PUBLIC NOTICES. WASH THOSE THINGS YOU •REALLY CARE ABOUT WITH Balmoral Cleanser You will get them fresh and clean, with little rubbing, and without damage to material or color. For its the rubbing, and not the wearing, that shortens the life of most ' fabrice. BALMORAL CLEANSER lathers freely in hot or cold water, and is very soothing to the hands. Those using it are doljghted with it; they say they would not bo without it. Sold in Is Packets (each 3 double bars). Ask your Grocer for it. WM. TAYLOR AND SONS, LTD., Agents. TYRES REDUCED in PRICE at SCOTT’S! Cyclistsl Please note that we are now selling High-grade Tyres at the Following Reduced Prices. DUNLOP COVERS. First-grade; vulcanised; guaranteed twelve months. Old price, 22/-. Scott’s New Price, 17/6. DUNLOP TUBES. Old price, 8/5. , Scotrs New Price, 7/3. OCEANIC COVERS. Guaranteed Six Months. Vulcanised. Old price, 12/6. Scott’s New Price, 12/-. OCEANIC TUBES. Old price, 6/9. Scott’s New Price, 5/9. We have the largest Stock in the Dominion. W. A. Scott & Sons, SPEEDWELL CYCLE WORKS. 155 George St., Dunedin. Imoneyl TO LEND IN SUMS OF £IOO to £IO,OOO On Country and City Freeholds at Exceptionally Ijjw Rates of Interest, with option of Repaying Part or Whole Loan on Extremely Reasonable Terms, Apply to Any Agency of the Government Insurance Department. J. H. RICHARDSON, Government Insurance Commissioner. u Oh 1 Isn’t it just delicious! There’s something about tho flavor of Melhuish’s Worcester Sauce that simply charms the palate 1 ” —And it’s leas than half the price of the Imported. Try one bottle of Melhuish’sl
Are oow obtainable in TWO STRENGTHS Medium and Full so AS TO Suit ALL Smokers Get acquainted with.... “Old Judge MEDIUM A Better Cigarette than your money ever bought before. It has the luxurious fragrance of fully ripened Cobacco—the well - matured. “ Thoroughly blended " Leaf —tbat makes all the difference between smoking as a babit and smoking for pleasure. **- SOLD EVERYWHERE.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Evening Star, Issue 14520, 21 March 1911, Page 3
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