YOU TAKE CARE TO OBTAIN the best possible and most _. suitable diet to protect your health. How much mora careful should you be in the choice of a medicine. SANDER'S EUCALYPTI EXTRACT has very valuable curative and healing cctions; but the socalled Eucalyptus Extracts, which are crude oils, made by persoj.s ignorant of chemistry, tave done great harm by their irritant action. I'herefora, reject them. Insist upon a pure, active, non-irritant, and uniform product. SUCH IS SANDER'S EXTRACT. Remember that SANDER'S EXTRACT was proved by authoritative experts, at the Supreme Court of Victoria, to contain antiseptic and healing substances not contained in other Eucalyptus products. It is quality, in small dose, that made SANDER'S EXTRACT famous, and its best advertisement is: SANDER'S EXTRACT. For coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles, fevers, diseases of the digestive and urinary tystem, 5 drops in a tablespoon water. To wounds, ulcers, eczema, etc., 15 drops to tablespoon olive oil. and apply.
Footballers Here You Are! Now that the Cricket Season is over It's about time to prepare for Football. We have just opened a full range of Football and Hockey Jerseys in leading and club colors. We can supply the following local Club Football Jerseys : Alhambra, Zingari-Richmond, University, Pirates, Southern, Union, Kaikorai, and High School. Ours are the popular best make or Cotton Jerseys, with collar and laced fronts, light, strong, and guaranteed fast colors. Prices, 6/6 and 6/11. Sizes, from 34 to 38 inches and boys' sizes. Football Knickers, in strong Navy and White Drill, all sizes. 2/11, 3/6, and 3/11. , , , Elastic Football Belts, in club colors, 1/6. Shin Protectors, with and without Ankle Guards, 2/6 and 3/9. The Clothing Dept. Drapery Supply Assn. George Street. See our Fine Window Display of Football Requisites. •• ecimen Vases! J \ These Vases are of exceptional value and I \rJ are very dainty for table decoration. j{ _ We have many other designs, all of equally good 1«N value, and we extend to you an invitation to view Va! our immense itock ' I DAWSONS, LIMITED, The Premier Silversmiths, 14 Princes Street. Dunedin (Next Herbert, Haynes).
Page 7 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 7
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