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PUBLIC NOTICES. The Surprising Beauty of tne “Mosgiel” Rug! —is frequently a source of wonderment to oversea visitors. It is not only the design but the Softness of Texture and Luxurious Finish which captivate Tourists. “ Mossier’Rugs are the most perfect made, “ the finest of their kind on earth,” as a citizen of the United States wrote when he saw them at St. Louis. Sold by leading Drapers and Outfitters. Wilson’s Malt Extract IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. It k ideal for children, for then it has all the properties of a treat and a tonic at tne same time. It’s for tired people. Nine time* emt of ten, when you are run down, you want to give your stomach a rest a iso. WILSON'S EXTRACT ia a food which makes no demands on the digestion; on the contrary, it aids it, enabling your system to more readily fulfil its work. Bottles, Is 6d and 2s 6d. Bold by Grocers and. Chemists. WM. TAYLOR AND SONS, LTD., Agent*. BARGAINS! In China, Crockery, and Household Supplies at “ Ritchie V’”" 5 -NOW ON! 1,000 Colored Plates, dinner size, jobbing at 4d each. Enamel Frying Pans, 10m, 1/3. China Tea Set, floral design, clearing at 10/6. Brass-rail Fenders, 4ft, clearing at 10/6. 500 Soiled Table Knives, 2/9 per half dozen. Lamps (slightly soiled), a large number to be cleared off at greatly reduced prices. Glass Butter Dishes, with lids, reduced to IOJd and 1/. China Tea Plates, white and gold, reduced to 1/IOJ per half dozen. 500 Hanging Flower Pots, imitation majolica, to be cleared at ] / each. Big lot of Tumblers, reduced to 2/3 and 2/6 per dozen. Big lot of Baking Tins, reduced to 6d, 9d, and 1/. White and Colored Toilet Sets, special bargains at 6/9, 8/9, 9/. Tea Set, 40 pieces, white and gold, clearing at 8/9. Glass Jam Dishes, great variety, jobbing at 3d, 4d, and sd—and scores of others! Carpenters’ Tools reduced during the Sale 2/ In the pound. “Ritdiie’s” Sale George St. (near Octagon) Moray Place (corner Gt. King St.)
fhe JAM You’re Sure To Like! QM9 The New Season’s Preserves are now ready, and the quality has never been better. n fruity itch is your ng. They all sell K Jam. i W. TAYLOR & SONS, LTD., Agents.
DBEAVEB’S 72-74 76-78 George Street All makes of Navy Serges, including the fashionable Worsted Coating. 44in to 66in, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6 per yard. TT Plain and Striped Imitation Harris Tweed, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11. Like the real thing, at half the price. Tho Comfortable, Cosy, Colored Cheviots, in full and heavy makes, most beautiful range of colors, 2/6, 2/11, 3/8 yard. _ 70 Robes of various materials, fashions, favorite novelties; no two alike; 21/, 24/8, 27/6, 30/, 32/8 the robe. 50 Robes, Plain Dress Fabrics, m Whipcord, Bengaline, and Poplin ; rich and dressy shades; 30/ tho robe. Our Winter Stock of Dress Material, Blousings, Silks, Velveteens, and Trimmings (ordered by Mr Stevens, our Dress Buyer) are now on show, and we strongly advise ladies to inspect and give us a trial. The right must win Tho following lines are correct fashion nnd unbeatable for prices;— Very Special. —A large range of Fashionable Dressy Tweed, in all the new shades and mixtures, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 per yard. All-wool Venetian Cloths, for Dresses, Costumes, Evening Coats, etc., specially selected colorings, 2/6, 2/11, 3/3, 3/6 per yard Magnificent Stock of the Latest in Cream Materials for Evening or Wedding Dresses ; rich, effective. Black materials, and guaranteed fast color —all prices from 1/11$ to 6/6 per yard. Dreaver’s for Evening Materials.— Special care has been exercised in obtaining our selection, all shades Colored Crystalline, 2/6 and 2/11 per yard. 72-74 76-78 George Street IMPORTANT INTIMATION. V.V have recognised that Dunedin required an export in Dressmaking at reasonable charges, preaver’s have faced tho position. Mr Dreaver engaged in London, from a first-class house, two capable dressmakers—one as head, the other to superintend the work—and they will arrive in time to execute orders now booked for Easter. Ladies, be first and have tho latest—Dreaver’s guarantee for satisfaction. Finally—loo pieces of various Warm Winter Tweeds, I/, 1/6, i/li per yard. 87 pieces of Flannelette Blousings, 4jd and 6d per yard.
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Evening Star, Issue 14520, 21 March 1911, Page 3
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706Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14520, 21 March 1911, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Evening Star, Issue 14520, 21 March 1911, Page 3
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.