gTYLISH COSTUMES FOB PEISBITE yfJtLK TJSKVUIi ?TWEED COSTUMES, in New Brown and Green Mixtures, all latest styles, .well Cut and finished, and all sizes, 455, 49s 6d, 555, 59s €d. • PLAIN TAILOR-MADE COSTUMES, in Navy Cloth, very smart and useful, neat Coat (silk lined) and well-cut Skirt, 35in to 40in bust, 79s 6d, 84s. SMART TWEED COSTUMES, in Imitation Harris and Donegal Tweeds, beautifully made and latest styles, all sizes, 69s 6d, 755, 84s, 99s 6d. EXCLUSIVE MODEL COSTUMES in Fine Face Cloths and Navy or Black Coating Serge, all perfectly cut, well finished, and no two alike, size 35in to 42in bust, 5, s£, 6, 6J, to 10 guineas. NEW BLACK VELVET COSTUMES, useful and most becoming, in latest styles, smartly trimmed braiding, only exclusive models shown, sizes 36in to 42in bust, 90s, 99s 6d, 5£ guineas, 6 guineas. ALL COSTUMES CAREFULLY FITTED AND ALTERED FREE of CHARGE.
. BLAKELEY, DENTIST, BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, Corner of Bond and Battray streets (Next Telegraph Office). Telephone 1,859.
PERFECTION. This one word fully describes Thomson's Cordials and Carbonated Waters. Their uniform high quality is constantly maintained. They are as good to-day as they wero yesterday. They would be better to-morrow if they could bo made better, but they have attained that perfection that places a superior beyond the art of manufacture. See that you get Thomson's always. Many a drink has been spoilt through carelessness in allowing cheap lemonade or sodawater to be mixed with, it. THOMSON'S 'Z. CAMERA COMPANY, * OCTAGON, DTJNEDIN. SPECIAL AGENTS FOR KODAKS, 6POOLS, and PRBMO CAMERAS. Dereloping, Printing, Retouching. AMATEUR REQUISITES. IAMSON'S BUILDINGS, DOWLINQ STREET. 9—TABLES.—9 Room run on up-to-date lines, and kept rery select. Tables may be engaged by the lour. Props, Messrs HOARB and BELL. WARONTTI." -d '"SUITE a number of new custo- ' mers have Riven " WARONUI " COAL a trial since the bejnnninjj of the year, and we have been told that many of them have been surprised at the saving they can maku eveu in the summer time. You see " Waronui" Coal costs only 23s a ton, and while it burns well and heats quickly, it also lasts better than even higher priced coals. BRUCE RAILWAY hj COAL CO., Tel. 317. 2 Vogel street. CHOICE. FASHIONABLE, ATTRACTIVE MILLINERY BROWN, EWING'S UNEQUALLED! Their Magnificent Show of Autumn MODELS is one of the best ever offered for r'nspcttion. FIRST-CLASS QUALITY, REASONABLE TRICES. »ROWN, EWING, & CO., LTD.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 4
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