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SIX" .n. George Street. Just Opened! New Seamless Carpet Squares, Large Piano Rugs, and Fresh Designs in Linoleums! . SEAMLESS AXMINSTER CARPETS, turkey and plain grounds, with conventional small - . patterns. Greens, Reds, Fawns, Blues, etc Size 3 x 3J, £3 10/6; 3 x 4, £6 S/j 31 x 4 £5 19/6; 13ft by 9ft 9in, £5 5/. . Half a dozen Beautiful Different Pattern? it: [ each size to select from. LARGE PIANO RUGS. 7ft by 4ft 6in, 29/11, 32/6, 35/. k NAIRN'S LATEST DESIGNS IN LINOLEUMS. comprising small mattings, *mall figures, turkey and tile; in Blues, Greens, Browns. Pinks, Reds. etc.. etc. Lowest prices! Veilings! Veilings! Veilings! The New Veilings are very attractive, and we are selling them at prices that will interest you, ir. Russia, Ascot, large fancy meshes, spots, etc. Over 400 pieces, mostly Black: also in Greens, Browns, Navy, Grev, Mole, Prunelle, etc. The usual values of these Veilings are 1/3, 1/6, 1/9. 1/11. Your choice for 8d per yard. Ladies, have a look at this line, and then compare it with others ysu Bee elsewnera Valenciennes and Torchon Laces and Insertions! Our Home Buyer has again been fortunate in securing a big job lilt uf the above. The widths are from lin to 4in, and most or them are quite worth 3d to Cd per yard. Among the above am about 50 pieces of Real French Valenciennes which are honestly worth 1/ per yard ; This is no idle boast! Come and see if what wo say is correct We are showing this line on table just inside door, and the price is 1/9 for 1 dozen yards. Ladies' Hosiery! Ladies' Hosiery! A good-fitting Stocking, something that will wear and keep its color, is what every lady wamts. We sell the most reliable makes, and if you have not been getting your Hosiery from us, let us persuade you just to try one pair. We will be satisfied with your verdict. Black, in plain 1-1. 2-1, and fancy ribs, all colors, in Cashmere and Lisle Thread, also a very large selection of Black and Colored Embroidered, strifes and clocks. Children's Socks, J-length, in heavy knitted wool, also stripes. Our Assistants will be pleased to show you anything In the Hosiery Department, and you won't be pressed to buy. Another Shipment of New Velvets and Dress Materials! The s.s. Rangatira has brought r us a further supply of the very •latest fabrics in Tweedf, Cheviots, and Cloths, Plain and Corduroy Velveteens, and the new Panne Velvets and Satins for trimmings. Striped Diagonal Twill Tweeds, in * Green, Peacock, and Heather i mixtures, 2/6 yard. Striped Smooth-make Diagonal Tweed, in Light Grey, Reseda, Vieux Rose, Green, and Heather, ', 2/11 yard. I Novelty Stripe Harringbone Tweeds, in very choice colorings, as Seaweed Green, Terra Cotta, Saxe, Vieux Rose, and Cinnamon Brown, 3/3 yard. Fashionable Friezes, Homespuns, and Donegal makes, in the neau- , tiful soft Heather mixtures now so popular, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11 yd. , ' Our Dressmaking Department is ' \ increasingly popular, and the charges '"""" are the lowest compatible with firstclass work. All items are detailed. Smart and Fashionable and Skirt Deot. Our ranges of P.D., W. 8., W. <ft Woollen Knitted Coats. £ »Tl'bSr.'i3 Atlttimi\ J,, the new long shapes, with short Z»\i>l-\IMIM H»tC. busts. The values cannot be beaten and the assortment is very large. These Popular Coats are to be W. & R > Co™ts /ngli* made, MlHll\^rv' more worn than ever this season. _ nistproof,2/11, 3/6, 4/IVS/11. WlUllllCry • We have a splendid selection of P ? ;il C^f t a S ; 11 Fr^ h s£*' ' fll „ m * 6/11, 6/6, 8/111 9/11, 12/6. tllem ' D. & A. Canadian Corsets. 4/11, Rink Coats, in self colors and w traeV™Rustproof American Cor- Our exquisitely-trimmed Hats are Cream, from 3/6 to 14/11. sets 3/11, 6/11, 7/11, 9/11. . attracting very great attention. The Norfolk Coats, .in Heather, self WB. Erect Form Corsets, American Mason's Display is pronounced uncolors, and Cream, from 6/11 to I "*' **[ rivalled in the City, as much for its ' ' Moreen and Moirette Underskirts.— largeness and extent as for its Golf Coats, in medium and long Just opened, a very fine range, in : ; lit and beautv A single lengths, in Heather, all colors all the new colors and Black, original*} and beauty, a single ancT Cream 14/11 to 22/. 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 8/6, glance at the New Millinery will 10/6, 12/6, 15/6, 17/6, 19/ti, to te]] yo „ why the g alon is always a ' , _ . ~ . ~£,,.. busy spot! Style and Smartness Children's Coats and «• distinctly featured, and in our assemblage of artistic productions PellSSes! Fascinating BloUSmgS ! will be found a variety to suit all. 104, at akntit Half Priro I , We s P eci , alis( ? in Blousings and The following are in good style :- lU* ai aDOUI liau rnce i naV( , now showing the most charming things in Golf Blousings, Vel--104 Children's Natty Little Coats ete <» Smart Black Chi P Hat - the Miss and Infants' Pelisses, samples of#" E E nk * b J? O JJTv„Iv! Gibbs shape, trimmed stylish bow a Home traveller, bought at 10 ™ e > ™ Patently lovelj G]ace fi per cent, off Home prices and &0 £ v B v lou Jet Cabochon, 12/6. marked correspondingly cheap. £PJ, liiown, fmetn\st saxe, They consist of Cream Corduroy, \* ux * lose ', ™ d lri olne ,, B rounds - Velveteen, Caracul, Nestling, and 6JJ W ™ d J.°* d s >.* rd - tp nPW (2) Toque Hat of Satin Straw, in Plain Cloths. Prices from 2/11 Flannelette Blousings in quite new > hj , +« 14/B- «-nrth fi/fi to 07/fi each n»«sh and up-to-date patterns. oaxe Jioie, nose, nrown, to 14/6, worth b/b to _//o eacn. Bjd, 9Jd, 10jd. etc., bell-shaped brim, bent down Sateen and Satin Laine Finish a little in front, with full crown . ~ , ... . - , Blousings, in new stripe and Pais- 0 f same straw, rich bow of ribbon. Ladies WaterprOOlS 1 ley effects and soft shades, Bjd, etc _ 21/< 10fd, and 1/ yard . x , , . . - Unshrinkable Flannel Blousings, in A great ch ™* °J * h $ smart stripes, 1/, 1/3, 1/6, 1/11* (3 ) Black Velvet Picture Hat, the Ladies' and Misses Showerproof ' . . . ' and Waterproof Coats- New Delaine Blousings, stripes and h ™ of , Ich ,s , b °' dly Maids', 30in to 48in, 18/6 to 25/. Paisley patterns, 1/6, 1/11*. 2/3 at the left Black Ostrich Feather Ladies', 50in to 58in, 26/6 to 63/. yard. Tl P s a * Elde . 27 ' 6 - Children's Coats and Pelisses! 104 at about Half Price! 104 Children's Natty Little Coats and Infants' Pelisses, samples of a Home traveller, bought at 10 per cent, off Home prices, and marked correspondingly cheap. They consist of Cream Corduroy, Velveteen, Caracul, Nestling, and Plain Cloths. Prices from 2/11 to 14/6j worth 6/6 to 27/6 each. Ladies' Waterproofs ! A great choice of the latest in Ladies' and Misses' Showerproof and Waterproof CoatsMaids', 30in to 48in, 18/6 to 25/. Ladies', 50in to 58in, 26/6 to 63/. Autumn Millinery! Our exquisitely-trimmed Hats are attracting very great attention. The Season's Display is pronounced unrivalled in the City, as much for its largeness and extent as for its originality and beauty. A single glance at the New Millinery will tell you why the Salon is always a busy spot! Style and Smartness are distinctly featured, and in our assemblage of artistic productions will be found a variety to suit all. The following are in good style : (1) Smart Black Chip Hat, the Miss Gibbs shape, trimmed stylish bow of Black Glace Silk, finished with Jet Cabochon, 12/6. (2) Toque Hat of Satin Straw, in Saxe, Green. Mole, Rose, Brown, etc., bell-shaped brim, bent down a little in front, with full crown of same straw, rich bow of ribbon, etc., 21/. (3) Black Velvet Picture Hat, the brim of which is turned up boldly at the left, Black Ostrich Feather Tips at side, 27/6. GeOrge Street. Branch at South Dunedin Light Always Attracts. That's why you, Mr Retailer, will find it a paying proposition to have your shop-front illuminated with the latest lightTHE EXCELLO FLAME ARC LAMP. It gives a magnificent blase of well-diffused light, and is about thti cheap'est light in the world, next to sunlight. 18,000 Candls Power only costs 1s 4d per hour. LET US TELL YOU MORE. TURNBULL fi? JONES. Limited, Sole Agents in the Dominion. 5. Mcdonald's If you're looking for Bargains come straight to McDonald's. We are the favorites with care-HALF-YEARLY ful and economical buyers. You can rely upon getting from us Good, Honest, and Reliable BOOT AND SHOE Boots and Shoes at Prices Lower than the Lowest. What you save on one pair enables you to buy another. SALE Still Going Strong. s. McDonalds cash boot store, 97-99 Stuart Street. J. Napier, Manager.
WANTED Known—That Bill-heads, Circulars, Cards, Programmes, and General Printing of fvery description are executed at the 'Evenki,' Star' Office at moderate rate*.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 8
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1,456Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 8
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