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Mr Joseph Salmon, jun., was the recipient of a silver stop \vatch from the team who represented the Dunedin City Fire Brigade at Hokitika as a slight recompense for the valuable services rendered during their training. It was decided to present gold medals to Firemen Duncan and Eowe in recognition of their having put up a New Zealand record in tho Baby Rescue event at Hokitika. Mr P. D. Leslie, the manager for New Zealand of the Colonial Mutual Life Office, arrived from Wellington on Saturday night. The Rev. C. J. Bush-King has been appointed curate at St. Matthew's Church. Sir Richard Chaffey Baker, whose death occurred at Adelaide on Saturday, was tho firet President of the Commonwealth Senate. He was tho eldest eon of the Hon. John Baker, one of tho pioneers of South Australia, and Prime Minister of that State in 1857 (being a descendant of Sir John Baker, who was Speaker of the House of Commons in the reign of Elizabeth, and whose son, Richard Chaffey, wrote the ' Chronicles of tho Kings of England,' which was one of the first attempts to write the history of England). Called to the English Bar in 1864, he returned to Adelaide tho following year, and for many years practised law in that City in conjunction with Mr Barlow (now Chancellor of tho University), entered the local Parliament in 1868, and sat in one House or the other till he was called on to transfer his activities to the wider sphere of the Federal Parliament. hi 1884-6 he was sent to London, where he negotiated a contract with the British postal authorities for the conveyance of mails to Australia, and for the division of postal receipts between England and Australia. He was then given the C.M.G. ; took a pro minent part in launching tho Federal movement; was a member of the Sydney Convention of 1891 and of tho National Convention (1897-8), was vice-president of tho latter; and knighted in 1895. Held the presidency of tho Federal Senate during two Parliaments, but retired at the end of 1906 owing to failing health. Represented the Commonwealth at the Delhi Durbar (January, 1903), when King Edward was acclaimed Emperor of India. Deceased was a recognised authority on constitutional law and on parliamentary practice He was sixty-nine years of age. The death of Bishop Stuart, who from 1877 till 1893 was Bishop of Waiapu, is announced, aged cighty-fouT years. In connection with St. Patrick's Day celebration, Lord Dudley was presented •with an address stating that his generous advocacy of justice to Ireland had placed Irishmen under a Listing obligation to him. Lady Dudley was presented with a diamond brooch. A Wellington telegram states that Mr Thomas Blatchford, chief warder at the Terrace Gaol, formerly principal warder at Lyttelton, died this morning from pneumonia. Sub-inspector Phair left for Timaru by the second express to-day. Many of his old comrades in the service saw him off. Tho Hon. T. Mackenzie left for Canterbury thin morning. He is to open the Wa'i&u show to-morrow. Ilk immediate movements thereafter are not as yet definitelv settled. At the St. Peter's, Caversham, Sunday School yesterday Mr Jenkins, on behalf of tho teachers and scholars, presented to the Rev. V. ft. Bryan King, who is resigning his position as superintendent, a framed picture, 'Tho Flight Into Egypt,' as a token of esteem and in recognition of Mr King's services to tho Sunday school during tho eighteen rears he has been teacher and superintendent. Mr King suitably acknowledged the present. A Christ-church telegram states that Mr Thomas Ballantyne, a well-known North Canterbury contractor, diod on Saturday. In tho early days ho settled on the West Coast, and'was'tho late Mr Seddon's first employer in New Zealand. Mr" H. B. Courtis announces in this issue that ho will be a candidate, for the representation of Loith Ward in the City Council. Mr A. H. Todd, on leaving the. employ of Messrs Fyfe and Cuming to tako a icsponsible position in Core, was presented by the employees with a gladstone bag. suitably inscribed, and a set of military brushes. Mr M'Kay, in making tho presentation, spoke of "the good feeling existing between Mt Todd and the other members of the stuff. Mr Todd suitably responded. A Westport P.A. message advises that Mr Jonathan Dixon will not bo able to act as a, commissioner on accidents and ventilation in mines.
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Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 4
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734PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 4
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PERSONAL Evening Star, Issue 14519, 20 March 1911, Page 4
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