Visit or? to Cohimba Girls' College, at Rosiyn this afternoon on ihe occasion of the holiday closing ceremony for the tirst year were charmed hy t! oil- ip-.-y.-ct ion of ths> btiikli'.vjs and grounds, which eecupv a truly ideal sit.?, foe rt .■.■inlnary of tins kind. The whole s'-bor-i and serromtdines Ibicath.o- a. healthy, stimulaiuu- a; Unisphere, and a walk thiough the old Bohopscourt residence, from drawdn- room to !-;•;.-h-=t\ and upstairs throu-h tl» spacious dormitories, vhi-h command some of the mo-t delightful views, gave w.-,.-> - n j,i c .- ,■,.- ii K , very pnocl fortune whFh attended this establishment- on J>o r>:qui=iti.oi of ?imr: .1 fill? old substantial hniklinc. with I grounds "' to match.'' on the amnlea.rf.atio;i o; tiro G;rton and Tii-icmnr 'institutions. | The priir.iral. Miss V. J. Fees (who was formerly principal of the Girom S-hooil. the mat mi- Mrs VTabh (wh,. ha< had a varied experieme <:f .cluoabouai o-teh-hihments in different pails of too :voridi. and the other touchers :■;:<} o<H iah v.eivunanimous in their expro-sions oi the do. hold which they have rx) .0? a.meed with it- character and «';iv> hid "m the- v.-f!!d;r\ : >v' o[ their vo;.'fhf;>! .-harm's. llie donations which have Kvn made of '■vail pictures have tehFd effectively to t!|.> t;.stefu! decoration o[ tiie inte'inr uf the ■■chnol home, prominent places Inin- L'iv-ai in the hah to the ro]i?- <-,f honor of Girt on and Breemar and m a portrait- of Sir Fdv.'Sli! Grey. Seecia! interest v.;;? piie-'i bv the ladies hi the inspe,-t hei of the various dormitori-- and in 'ho liner :oH other demnUim M<. The forieo-.- irahtdo the.' "YVnvte d' _ 'initorv. the children's pwheie and waroroiwi, the puir>r (which in-hides two nnab '"to ; be-. ,} to-e;hi !'. Imiieat im;: the pro*---,!.-'.-, of t«ii:.-h the eieen d'lmitorv ,'whie'n is ; - suo-bd favorite', a eh! the Oirto,, nod Braemur room-. A --oano dnuts and_ • an.aXu- cibei"! o„ Ho iam'mosi e-ot jndi'h usiy under loch and hey. he-id v intr.-es! ir,- ami varied display.- of an vers, .dinv. iiii r 1'!::'.; or: jitiaiii v. from aaid ilhr-tratioe. of fairy tales, had '■ been sn, ee-.~fti';ly tinned a'. h'.eue ef I ti--J he IV."-V s;:hr.e[ is at pteseni el oroe'<of eonipieti-i:. hut a .-tr.-di. t'mei-h i->-tmartnients -iie'v-d v.d'at a'ho.,l, it ■.'.■ ill hc'ivlteii finhhod. The ; ■'i: the fertunate- Th'shop?! ourt kg-iry. ;n:-i t!;e vtor.ded greinuis seemeil to leave y,o-■ thing tf> he de-ired in the vay of snr- ; rourid ; n"/.s. "Vegotiati'ms are iToeee ;m_t'r the areui-n :on of a playground of: -oate t-rivs v.'itldn rive niinnt--.*' Mvilk from ■ l!le eoiii-^e. In i ho" ;di>e:-ee of a a hali fm 'oi he missed by those in "ant iiority. a- 'plat- ; form was eiv-ied ( ei ti-o adjoini'iji Itvu . tor In.' rhiseicr e-Temony. and there every: pp'oaraiioii had iie"!i mad-- f<T this r>--i-: ietto- dav in the lives of the pupils. ,\u : do;--.-, mioie. pi;ys:-ai ,-xer-.:i>,-s. etc.. tn- ..,' ne ihin'i.'.'h p'a<'!' in tite di.-D'iiiiition of; nadah an! 'nho's. Speo'-hes were after-' wards delive,vd hy I'.-v. .\. Wiivt ■. 00-s;- ; ' i tie'' ih-aid of l havt ilea's, j lr fhirav, and i;:v. Ih K. Dave-. ' '■ "Idie brat: ipai Mibiniiied the annuai reriort for l-hlo. wineh ft a ted that, the attendanee ieoi h-ea Ve'ry good throughout l the th.rre terms, for wb.bli the roll nurn- j iie;s -vee- i% .-pee; iveiy 12i . l?.o. and 121.,' Jjeitd's were aiso oiven of th- woik ac- j i. n'-tpdisho-l in •'<:■• nume'Teis derarimeuts, (.'.••i.-.l m-'dahot f kix of eodeee), \. ■ Idekwdi. " I Silver me,;ad:.t. o-loemien). If. Rr-id. | --Cen-irieatp?. Seirnr and litter mo diato | S-rin;ure.--Firsi riass: X. Acheson, IT. ! Maneia-sfu' U. (".'irv.--l;..nd. .1. Park X. : j'ia_ kweii, k. F.ei.l. X. fbdmes, E. King, | I;. S-he'e. Seefeul elass : T. Hurra way, ft I ', j I'uiua-d. ]l. Kv.i. -I, E. Mfundv. '. Y.. Waten:,. V Sti! heriaud, ' G. liantou, \ 11. Smith. P. i>air<i. l-hi-iido— Second eiass: X. I'.lnekwoll, P. Sieveio.ei. if. Kino. K. Reid. H. Smitii. K. IV'gg, V. SutiHrlriud, ( i. Ben-| ton. ] J.atiti.—S,x'o;:d eia?s: K. IXid, S. liic'u j ard-o!!, V. Steventte>n. Freneh.—Steemi .-liss; C, Clevoland, If. Duke. S. iiiehanu-on. ■\r;!;uii: tit. — First ehiss : X". Aeheson. C, { ieveland. X. Dlaekweli. J Al-ehia.—First class: X. Tslaekwell. | Se.eud ckfs: t'i. Clevoland. I. I'at.-r.-on. j Ceomelry.—S-vK>nd ela>s : J. Vp.rk. ; lieooraphv.—Fir-t dnst=.: (I. Clevohrnd. , Second class: X. Acheson-, 11. Manehcs- I trr. X. Holmes, F. King, K. Itcid, G. : " j'ijsrory.— First ehe=s : G. Cleveland.; Secend class; X. I'dackwc-U. ]'. Steven- ;' sen. .1. Park. F Kin-. F. Rc-id, X. i ibanies. IF Smitip I!. Jlaird. I Fhyeiolo^v.—Second class; p. Steve;!-I f=on. G. ThiJlantvne, F. Duke. \ Domestic S.icmce.— class: V.\ Madeor-o. i liotanv. —Second class: X". Aehoson, r i. ! Cleveland. _ _ ! .\2rienltllra! Science.—Si'Coik] <-] ass : X j Acheson. ■ Kloeution.—Second class : X". Acheson., i F. Duthie, He Manchester, L. Sidev, E. I Reid. M. Burt- " j 'vVriting.—Second cl.tss : K. Copland. R. | Begs. ' 1 Flavin-.—First cin s s : IF fM'fjtirdie. \ Second class : X". Acheson, X". Bisckwell, G. d'Aiivei-criK?. Mf. d'Axivergne, L. Duthie. J. Park, AF Paterfort. G Cleveland, X". Holmes. F. Kinc. F. P.eid. I). Eva. J \Yi\hs, G. Benton, V. Sutherland. ! Maprun-.—First class: X. Acheson, .7.] Park. V.. King, F. Arthur. Second .- I ]•'. C. Driver. F. Duthie. J j W'alos. X. Holmes 1) Eva, M. Dobhie, I X. Jeff, X. Marshall. IF Smith, G. Tkn-| ton. j Sewing.—S, end eh«- ■• X. Holmes. G. j d'Auverane. M. Shaw. M. Sutherland. V. : Sutherland. 11. Begc,' B. Baird. ' i
: i-'.-mr-y "Work.—FiVt c!n?s : F. M'Georce.. jF. Arthur, -J. Park. .Second class: X. Arts and Crafts—First class : G. d'An-vn-11 - Second c;as>: M. Huvson. G. I'rlhuiyin'. Physical Culture—First , la=s - L Fr.thie, J. r ; ,rk. F. Lehhead. M. d'Am roi/i!.\ .-V.-on.l ,-hss: .]'. P.amard. X. Pdad-wed. F. M'Cnorcre. F. Manchester }■'■■ Peid. L. Smith. K. Ml'Jmvji. X Marsha!!. P. Wilkinson. V. Sutherland. T'memcr.—Soorind class: ]■;. Watts. X Pdv. jewel! ---Junior School.— ScripMiro.—Fii-sr class: C. MaeCre~er. class: W. Geddoß. H. MncGreZ'c.r. M. S. >V|i!vn--.-in. F. Bctiuinc, F. Fwiu" ]{. Camor..n. Finnish.-First ~i; is s: ('. MRcOeenr c-iar>: IT. F. Fwiii". Vv. Cddes. I). Snow-don. P. WatoiP. Ant-rmMi.•.—Fn-t class: ],«. Snow-den. S-vend class: F. J'lv. mi-, jf. Cameron, P W .ucrs. G, oj;raphy.—Sc-vc,d class: H. M'Gregi'iV. History.--Second class: IV. M'Gre S or. Fate- Fxciviscs.■•■-•■;..oond clas* T W •U-.i.Fs. X. Fa,-:\ V. Vwhv.:. D. Howard H. I'miviw], P. Waters. K.F. !••>,,-„i:d cla<-s : (.'. Ma<Gre-or I'. Waters. ~ ' Fnodi work.—First H a ..s : F M'Arthur. Second eki-s: X. |;.-,, T) A. M'Arthur, F. .-Second ciass: I. M'Arthur. A. :\i-Art!..i!-. S-ein.:.-Second class: J. P,e-> p V-. .-iters. Wiitiiiu. -SV.-rmrJ T. M'Art.lvm. F. Fwh,-. i) >■■..• .v.-1e.., C. MaoGronrr, 11 I -unernii. .1. iic^. Hon<'ra'..-le Montinn.— ■f I'i-he;- an<! P. Whvte, c;o-| weak in l-i--.-n.-i.. J. id'Mi'ian. F. Trosder. and '<'•■ v \.u:-.h for ceii-eiion. F. Williams. v. vy :.:<.:■:! v. ■ •<:]<. iuti ]. resent.cniv two tortus F Faihks ;;;,.i T. Johnston... most ro,-,--a-ienti :.. v.vikers. and have -c-neruilv im;e vol. IX. M-Farir,!,,. atid M. M'Culiv did way i.' war!;, but silent from the examinations ~1" cite t-.rm. M. Allan did v r . v P' 1 -' v.-"r!c. lair preset <>n j v t hj r d !-;-'ii- ■ Cecdcs did very ?o od work, Put ao-wul Iron, ix.-iininatioiis |j rs f, {^ rnh \t_ ••\iis'": an.! 11. Wil.-.n hiohir commended ' ; Fairy Tale.— ■--niei- SMieol. Fonn L—' A Talc of The, !yi;t.'_l.. oi.hy and K. Peithcad, l; 'A t-.tirv ('ale' 'i'hc:i Viarrawav, 2. S-.-itior School, Form ' IF—■ Russell's Dram.' F. Piyth and F. Finer. Intermedia: o Selcoi.—'Dorothy and the FaiFcv G. Fentoi;. •F:niov Selnvji, Fomv I.—' Cave Fairies' Ft. MaoGr.^,. -Tnnin:- Selvv.!. Form. TlL—'May's Faiijcs' ('. MaiGreuor.
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Evening Star, Issue 15985, 13 December 1915, Page 6
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1,225COLUMBA COLLEGE. Evening Star, Issue 15985, 13 December 1915, Page 6
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