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AMUSEMENTS. - Proprietors: John Fuller and Sons. TO-NIGHT, and Erery Evening at 8. PULLERS' VAUDEVILLE COMPANY. "" EVERYTHING~NEW TO-NIGHT (MONDAY). NEW ITEMS. NEW ARTISTS. Headed by The Great, fho Wonderful, the Only Weird HASSAN. Sensational Mystio HASSAN. Thrilling Magic HASSAN. Sorcerer HASSAN is the Direct Descendant of a long line of Indian Seers and Wonder-workers. Ho is in a class by himself. Don't Forgot!—TO - NIGHT !—" HASSAN," And His Great Eyelid Lift. First Appearance of BANVKEN, BANYEEN, English Musical Specialty Act. First Appearance of DELWYN and TYE, DELWYN and TYE, Australia's Favorite Serio Double. First Aupearancc of End WILL DAGMAR, Man. Unrivalled Popularity of Patter THE RHODESBURYS Artists Midget VICTOR MYERS. Comedian Operatic BERYL GILMAN. Soprano WILL ROBEY. THE ROSEBUDS. JOS. MULLANEY. JACK KNOWLES. A Programme of Exceptional Interest. Seldom Equalled—Never Excelled. 0.5., 2s; D.C., Is 6d; Stalls, Is; Back Stalls, 6d. Plan at Jacobs's. TO LET. \0 LET, 5-roomed House, bathroom, wash- . house. ApDly Ingram, Caversham. TO LET, Double Bow-window 5-roomed House; conveniences. J. Ruston, 102 Cargill road, KensiTigton. TO LET, 5 and 3-roomed Houses; keys 105 Arthur street. Apply 58 Glen avenue, Mornington. "10 LET, 6-roomed House (730 King street), - gas, hot and cold water, modern conveniences; large section. Drapery Supply Association, George street. TO LET, 8-roomed Houso (water, gas, bath), 19 Neidpath road, Eglinton; low rent. Alex. Mercer, 48 Canongate. mO LET, Burkes (near Station), Five'JL roomed House; every convenience; asphalt paths. Inquire Railway Station. TjO LET, nice, convenient House; rent, 16s. 115 Macandrew road. rpiO LET, 3-roomed House. Apply Mrs . Wilson, Baldwin street, N.E.V. nnO LET, comfortablo Furnished Rooms, JL with or without Board. Electric House, 70 Stafford street. . 9-roomed House; conveniences; newly done up. S. De Leon, Sievwright's Buildings. TO LET, large Shop in George street, lately occupied by a fruiterer. Apply Archibald Miller, grocer. ?pO LET, 6-roomed Brick House, 504 Castlo J- street; peur.y section. Apply 534 Castle street. TO LET, 8-roomci House, 58 Dowling street; all modern conveniences; rent, 30s week. D. Moloney, 90 Princes street. TO LET, iarj.'o Floor Space; suitable for warehouse, show rooms, or factory. Apply A. Moritzson and Co. NINE-ROOMED Brick House (all conveniences), Lower London street. Wilkinson and Sou, chemists. MEETINGS. ST. CLAIR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. mHE CONGREGATION are to Meet for a -B- Sociabh Evening nt the Church on WEDNESDAY, March 22, at 8 p.m. The Committee will bo glad to welcome all Residents of the District who may wish to meet the Rev. G. Lindsay and Mrs Lindsay, or to join in acknowledging the services of the Rev. W. Scorgie as Interim Moderator. ST. KILDA. HARRIERS. THE FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING of the above Club will be held in Wesley Hall, Musselburgh, on THURSDAY, March 23rd, at 7.30 p.m. Members and Intending Members earnestly requested to attend. C. H. BRADY, Hon. Secretary. milE TWKNTV-THIRD ANNUAL MEETi- ING of the MORNINGTON ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB will be heid THIS (Monday) EVENING, 20th March, in the Mornington Council Chambers Hal!, at 8 o'clock sharp. JAMES HAIG, Hon. Sec.
DUNEDIN TECHNICAL SCHOOL. 'A MEETING for Iho Annual Distribution J\ of Certificates and Diplomas, and for the Formal Opening of the Evening Classes, which begin on the 27th inst., will be heid in the Early Settlers' Hall at 8 p.m. on FRIDAY, 24th inst. Students entitled to Certificates and Diplomas are particularly requested to be present. All seeking informalion regarding the Evening Classes or interested in the working of the same are invited to attend. ANGUS MARSHALL, Director SHIPPING. S.S. STRATLiENDRICK, from New York. CAPTAIN H. BROWN will NOT BR RESPONSIBLE for any DEBTS contracted by his CREW without; his Written Authority. ALL CLAIMS and ACCOUNTS against the Vessel must be rendered to ihe undersigned in Triplicate before noon on WEDNESDAY Next, the 22nd inst., otherwise .same will not. be recognised. VACUUM OIL CO PROPRIETARY, LTD., Crawford street, Agents. ELECTION NOTICES. CITY MUNICIPAL ELECTION. TO THE ELECTORS OF LEITH WARD. ""- ADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—Having Lj been asked to stand for the above- Ward by a large number of Voters desirous of securing now blood in the City Council's deliberations, I desire to say in reply that, having ample time, I shall be glad to REPRESENT THIS WARD, where all my own interests are. If relumed you can rely upon me TO CONSERVE THE INTERESTS OF THIS WARD AND OF THE CITY GENERALLY. Yours respectfully, H. B. COURTIS, (Late City Gas Engineer). GOVERNMENT NOTICES. NEW ZEALAND RAILWAYS. SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF COAL. Railway Department, Head Office, • Wellington, 9th March, 1911. WRITTEN TENDERS will be received afc this Offlce up to noon of MONDAY, 27th March, 1911, for the SUPPLY and DE-' LIVERY of NEW ZEALAND COAL into Railway Waggons for New Zealand Railways. Specifications and forms of tender to bo obtained at the Railway Storekeeper's Offices, Newmarket, Addington, Hillside, and Invercargill, the Railway Manager's Offices, Whangarei and Dargaville, and the Stores Manager's Office, Wellington. Tenders to be addressed to the General Manager, New Zealand Railways, Wellington, and to be marked outside '"Tender for Coal." The lowest, or any tender will not necessarily bo accepted, and telegraphic tenders will not be entertained. By order. T. RONAYNE, General Manager N.Z. Railways. TIME-TABLE ALTERATIONS. WEDNESDAY, 22nd MARCH, 1911. "' THE TRAIN usually leaving Dunedin toPalmerston at 1.30 p.m. will NOT leave until 5.27 p.m., Purakanui 6.28 p.m., Waitati 6.52 p.m., Seacliff 7.35 p.m., Waikouaiti 8.25 p.m., Palmerston arrive 9.0 p.m. By Order. ■
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 5
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890Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 4 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 5
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.