No recent announcement of the Post-master-General, or of any Minister, has groused greater interest than the statement made in Sydney, says the ‘ Age,’ that penny postage will operate in Australia “within eight weeks’ time,” Inouiries made at the department recently show that the intention is to include in the penny radius all the principal Oversea Dominions, such as Canada, South Africa, and New Zealand, as well as Great Britain. India and Egypt will also come within the radius. LIFE’S LITTLE THINGS. If you were able to livo just right all the time, there would be little need for medicine, less need for doctors. But some little thing b constantly coming along to put us out of balance —exposure, cnaiige of diet or drinking water, irregular meals are little things that will at times upset the best of us. Nothing particular the matter, but we don’t feel good. At such times the wise among us will take a few doees of Chamberlain's Tablets with certain knowledge that they will put us right tight aw^y.—fAdytJ
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Evening Star, Issue 14520, 21 March 1911, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 14520, 21 March 1911, Page 3
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