On the arrival of the tram from DanneTirke at Wellington on Saturday evening it was found that among the passengers \va>s a boy, eight years old, who gave the name of O'Leary. There was no cue tu meet him at the" station, and the only account ho could give of himself was that lie had come to Wellington to meet his Uncle Jim. The police took charge of the ..boy, who, however, disappeared from the police station yesterday morning, and had net been, discovered last night. As he had Is 2d in his pocket it is thought, that he may have gone riding on the tramcars. The boy had no hat or boots. The annual meeting of the Timaru A. and P. Society was held Inst Saturday. The report shows a satisfactory \e-ar, the profits being £3OO. With this sum and the balance from- last year the is £4BB. Debentures amounting to £6OO have been paid off, buildings added to the value of £230, and renovations £72, leaving a debit of £57. -Mr H. Ehvorthy was elected president, and Mr J. Withell vice-presi-dent. Five men charged with pi vying " twoup" at tho Pareora freezing wdiks last Sunday were caught in a rush by Detcc tive Fahey and Constable M'Clatehey. There was a difficulty in identifying the defendants, as a party of a s/ore or so bolted into rooms when the police cycled up, and three of the cases were dismissed. Two of the defendants, however, a-ere convicted- and fined £3 each or fourteen days.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 6
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