PUBLIC NOTICES. JOLLY’S WATCH INFIRMAET REDUCED PRICES. I REDUCED PRICES. r z p—« -• *“ Qock& (striking), Cleaning ... ... || Id | Biooch Pins, Joints ind Catches ••• oO WCh OTHER REPAIRING Ai DAILY REDUCED PRICES. CRITERION BUILDINGS. 6 MORAY PLACE (opposite Choral Hall). F. CARTER AND CO.. •Phone 1,458. LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, ’Phone 1,458. EXCHANGE COURT. DEPOSIT, balance 15s week.—Nice 4-rootned House and |-acre, in orchard, 3.tuatcd in one of the best positions in RAYENSBOURNE; 10 minutes from station: on the level; no hill-climbing; train fares cheaper than tram concession tickets. This House stands in a sunny spot, and is a bargain. £350. £3O njA DEPOSIT, balance rent.—Beautiful 5-roomed Villa, ST. KILDA; steel ceilings otrS:" of dainty design wide hall (with arch), st cl dado, ia ge kitchen and extra large scullery (shelved all round), gas cooker .n scullery, gas, bath, hj. and c„ and the very best double and three-spray burners (with inverted globes and elegant shades of color throughout the whole house), the very latest tile grates (with copper draught regulator., bronze furniture and mortise locks on all doors; the papers, friezes, and interior decorations generally are a revelation; good section, stands high and dry. £490. W4 do not write in eulogistic terms of any property unless we feel assured that the property will, upon inspection, prove our description correct. This is a case in point. ST. CLAIR.—-Extremely Handsome Dwelling, containing 5 very large rooms, scullery, bathroom, hj. and o. and hot shower, porcelain enamel bath of extra size, tiled hearths, grates, and range, wide hail with arch and massive pillars, electric light throughout, mortise locks and bronze furniture on all doors; the beauty of wallpapers and deep friezes must be seen to be appreciated; fibrous plaster ceilings of dainty design. This House is built of specially-selected, well-dried timber, and is a credit to designer and builder. It stands in a first-class position within a few minutes of the beach, and has the sun from rising to setting. We ask those in search of a home at St. Clair to inspect this property before settling upon any other. The price, which is very reasonable, and cards to view may bo obtained by bona fide buyers at our office. CITY (within Penny Section and One Minute from Tram). —Modern and thoroughly up-lo-date Dwelling of 5 LARGE ROOMS, bath, hot and cold water, commodious pantrv, and very large sc’illery: stands on a large section; plenty of room for good garden. The House is of taking appearance, and the position undoubtedly Al. -£725. By the way, the section is worth more than half the price asked for the whole i-rcperty. USSELBURGH. —Magnificent 6-roomed Residence of exceptionally beautiful design, large reception hall, casement windows, mantelpieces and grates that would adorn a palace, very fine porcelain bath, hj. and c. water, electric light, pantry, presses, cupboards, and all conveniences necessary in a well-appointed residence. We have seen some handsome wallpapers and friezes, but never any to equal these. We will not attempt to write about them, for they simply beggar description. SEWERED large section, and occupies one of the best spots in this favorite suburb. £750. O LET.—7 Rooms, Mornington. Vi 6 Rooms. Citv, 23s 6d; 6 Rooms, north end, 255; 6 Rooms (bungalow), Valley, 18s 6d; 7 Rooms, Eoslyn, 255; 5 Rooms, Kew, 18a 6d; 6 Rooms, Dulmore, 18s; and lots of others. F~~ ARMS. HOTELS BUSINESSES, and BOARDING ESTABLISHMENTS FOB SALE IN ALL PARTS. Representative, A. R. GILLER. BATTERSBY AND CDs. HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE, BUSINESS, AND FINANCIAL AGENTS, 40 DOWLIiMj SiKEEt'. DuNEDIN ’PHONE 2,141. GENTLEMEN'S RESIDENCES. Anderson’s Bay.—Very superior 9-roormd Residence, stylish appearance, and command- j ing a magnificent view of City, Harbor, and Ocean. Area of ground, slightly under i j-acre; three minutes from tram. The house is built of kauri, and we regard the rooms as some of the finest we have seen in Dunedin; fibrous p.aster ceilings, modern appointments and conveniences; return verandah, concrete foundations. Tnis hou e is except.ocaliy well built, and we have had the whole property examined and vaiued by a leading architect. Particulars will be furnshed to genuine buyers only, who will be aifoided the opportunity of securing tins very fine property at a price considerably under the original cost price. An exc.ptional opportunity. City (Rise). —Superior 7-roomed Brick Residence; plastered throughout, tiled roof; lovely view. This ia p.-ctically a new property, well built,’ and five minutes from P.O. Owner will cons.<!-sr a reasonable offer. City.—Magnificently-built 8-roomed Bungalow; tiled roof, large rooms, lavishly appointed, electric light, tileu hearths and grates, very large dining room, return verandah; i-acre ground, nicely laid out. This is one of the most modem homes in the City, and one of the most beautifully built and finished. Handy to car. Inspection is its best recommendation. Particulars wid bo furnished to bona fide and financial buyers only. North End- —Exceptionally well-built 9-roorned Residence; fibrous plaster ceilings, concrete foundations; 3 sections, and entrance suitable for motor car. Room to build two more houses. Ideal residence for doctor or retired squatter. St. Clair. —Two Gentlemen’s Residences of 8 rooms each; all modern conveniences, and minute from car. One of these properties has nearly i-acre ground, beautifullylaid out. Both houses are single story and very stylish in appearance, design, and finish. Particulars available to financial clients only. THESE ARE ALL PROPERTIES ABOVE THE ORDINARY. TO LET.—St. Clair: 6-rocmed Residence. ROSLYN LAND AND ESTATE AGENCY (A. WASHER AND CO.) Telephone 1,373. Oppotita Rosly-i lost Office. Telephone 1,378. ON THE TOWN SXDF< OP ROSLYN. —Nice 5-roomed HOUSE, one minute off car line ; ' bay windows: LARGE SECTION. SPLENDID GARDEN AND GLASSHOUSE. The whole CAN BE PURCHASED FOR THE LOW PRICE OF £575. £1,500.—0N THE TOWN SIDE OF ROSLYN : 7-roomed HOUSE, ONE AND A-HALF ACRES OP LAND, splendidly laid out and suitable for subdivision. THE PRICE 1 HAS BEEN REDUCED TO COMMAND A READY SALE. £650 —SEVEN-ROOMED HOUSE AND EVERY CONVENIENCE; only built about 5 years ago. This is in first-cLsss order, AS THE PROPERTY HAS BEEN NEWLY RENOVATED This has a SPLENDID OUTLOOK, AND FRONTS THE MAINROAD. The whole of the above Properties can be purchased on terms. £525 (BISHOPSCOURT) WILL PURCHASE AN UP-TO-DATE HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS, bathroom (hot and cold water); bay window, return verandah. SPLENDID SUNNY POSITION, with view, one minute from car line. THIS CAN BE PURCHASED ON TEEMS. SECTIONS. —Wa have a number of Sections FROM £SO to £550 in various parts of ■ ROSLYN, dl of,which DANUBE PURCHASED ON TERMS. ’Kindly rihD. and we will , explain HOW YOU CAN PURCHASE A PROPERTY BY PAYING RENT. ; TO LET.—2 Rooms, ss; 3 Rooms, 6s; 4 Rooms, 7s, 8s; 5 Rooms, 16s; 6 Rooms, 10s, i 16«, £l, £5 per month; 7 Rooms, 16s, 22s 6d, 25;; 8 Rooms, £1; Shops, ss, 10s, j J. BOY. HOUSE AND LAND AGENT. ELDON CHAMBERS. 90 P KIN CEL BTRS*T (Next G. and T. jfon*g, Jewellen). FOR SALE. BEST PART OP ROSLYN.—Superior Mod?rn 7-rolined Dwelling; in sunny position; a!' modern labor-saving conveniences; complete with wardrobes, cresses, workshop, etc ; large section, well planted. Owner leaving Dunedin. ROSLYN (close to Boys’ High School). —Superior New Modem 6-roomed Bunsalow; large I rooms and every possible modem convenience, hot and cold water, electric light; j drained to latest drainage regulations; good view and nice sunny position; just the thing to be picked up smartly. I ROSLYN (town side, close to car, and within easy walking distance of town>.—Sections, | I-aero. £250 to £.300. | ROSLYN.—Two-storey 8-roomed Dwelling; in good order, drained, and all modem con- i vemetces; close to car line. To be sold a bargain. Offer wanted. j GEORGE STREET, ClTY—Large 10-roomed Dwelling; every convenience, electric light, I bath, hot and cold water; drained; good freehold section £BSO. j ROSLYN (town ride). —Natty 5-roomed Dwelling, with every possible convenience; ; bathroom, hot and cold water, scullery, washhouse, pantry; thoroughly drained to ‘ D.B. regulations; two tomato houses and beautiful garden (flowers, lawns, and : vegetables, over i-acre in all); with asphalt paths, and everything in perfect order. £7OO. CJTY (dose to Town Hall). —6 Booms; bathroom, hot and cold water; good level section. Price, £7OO. Owner leaving. PETER BOYD. LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, 186 PRINCES STREET (opposite John Edmond’s). A FEW EATRA SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PROPERTY. 10s Purchases Splendid Section at St. Clair; two frontages; ready for building cWi/ 4 on; excellent soil; worth far more money. Easy terms. ' Musselburgh : 5 Rooms (modern)''2 bay~windows and “portico; in first-class «G/4J order; gas all through, bath, hj. and c.; fine large section; stable and loosebox, trap shed, fowl run, asphalt paths; close to trams, and in good situations. Terms. OCA DEPOSIT.—S Rooms, oriel window and verandah, bath, hot and cold, gas and SIOU best fittings: situated alongside tram in best part of SL Kilda. Price, only £4BO. Asphalted paths and yard, fowlhouses to suit poultry fancier. Don't wait. OX A DEPOSlT.—Abbotsford: Four Rooms and splendid i-acre Section, in choicest Xrdbxf position, near the Railway Station. Total price, only £250. With some repairs this could be made a reaiiy fine property. It’s a snip. POA DEPOSIT Purchases Four Sections in South Dunedin, with 186 ft frontage to I 66ft street. Total price, £2BO, or £75 each Don’t hesitate. OC DEPOSIT —ST. KILDA : Nice Section in rising locality.. Any young fellow wish&Jtf ing to make money should take this. Look at the price, £6O. ■R/JTTSSELBURGH RISE. —-IDEAL BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, designed by leading archfJLvJI tect: very handsome, both inside and out; all rooms beautifully large and elaborately finished; electric light and bells complete, porcelain enamel bath with very latest fittings; materials and workmanship all guaranteed; ideal in every detail. A low price trill be accepted for quick'sale. PCA DEPOSIT. —Centre of City; 6 Rooms, bath, hj. and c. water, gas, sewered to D B SmJU regulations: 5 minutes from P.O. or Octagon. An exceptional chance that occurs once in a lifetime. Price. £375. SIEV WRIGHT. HAGGITT. AND CO.. LTD.. AUCTIONEERS. LAND SALESMEN. AND HOTEL BROKERS, EMPIRE BUILDINGS, PRINCES STREET. FOR SALE. 1579.—C1TY (ON RISE): NEW 6-EOOMED BRICK RESIDENCE; pantry, scullery, bathroom, hj. and c. water, gats; drained to sewer; with i-acre of ground. THIS IS A SOUNDLY-BUILT, COMFORTABLE HOME, WITHIN 4 MINUTES of POST OFFICE. Price, £1,500. 1384.—SET. CLAIR: FINE 7-ROOMED RESIDENCE; pantry, scullery, bathroom (hj. and c. water), tiled grates; gas throughout; t-acre. This is an exceptionally good house, thoroughly WELL BUILT OF KAURI; the ROOMS ARE LARGE, the OUTLOOK IS GREAT, and the property is very CLOSE TO CAR. Price, £1,250. 1540. —GOOD 4-RDOMED HOUSE; scullery, bathroom, li. and c water, washhouse (copper and tubs); concrete paths; drying green; i-acre. £350. 1477.—SOUTH DUNEDIN: ALMOST NEW 4-roomed House, large Section; fowl run. This would prove a fine WORKING. MAN’S HOME. Very easy terms. Price, £320. 1580—EOSLYN. GOOD AND NEARLY NEW 6-ROOMED RESIDENCE, with bathroom, hj. and o. water, and all conveniences; i-acre. FINE VIEW. CLOSE TO CAB. Price, £835. 1535.—CAVERSHAM; NEW 5-ROOMED HOUSE; scullery, bathroom, hj. and c. water, fibrous plaster ceiling, washhouse, etc. This is a very compact, well-built house, a few seconds from the car. Price, £525 2585—BELLEKNOWLS; SUBSTANTIAL HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS, built of OREGON PINK, with i AN ACRE of ground; ROOM TO BUILD ANOTHER HOUSE; magnificent view of the Ocean. Price, £7OO. 1595. —KAIKORAI: 6-BOOMED HOUSE, bay window, verandah: electric light; workshop (2 rooms), 2-ttalled stable and loft; fowlhouse; garden. £ an acre of ground. Would make a GOOD EXPRESSMAN’S HOME. Close to car. Price, £SOO. IS6S.—MUSSELBURGH RISE: Very fine 6-ROOMED BUNGALOW, finished and papered m the best style; dining room with inglenook fireplace. A home to SATISFY THE MOHS HASTtDIOOS. i-acre section. SUN THE LIVELONG DAY. Price. £875.
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Evening Star, Issue 14607, 1 July 1911, Page 2
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1,930Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Star, Issue 14607, 1 July 1911, Page 2
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