ysieal Culture.—Second class- - garita Allan. D. Hilton, M. Wilkinson’and R. Ansconiiic. .Daiicing.—-Second class; I). Hilton. Singing.—Second elass ; R. Waugh rooking—First, class: A!. Judge. Second Gass; .M. Wilkinson. SEX ICR I. H. ■Scripture.—First Class: Mnrv ArmArong. .X. Todd, A. Hall, .M. Cunninghum, H. Smith, J. Ross, M. Dow E Smith, AI. Ching, and R. ADGrner. Se,-. m d c’lass : I-,. Baikie. (1. Herßon. H. Cooper, H. Baird, Maw Campbell. M, Miteimil' W. Stuart. R. Boyd. 'K. .Miller, and M.‘ Gibson. English.-—Second class ; Maw Annstrong. X. Todd, A. Hall, M. Cunningham, li. Smith. [. Cameron, J. Ross, and XV Douglas. Geograph;, .--Second class: Maw Armstrong. X. Todd. A. Hall, nod M. Cunningham. History. -First class; A. [[all. Second class; Mary Armstrong. X. Todd. H. Smith, G. Benton, and B. Baird. Dictation.—First class : Marv Armstrong. Second class: X. '('odd. A. Hull, M. Cunningham. and J. Boss. Arithmetic.—Second class : Mary Armstrong. A. Hall, and M. Cunningham. Algebra.—Second class; A. Hall. M, Cunningham, and M. Chinm Geometry. Second clas? : X. Todd. Botany.—Second class ;Mary Armstrong and (tv Benton. ° Elocution.—Second class; Marv Armstrong. E. Arthur. X’. Todd. H. Smith, I. Cameron. L. Smith, R. ADGnter, G. Benton, W. Stuart, M. Gibson, and I. Campbell. Drawing.—First class: Mew Armstrong. Mapping.—First class; If.’ Smith and (t. Benton. Second class: Mary Armstrong, F.. Arthur, M, Cunningham. E. Smith, M. Ching, M. Gibson, and K. AJathowson. French.—First class : M. Clung, M. Cunningham, A. Hail, and X. Todd. Second class: Mary Armstrong, .1. Ross, M. Dow. Mary Campbell, and R. Boyd. Latin. Second class: I. - Cameron and X. Todd. Plain Sowing.—First class: Mary Armstrong, E. Arthur, I. Cameron, M. Gibson, and T. Campbell. Physical Culture.—First class; Mary Armstrong and L. Smith. Second class’: L Cameron. G. Benton, and D. Faulks. Swimming.—First class : AI. Shmnian. B. Baird, and FI. Haikie. Second class ■ J Ross. Dancing.—Second class : K. Mathewson. Ball Exercises.—Second class; Marv Campbell. Outdoor Sketching.—Second class: Alary Campbell. Dressmaking.—First class: K. Mathewson. , . Fancy Work.—First class : Milly Campbell and K. Mathewson. Cooking.—Second class: E. Baikio and D. Faulks. SENIOR 11. Scripture.—First class: A. Rennie. K. Ring. E. Watson, and K. Edgar. Second class: V. King, X. Duthie. L. Robertson. K. Oliver, and J. Grove. English.—Second class: R. Begp, V. King. Y. AFGeorge. V. Sutherland. X'. Dntbie, A. Rennie, and K. Oliver. Geography,—Second class : R. Bogg, Y. M'Georgc, A. Grey, and X. Duthie. History.—Second class: V. King, Y. M ‘George, A. Grey, and X. Dutliie. Dictation.—First class : Y. Taylor. Second class : R. Begg. Y. King. V. Sutherland, X. Dutliie, A. Rennie, L. Robertson, and A. Grew
Arithmetic.—Second class : R. Begg, Y. M'George, A. Fraser, and V. Taylor. Botany.:—Second class; R. Begg, V. King, V. M'George, A. Fraser,'Y. Sutherland, and X. Duthie. Elocution.—Second class : E. Begg, Y. King, V. M'George, V. Sutherland, N. Duthie, and -A. Rennie.
—First class : F. Gardiner, Y. King, V. Sutherland, and A. Grey. Second class; R. Begg. M. Hayes, Y. M'George, A. Fraser, and I’. Wilkinson. Mapping.—First class. Y. King. Second class : R, Begg. A. Fraser, V. Sutherland, M. Blakely, M. Fraser, and K. King. Plain Sewing.-—First class : E. Begg, X. Duthie, A. Rennie, and K. Hendricseu. Physical Culture.—First class: Y. King, V. M'George. P. Wilkinson, V. Sutherland. and 1,. Eohertson. Second class : M. Haves, A. Rennie, and K. Henricsen. Swimniing.-—First class: K. Edgar and A. Grey. Second class; F. Gardiner. Ball Exercises.—Second class: K. Edgar. French.—Second class: V. Sutherland. Fancy Work.—First • class ; A. Fraser, M. Blakely, and M. Fraser. Painting.—Second class ; E. Watson. Outdoor Sketching.—First, class: M. Blakely. Second class; K. Ring. Cooking.—Second class : L. Robertson. IXTERMEDIATE. Scripture.—First class : X. Maun-ell, M. Ellis. Y. Guthrie. M. Stuart 'Stephenson. Second class; W. Gcddes, M. Ronaldson. Evelyn King, and E. Scott. English.—First class; H. MacGregor and M. Stuart Stephenson. Second class; X. Maunsell, W. Gcddes. I. Cunningham, M- Ellis. V. Guthrie, and M. Rnnaldson. Geography.—First class : H. MacGregor. Second class : 1. Cunningham. M. Ellis. M. Rnnaldson. M. Stuart Stephenson. History.—Second class; H. MacGregor. Dictation.—hirst class: H. MacGregor and I. Cunningham. Second class; M. Ellis, X. .Maunsell, W. Gcddes, V. Guthrie, .M. RonaUlson, M. Stuart Stephenson. F. Haggitt, F. Bethuuc, and Evelyn King. _Arithmetic.—Second class; W. Gcddes, X. Barr, and E. Cawley. Writing.—Second class: A. M‘Arthur. Drawing.—First class; Evelyn King. Second class; M. Ronaklson and M. Stuart Stephenson. -Mapping.—First class; I. M'Arthnr. Second class : Evelyn King, A. M'Arthnr, ami 'l', (lihson. Painting.—First class: Marjorie Allan. Outdoor Sketching.—First class; Marjorie Allan, M. Lane, and A. .M'Arthnr, Second class: I. M'Arthnr. General Knowledge.—Second class; X. -Maunsell and Y. Guthrie. _ Elocution.—Second class; X. Maunsell, V. Guthrie, and T. Gibson. French.—Second class: X. Maunsell, M. Ellis. and Y. Guthrie. n Plain Sewing.—First class ; Y. Guthrie. F. Haggitt. F. Betlnme, T. Gibson, and -M. .M'Lean. Physical Culture.—SV conc j Hass. -Mannsell, Y. Guthrie, and Kvclvn King.* Swimming.—Second class : Fvelvn Kimand ,1. Russell. ‘ ° Dancing. Firsl class : J. Russel] Second class : V". Guthrie, F. Haggitt, and -M. Lane. JUXiOR. Scripture.—First class: P, Fleming, J Johnston. D. Fleming, J. Begg, H Cameron, I). Harley, and S. Second class : M. Adams,. E. Ewing.- C. MacGregor. H. Wilson. J. Tail. T. .Miller, and -M. Cameron. English. First class; C. MacGregor. J. Johnston, J. Begg. and S. Baron. Second mass: D. Snowden, E. Ewing, I). FlcruH. \\ ilsou. ami D, Harley, Geography.—Second class; D. Snowdon, i I'-'viug’. nnrl O. Alhcl Trciiov. [ Spelling. First Hass: V'. ‘ MacGregor, I - Homing. J. Johnston, 1), Flominrr "|r Wilson. J.Jtcgg. and S. Baron. cl<is-> : I. Kirkland. History.—Second Hass; C, MacGicm.r. Home Exercises.—First class: P. Fleming. J Johnston, D. Harley, and S. Bau.m. j Second cla.-s: M. Adams. E. Ewing. C. i c IK F ' r ' mi| K T - J- Begg, J.'TaiC | M. Y ilson. and T. Miller, i Arithmetic.—First class: J. Johnston. Second Hass ; D. Snowden. D. Flemiim and J. Tait. Study.—First class: C. AlaeGregor. Second class; R. Ewing. J. JohnDun. D. Fleming, and I. Kirkland. Elocution.—First class : C. AlacGiwor •T. Johnston. J. Begg. and D. Harh-v’ Second class: D._ Snowden. M. Adams. F. l-.wtng, D. Fleming. I. Kirkland, and S Baron. French.-First classy C. MacGregor. J. Johnston, and D. Fleming. Second class- ; D. Snowden. l-i. Ewing, R, Fleming, IE Wilson. J. Begg. and M. Cameron.*' Dir. wing.—Second class: ]. Kirkland and K. M a Piling : Second class; D. Snowden. E. Ewing, and C. MacGregor. Brushwork.—-Second class ; E - Ewing D. Fleming. J. IL-gg. and S, Baron. Physical C'nltuic.—Second class: J. Joimstnn amt I). Snowden. Dancing.—First class: j, Tait and D. Snowden. Second class; p. Fleming. ORKHXAH FAIRY TALE. Senior I. ,\, —Ktltc! King. Commercial.—M. (Lave and R. APGruer. Senior 1. B.—H. Smith. Senior lI.—K. ( diver. Intermediate. -Evelyn King and F. Macarthur. Junior.—R. Fleming and G. Brtnvne (etputi). ROYAI; ACADEMY EXAMIXATmxS 1916. _ Higher Division.—F. Manehestev. M. Seott, M. Wilkinson, and M, Martin. Lower Division.—Margaiitu -Allan anti R. Waugh. Elemontaiy Division.—l. Garrard and P. Wilkinson. Primary Divi-dmi— A. M'Arthnr. I. M‘Arthur. M. Fleming, and K. Penny. TRINITY CO LI. EHK EXAMINATIONS. 1916. Senior.—X'. Jeff. J nt-ermediate. —M. M‘Cully. Junior. - F. Aliindy. X.AA'Y LEAGUE ESSAY. Senior I. A.-—M. Martin. Kllnd Kirm and M. Williams. I. B —X. Todd. H. -Smith, and Alary Armstrong. Coinmoieia].—B. Slop kb ton and D. Wilson. Senior 11. - K. Oliver. A", AHGeorge. and A . Sutherland. Intermediate A.—ll. .Va-Gregor and M. Oeddcs. Intermediate B.—T. and A!. Stuart Stephenson. TENNIS TGI lIX AAI EXT, 1317. Championship Singles.—Al, Wadis, Handicap Singles,—X. Holmes. Handicap Double*. —S. Aclu-sott and X. Holmes.
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Evening Star, Issue 16603, 10 December 1917, Page 6
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1,672COLUMBA COLLEGE Evening Star, Issue 16603, 10 December 1917, Page 6
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