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LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED Known—We Restore worst cases of Grey Hair to natural color; Scalp Treatment for Thin and Falling Hair. Misses Chilton-Button, hair and skin specialists, corner Manse and Princes streets. WANTED To Purchase, Piano, suitable for boginner; state full particulars and lowest price. Macassey and Co. S7STANTED, a Boy. Apply G. Ritchie, f No. 29 George street.. WANTED, experienced General fcervant; 17s 6d; small household; references. Miss Weir, 12 St. Andrew street. ANTED, Woman, to wash, half-day 1 I weekly. Apply 26 Hanover street. WANTED, Three Second-hand Counter or Offico Desks. State price, where seen. "Desk," 'Star' Office. r ANTED, at onco, good Carpenter for t t country. Apply llrisooo and Co., Ltd., Dunedin. WANTED, an experienced Housemaid, at once. Carlton Cafe, Dowling street. •yiTANTED, a General Servant; no washTV ing. Mrs Jacobs, Monowai, 67 London street. TANTED, young Girl assist in kitchen, » * etc.; sleep at home preferred. Lean, Graham street. WANT hD, smart Invoice Clerk; references required; state salary expected; applicants' correspondence strictly confidential. "Honesty," 'Star' Office. WANTED, a good, respectable Washerwoman. Apply 289 High street. "VI7ANTED, light General; all evenings off. Mrs Harvic, 27 Maitland street. WANTED, Travelling Salesmen and Canvassers for lucrative positions; a splendid opportunity. Apply 466 Cumberland street, Dunedin. WANTED, immediately, smart Lad for shop; good wages Wren's, Princes street. WANTED (Roslyn), young Woman to assist; no washing, no children. Box 310, Dunedin. W' ANTED (near Hospital), Unfurnished Room (private entrance if possible), or small Cottage. "Bachelor," 'Star' Office. WANTED To Rent, Five or Six-roomed House; handy town preferred. Apply G. A. Martin, care Brown, Ewing, and Co.; or 61 London street. WANTED Known—Superfluous Hairs Permanently Removed by only sure way; Scalp Treatment a specialty. Miss Clougli. V ANTED Known—For Gasfitting and Plumbing Repairs ring up C. S. Jenkins and Co., Dowling street. \T ANTED Known—Haircutting, as usual, J j 6d; 9 expert hairdressers _ in attendance; no waiting. Rose and Muir. WANTED.— Human Hair Switches ot finest quality from 7s 6d to £5 ss; grey and rare shades accurately matched. Topees, Transformations, Curl Clusters, etc. Combings Made Up from 2s ,6d. Hcndy's Hairdressing Rooms, Princes street. AmtENTICE for Hairdressing; smart, ami of good appearance. A. B. Hall (Hall's Hairdressing Parlors), South Dunedin. mAILfJRESS (experienced) Wanted as uia--fi. chiiiist; constant employment in highclass house. Addrcs3 "4,472," 'Star' Office. rjOY Wanted, smart, energetic. -\ppiy 13 E.k'ar Ii "ORINTERS.—Wanted, smart intelligent B . Boy as apprentice to tho printing; ust bo good reader. 'Tablet' Co., Octagon. BOY (smart) Wanted. -Apply, witn references, Manager, Gordon and Gotch, 202 Princes street. JOINER Wanted, spare time work. Apply Edgar Ritson, 58 Princes street. pU'HINIST.'rand Hand Sewers Wanted; L good wages, constant employment. City Cap Factoiy, 39 Dowling street. LADY'S Bicycle \Vanted. State pneo and maker to' " Waitress," Cafo Cecil, next Bank New Zealand. A NEW Departure.—Wallpapers : \\ c oiler '"* new ideas in Interior Decoration for ■ consideration, free. See our window:;, and visit our show room?; tho latest, largest, and moit carefully selected stock. Wren's, Wren's. ANNIVERSARY Day.-Excursion to J\. .Maori Kaik and North Spit. Maheno leaves Dunedin 10 a.m. Return Fare, Is. KATES Overhauled anil Repaired; EngO lish and American Skates supplied; Spare Parts kept. W. Melville, 56 George ;i AND F. MARTIN'S Great Fiirnitu. «. • Alteration Sale no.v on; a visit w repay you. 71 AND F. AiARTI.N'S Great Furmturo '. • Alteration Sale now on; a visit will
RIGHT'S Wallpapers.—Tho Designs you » » are looking ior only to be seen Wright's Art Paperhangings Depot, Moray iilmim. mrf street!. Be sure and call. NOTICE From January, 1911, we purjA pose Closing on Saturday at 1 p.m. V. Howell and Co. PHOTOGRAPHIC Supplies.—" Standard " jL Photographic Solutions arc the. cheapest and most reliable. Bagley's, nrxt George Street Post Office. MAT)KI~kAIK and North Spir.—Mahen') leaves Dnnedin 10 a.m., Anniversary Diiv Kxcursion. Fare. Is: Child.- n, 6d. "3~F you have sores which refuse- to heal, {ret JL 6d pot, Red Seal Ointment. Marshall's Pharmacy. STTIOR SALE, cheap, Piano; good tone, tine . appearance; also Sideboard, Duchesso IiTWR Immediate Sale, Thrco, SJ Caversham Rise (near penny section); Dwner leaving. " Offer." 'Star' Office. Business (good) ior bale; lour _QJ horses, two expresses; with, without freehold premises. " Express," ' Star ' Office. "BTiOR SALE (Valley, sunny side), 3 Room.5? and scullery; <V sections; tip-top order. Trustee," 'Star' Office. ' Per Cent. for £2so.—New Houses, sewered, hot bath; great ;uii). Boyd, Jetty street. fsnrjr' —Caversham: 5 Rooms, \-acce; ot'/WOt) grand garden; splendid view; owner leaving. Boyd, Jetty street. "B7VOK SALE, Pony Mare, three years; any JJ trial; lady can drive; £l2. James Newton, Burns street, Caversham. I,IOR1 ,10R SALE, 5-roomed House, bath, copper, Jj tubs; in good order; nice garden. " Reasonable," ' Star' Office. "B7IOR SALE, Empty Sacks. A. and J. . M'Parlane. v? Properties in Assigned Estate; sec Auction Notice. Riedle, Scurr. rIE only absolutely safe and mercury-free Teething Powders are Marshall's; 13 packets. At Marshall's Pharmacy. will buy a White Sowing Machine, . . with latest attachments. W. Melle, 56 George street. 71URN1TUEE cheaper than ever at Mar- ? tins' Great Alteration Sale nt the Oitft--311. Immense Ba.-gains in Furniture. rSTE are submitting Auction To-morrow 4 r » Properties in. Assigned Estate-; see 4ugtiq» Notice. Ripdle^jseurr...;._ >
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 5
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848Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 5
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Allied Press Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons New Zealand BY-NC-SA licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Allied Press Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.