PUBLIC NOTICES. BARGAINS! Crockery, and Household Supplies at 'KitchseVir* 2 I —NOW ON! 1,000 Colored Plates, dinner size, jobbing at 4d each. Enamel Frying Pans, lOin, 1/3. China Tea Set,_ floral design, clearing at 10/6. Brass-rail Fenders, 4ft, clearing at 10/6. 500 Soiled Table Knives, 2/9 per half dozen. Lamps (slightly soiled), a large number to be cleared off at greatly reduced prices. Glass Butter Dishes, with lids, reduced to lOJtl.and 1/. China Tea Plates, white and gold, reduced to 1/10} per half dozen. 500 Hanging Flower Pots, imitation majolica, to be cleared at 1/ each. Big lot of Tumblers, reduced to 2/3 and 2/6 per dozen. Big lot of Baking Tins, reduced to 6d, 9d, and 1/. White and Colored Toilet Sets, special bargains at 6/9, 8/9, 9/. Tea Set, *lO pieces, white and gold, clearing at 8/9. Glass Jam Dishes, great variety, jobbing at 3d, 4d, and sd—and scores of others! Carpenters' Tools reduced during the Sale 2/ in the pound. George St. (near Octagon) Moray Place (corner Gt. King St.)
Page 8 Advertisements Column 3
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 8
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